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 Photos and Video Robin Gibb's funeral, funeral pictures Robin Gibb, picture actors and actresses at the funeral of Robin Gibb, the reasons for and details of the death of Robin Gibb

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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Photos and Video Robin Gibb's funeral, funeral pictures Robin Gibb, picture actors and actresses at the funeral of Robin Gibb, the reasons for and details of the death of Robin Gibb Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Photos and Video Robin Gibb's funeral, funeral pictures Robin Gibb, picture actors and actresses at the funeral of Robin Gibb, the reasons for and details of the death of Robin Gibb   Photos and Video Robin Gibb's funeral, funeral pictures Robin Gibb, picture actors and actresses at the funeral of Robin Gibb, the reasons for and details of the death of Robin Gibb Icon-new-badge21/5/2012, 15:39

Photos and Video Robin Gibb's funeral, funeral pictures Robin Gibb, picture actors and actresses at the funeral of Robin Gibb, the reasons for and details of the death Photos and Video Robin Gibb's funeral, funeral pictures Robin Gibb, picture actors and actresses at the funeral of Robin Gibb, the reasons for and details of the death of Robin Gibb
of Robin Gibb
Photos and Video Robin Gibb's funeral, funeral pictures Robin Gibb, picture actors and actresses at the funeral of Robin Gibb, the reasons for and details of the death of Robin Gibb

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

Robin Gibb died singer in the band "Bee Gees" the famous British pop music for 62 years Sunday after a long battle with cancer on the family said.
The family said in a statement the death of the singer "great sadness".
It was Barry, Maurice and Robin Gibb arrived at the top of pop music in the seventies with songs such as "Deep Hao Sizzle Your Love" and "Stein Alive" and "Night Fever".
Robin Gibb had undergone 18 months before surgery to correct a problem related to a genetic defect in congenital bowel had died from the juniors his twin brother Maurice in 2003 for 53 years.
During this process a person injured Robin Gibb doctors tumor and cancer in the colon and liver.
The Robin Gibb said in February during a television interview that the treatment which he underwent a "good situation very well," but his health deteriorated after he returned to it significantly.
The sinking of the singer in a coma in a hospital in Chelsea (North London) come in to him with pneumonia. But he came out of the coma, which revived the possibility of hope for improvement in his situation.
And can not be buried because of the severe illness two weeks ago to participate in the classic introduced the first piece written, titled "Racoim Of The Titanic". The formation of this was shared by his son Robin made - John Gibb on the occasion of the centenary of the first sinking the largest ship in the world.
And made the band "Bee Gees' record sales of more than two hundred million records since its beginnings in the sixties of the last century.
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Photos and Video Robin Gibb's funeral, funeral pictures Robin Gibb, picture actors and actresses at the funeral of Robin Gibb, the reasons for and details of the death of Robin Gibb
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