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 The reasons for and details of the death of vintage and Warda, pictures and Warda 2012 after her death

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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The reasons for and details of the death of vintage and Warda, pictures and Warda 2012 after her death Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The reasons for and details of the death of vintage and Warda, pictures and Warda 2012 after her death   The reasons for and details of the death of vintage and Warda, pictures and Warda 2012 after her death Icon-new-badge18/5/2012, 04:13

The reasons for and details of the death of vintage and Warda, pictures and Warda 2012 after her death

artist was born, and Warda, whose real name is rose Vtuke in France in
1939, an Algerian father and a mother of a Lebanese family die of

started singing in France, was made known songs by artists at the time,
such as Umm Kulthum, and Asmahan, Abdel Halim Hafez, and returned with
her mother to Lebanon and there is a group of their own songs.

oversaw the education of the late Tunisian singer, honest rich, in the
club and her father in France, then after a while it became a special
paragraph in the club and her father.

to Egypt in 1960 at the invitation of the producer and director who
made my dream Rafla Btouladtha in the first film "Almaz and Abdou
Alhamoli" to become light temporary residence in Cairo and asked
Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, said that it added a section in
the operetta "the largest national."

from singing for years after her marriage, to request the Algerian
President Houari Boumedienne to sing in a gala Independence X to her in
1972, then returned to sing severing her husband Jamal
short-Undersecretary of the Ministry of the Algerian economy, returned
to Cairo, and began her career again and married a musician of the late
Egyptian eloquently Hamdi to begin his lyrical journey continued despite her divorce from him in 1979

her real art in the song (my time Bthlo), which was launched in 1979 in
a concert of music by direct Mr. Irons, was Umm Kulthum planned to give
this song in 1975 but she died. To keep the song for many years before the Lord until she sang and coffee rose.

Collaborated with Warda composer Mohamed Abdel Wahab, and provided with the composer Salah Sharnoubi famous work (Tunis, Beck).

and Warda in many films including "Almaz and Abdou Alhamoli" with just a
safe, yet Rushdi Abaza "Arabian Princess" and "my story with the
times," and also collaborated with Hassan Yousef in the movie "The Voice
of Love" was her first film after returning from Algeria .
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The reasons for and details of the death of vintage and Warda, pictures and Warda 2012 after her death   The reasons for and details of the death of vintage and Warda, pictures and Warda 2012 after her death Icon-new-badge19/5/2012, 02:34

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The reasons for and details of the death of vintage and Warda, pictures and Warda 2012 after her death
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