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 Amount of oil production Syria

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
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Amount of oil production Syria Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Amount of oil production Syria   Amount of oil production Syria Icon-new-badge7/3/2012, 22:22

A report, "National Center Syrian Competitiveness" that reserve Syria's oil is estimated at about 2.5 billion barrels, enough for about 18 years old, with an average production of 377 A barrel per day, while he noted that the public debt in relation to budget revenues amounted to 145% in 2009.

The report, which measures the competitiveness of the economy, ABS (Russia Today) on its website, said that "oil production accounts for about 24% of the GDP of the country, and 25% of budget revenues, 40% of export earnings."

The report showed that "the public debt in relation to budget revenues amounted to 145% in 2009."

Revealed the Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources, in the month of November last, it is produced from light oil and heavy since the beginning of last year, and until the end of the third quarter, 103.219 million barrels, at a rate of 378 thousand barrels per day.

Syria was seen in recent years a decline in the volume of oil production, prompting the government to work to increase production by expanding the exploration and development of existing fields, but the recent sanctions against Syria's oil sector has imposed reducing the amount of production.

According to statistics of the Ministry of Oil that the production of Syrian oil fell from 600 thousand barrels per day in 1996 to 400 thousand in 2006 and 387 thousand now, as was the official reports predicted depletion of Syrian oil in 2025 before returning to official reports again to underestimate these expectations.

Syria was worked after the imposition of sanctions to reduce production by about 20 to 25%, also worked on the oil refineries running at maximum capacity.

And the imposition of the European Union and the United States of America, recently, a package of sanctions on Syria recently, included a ban on the import of oil derivatives from Syria and prohibit any future investment in this sector, in addition to sanctions on the Syrian Commercial Bank, companies and Syrian officials.

Europe imported 95% of Syria's oil in 2010 were distributed among 32% and Germany 31% Italy, France and the Netherlands 11%, 9%.

It is noteworthy that Syria is suffering for several months and a shortage of petroleum products especially diesel and gas, due to targeting "terrorist groups" to transmission lines, oil and gas, shipping and fuel oil from refineries to consumption areas.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


Amount of oil production Syria Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Amount of oil production Syria   Amount of oil production Syria Icon-new-badge7/3/2012, 22:35

Therefore, the Venezuela started supplying Syria diesel and other petroleum products, as well as Russia working on it

Thanks sam
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Amount of oil production Syria
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