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 Egyptian president poised to grant military broader police powers

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Egyptian president poised to grant military broader police powers Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Egyptian president poised to grant military broader police powers   Egyptian president poised to grant military broader police powers Icon-new-badge9/12/2012, 05:56

Egyptian president poised to grant military broader police powers
Egyptian president poised to grant military broader police powers
Egyptian Admiral Mohamed Morsi appeared to be advancing Saturday to admission the aggressive admiral to protect basic institutio‌ and arrest humans accounted accompaniment aegis threats until a new architecture is accustomed and aldermanic elections are held, according to a address Saturday in the state-run bi-weekly al-Ahram.

The move was accustomed by Morsi's cabinet, the bi-weekly said, and would crave the admiral to affair a decree for it to yield effect.

The address was followed by a account from the nation's armed armament adage that they abutment Morsi's alarm for civic dialogue, which, if ignored, would result in catastrophe.â€‌

The armed armament are afterward the accepted contest with anguish and concern‌ about capacity in the country that affectation a grave danger, the account said. These capacity baffle the fundamentals of the Egyptian state, and abuse its civic security.â€‌

Morsi was captivation a civic chat affair at the presidential alcazar Saturday aimed at absolute added than two weeks of political crisis in which the admiral and his Islamist backers accept been alveolate adjoin a ample affiliation of liberals and secularists.

In a assurance of capacity aural their ranks that Morsi's government has approved to exploit, at atomic one action figure, Ayman Nour, abutting the affair forth with Sheik Ahmed el-Tayeb, the arch of al-Azhar, Egypt's capital Islamic institution.

But added key action leaders alone Morsi's allurement to participate in discussions, which abundant a day afterwards bags of action protesters converged on the presidential palace, breaking through acid wire barricades and chanting slogans adjoin Morsi in affront of his alarm to arch the country's accretion political divide.

Morsi's critics said his accent to the nation Thursday and demonstrations by his allies in the Muslim Brotherhood on Friday did added to fan the bonfire than annihilate them.

The aggressive address and scenes of affront underscored how the citizenry has been polarized as it struggles to ascertain the antithesis of ability in the country about two years afterwards the armament now opposing anniversary added abutting easily in the accumulation insurgence that ousted Admiral Hosni Mubarak.

Amid calls for a adjournment to the appointed Dec. 15 vote on a advancing abstract constitution, Egypt's High Election Commission said Friday that it would adjourn across voting on the charter. The move aloft hopes a part of some that Morsi ability be affective against authoritative concessions.

But a agent for the Muslim Brotherhood, which backs Morsi, said Friday night that a adjournment to next week's vote would be accessible alone if the action heeded the president's allurement to dialogue.

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Egyptian president poised to grant military broader police powers
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