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 Read the military situation in Syria

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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Read the military situation in Syria Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Read the military situation in Syria   Read the military situation in Syria Icon-new-badge16/11/2011, 20:34

Read the military situation in Syria
There is no doubt that the time after the unprecedented decision taken by the League
Arab and recently described by U.S. sources that it was more of a militant
Expected, will never be as it was before that, in the region as a whole or on
Upper Syria in particular.

"Arabic is a radical shift confirms that the decision to oust President Bashar al-Assad has taken on
The global level is no longer figure in detail, but, "This is confirmed by diplomatic sources
See the military option, "the logical choice after 8 months of the crisis that claimed the
The lives of thousands. "
Scenario is not ruled out military as well as in reading strategists
The Lebanese military of the situation in Syria. They are, Taking a comprehensive rule out regional war
Iran to participate in the defense of the Syrian regime, expect a key role in Turkey
The next phase may determine the point of how things Syria.

Do you believe in Turkey "Benghazi" new-e-Syrian dissidents?

Of all that talk about the end of the time lost and time to give opportunities to the Syrian regime,
The recently issued in this regard by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmet Davutoglu
Who said: "The Syrian regime has given us one last chance but he did not exploit," the President finds
Studies Center, "Middle East", a military expert, retired Brigadier General Hisham Jaber
"We are still in the phase of pressure on Syria to take over one of its leaves and by the 3
Still refuses to give up one of them: the paper of Iraq, Iran, and paper party
God after the collapse of her paper with the Palestinian movement Hamas from her lap to lap
The Egyptian. "Jaber said:" No decision to drop after the Syrian regime, but under pressure to deliver
His papers, "and rule out military action against Syria in the foreseeable future, especially by
NATO, at the same time expressing his belief that "Turkey is seriously considering the establishment of
Benghazi is like a buffer zone is a new area will offer 20 km and over a 100
Km as a military base will be essential for the Syrian army defector, where he is attending to the operations
Military backed by Turkey to the heart of the system. "Jaber and draws out that" a similar scenario
Syria will enter into a civil war and the first to be affected by Lebanon and Jordan. "In a reminder
That "a military solution on Libya ended in thousands of deaths," warns that "the solution
On Syria's military will exceed hundreds of thousands. "
Qatiha: Geography Syrian splits large delay in the army

The buffer zone which contains defectors from the Syrian army, does not rule out a scenario
Also, a military expert, retired Brigadier General Wehbe Qatiha, who sees that Turkey
Candidate to play this role and strongly. Qatiha explains that "the Libyan scenario is
Excluded as well, meaning the intervention of NATO forces as NATO can stand on
Syrian coast to secure a naval base for the army dissident and assisted in the operations
Fighting to secure air cover, "stressing that" the solution may be privileged and Turkey
May be internationally excellent. "
Qatiha and explains that "Geography does not help the Syrian troops to split because the
Each barracks and equipment located on the border with the almost complete absence of the Golan in the north
And north-west Syria, it is difficult to complete the great divisions that the soldier will not be able to timely
Mechanisms to take with him. "

Jaber: Iran may provide Pantharien Syria and Hezbollah will not stand by and watch

Jaber confirms that the price to give up the Russian veto would be "quite a high price Kalthmn
She would ask China, "asserts that" any waiver by Russia and China will not be tomorrow. "
He adds: "I do not the Syrian regime can still save itself through the correction work
First on the security line, second, opening up the media and the correct way of dealing
With him and use it, starting a reform program quickly and Fourth, work on the line
Through diplomatic negotiation of securities held by the three "
He asked: "Why do not enter Syria today before tomorrow as a mediator between Iran and America
Then Hillary Clinton will come out the same per night to say that the reform in Syria is going
On the right track. "
The rule Qatiha Jaber and the outbreak of regional war in the region, it is expected that Jabir
, Iran and "if things have evolved to provide Pantharien Syria," and adds: "No one
In the event ensures that it has entered Syria in the civil war did not extend beyond the war
For the region as a whole, and then Hezbollah will not stand idly by. "
The Qatiha hoping that the Syrian president "rational Vivaod on the transfer of power
Gaddafi to avoid a scenario, "pointing out that" Iran can not enter the war in defense of
For the Assad regime, who negotiated on his head now. "
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Read the military situation in Syria   Read the military situation in Syria Icon-new-badge19/11/2011, 00:18

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