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 Who is the owner of the Nobel Peace Prize 2012, the name and photo of the Nobel Prize for Peace 2012

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Who is the owner of the Nobel Peace Prize 2012, the name and photo of the Nobel Prize for Peace 2012 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Who is the owner of the Nobel Peace Prize 2012, the name and photo of the Nobel Prize for Peace 2012   Who is the owner of the Nobel Peace Prize 2012, the name and photo of the Nobel Prize for Peace 2012 Icon-new-badge11/10/2012, 02:46

Who is the owner of the Nobel Peace Prize 2012, the name and photo of the Nobel Prize for Peace 2012 Who is the owner of the Nobel Peace Prize 2012, the name and photo of the Nobel Prize for Peace 2012 Who is the owner of the Nobel Peace Prize 2012, the name and photo of the Nobel Prize for Peace 2012 Who is the owner of the Nobel Peace Prize 2012, the name and photo of the Nobel Prize for Peace 2012
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Who is the owner of the Nobel Peace Prize 2012, the name and photo of the Nobel Prize for Peace 2012
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