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 Information about Islam and what is Islam

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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Information about Islam and what is Islam
Information about Islam and what is Islam

Biography of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

1. What is the ancestry of the Prophet peace be upon him?
Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn Abd Manaf ibn Qusai bin dogs ibn Murrah ibn Ka'b bin Loay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik ibn Nadar Kenana Ben Ben Ben Khuzaymah aware of Ben Elias bin Mudar Bin warning bin Adnan bin contagious. Here is known to health. Adnan and above all in it. There is no dispute that Adnan was born of Ishmael and Ishmael was murdered to say the right thing. To say that Isaac is false. There is no dispute that peace be upon him was born in Makkah in the elephant. The offering of the Battle of the elephant given by God to His Prophet and his home and the people of the elephant, but the people of Christian religion, the book is better than the religion of the people of Mecca. Because they were worshipers of idols. Venzarethm is a victory for humans did not manufacture the offering of the Prophet, who directed the Quraish of Mecca. And respect for the country man's land.

2. His mother and his mother by Jaddath
Fuld said Ibn Hisham Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - Mr. Adam was born Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul Muttalib, the prayers of Allah and peace and mercy and blessings be upon him and his family. And his mother safe girl Wahb ibn Abd Manaf bin bin bin dogs flower once ibn Ka'b bin Loay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik ibn Nadar. And her mother: libra girl Abdul Uzza bin Othman bin Abd al-Dar bin Qusai bin dogs ibn Murrah ibn Ka'b bin Loay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik ibn Nadar. Mother or libra girl Habib Asad bin Abdul Uzza bin Qusai ibn Murrah ibn dogs ibn Ka'b bin Loay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik ibn Nadar. Mother or lover libra girl Auf bin Obaid bin Aouij bin Adi bin Ka'b ibn Loay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik ibn Nadar. Ibn Hisham: prophet (pbuh) - peace be upon him - was born Ashraf Adam HSPA, and the best rates by his father and his mother, peace be upon him.

3. The birth of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him
His son Isaac was born the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him on Monday to a dozen a night free of the first month of spring in the elephant.

4. His prophecy peace be upon him
When complete his forty shone by light of Prophethood and honored God sent him to his message and he is singled out and made him secretary of dignity and between him and the slaves. There is no dispute that driven by peace be upon him was on Monday and fell in the month of Alambos. He was told of eight rak'ahs of March the year forty-one of the elephant that is the words excel and it was said but that was in Ramadan, and protested these, saying the Almighty: the month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an al-Baqarah 185] said: The first thing that honored God 76 Almighty Npute sent down the Koran and to this he went A group of them Abbar Yahya says in Nonath and brought him forty Vocherqt sun of prophecy than in Ramadan and the ancients said, but he lowered the Qur'an in Ramadan, one sentence in much of the night to the house of glory and then sent down a mine, according to the facts in the twenty-three years. The range was revealed the Quran in any and venerate and would impose his fast. It was the beginning Alambos in the month of Rajab.

5. When sent a Messenger of God?
The son of Isaac, that the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - sent at the head of forty of his birth peace be upon him and this was narrated from Ibn Abbas and Jabir bin restaurant and Kabbat Ben Achim and tender and Said ibn al-Musayyib, and Anas ibn Malik which is true when the people walk, Scientific impact was narrated that Nbi for forty and two months of his birth and was said to Ben Achim Kabbat of the largest you or Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him -? The Messenger of God than me, and I am teeth of it was born Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - in the elephant and stood by my mother to Ruth the elephant and the story goes: Khozq bird I saw green assignor, which has brought it about and in other novel Bakaúa of this book that the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - said to Bilal, do not kill fast on Monday and I was born in it and sent it and when I die.

6. How was driven by peace be upon him?
The first is the start by the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him of the prophecy is the vision could not see the dream but it came true like the morning. Said and that was six months and the duration of prophecy Twenty-three years this vision is part of the forty-six parts of prophecy and God knows best. God then honored prophecy came King is a cave of Hira and liked to be alone in it. What's the first thing that came down to him from the Koran? The first thing sent down to him read the name of your Lord who created the leeches 1] This is the view Aisha and the public. Jaber said: The first thing sent down to him OO and the right to say p Aúhh for the faces of one of them: saying that I am a reader explicitly that it did not read anything before that. The second reading is in the order before it warning, if read in himself warned ordered him to read, including reading, including warning first and then read by the second. Third, talk Jaber, saying the first thing that was revealed of the Qur'an O Amma said Jabir and Aisha told about the experience of peace be upon him himself to do so. Fourth, the interview with Jaber, who protested by frank in that he had made the descent of the King shall first, before the descent of OO, it said, raising my head, if the king, who came to me bhraa she went back to my family and I said: These words revealed God Dtheroni O Amma told that the king, who came down bhraa he read the name of your Lord who created modern Jaber indicates the delayed onset of OO and the argument in his novel, not in his mind and God knows best.

7. What's the first thing that came down to him from the Koran?
The peace be upon him a cave of Hira and liked to be alone when the first thing sent down to him read the name of your Lord who created the leeches 1] This is the view Aisha and the public.

8. What is the arrangement of the call in his life, peace be upon him?
First place: a prophet.
The second warning his clan relatives.
The third warning his people.
IV: warning people to whom no warner before, and the Arabs as a whole.
V: warning all of his call in his own language of the jinn and mankind to last forever.

9. How was his call for peace be upon him to people?
Established peace be upon him three years calls for God Mstkhvaa then descended upon Himself will take care what you are commanded and turn away from the idolaters [stone: 94]. He announced peace be upon him by calling his people and spoken hostility intensified harm him and the Muslims until Allah permits them Balahjrtin.

10. Who is the first of a safe Npute peace be upon him?
As called for God responded to his worshipers from every tribe. Holder of a friend was the lead nation, Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him. Vozarh in the religion of God. He called him to God. Responded to Abu Bakr, Uthman, Talha and Saad, God bless them.
The response also initiated friendly women Khadija, may Allah be pleased. Islam and took the initiative to Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him. The son of eight years and more was said as it was to ensure the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him took him from his uncle.

11. What's it called peace be upon him in the Bible?
Ibn Ishaq: It was - what I have heard of what was to put Jesus son of Mary, while he received from God in the Bible to the people of the Bible - from a recipe the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, which proved Ahans Apostle them while copying them to the Gospel with the era of Jesus son of Mary, peace be upon him in the Messenger Allah - peace be upon him - to them, he said (from Ibgdhana the most odious of the Lord, and I had not made Bhoudrthm creatures of no-made one before me, what was their sin, but from now Boutroa and they thought they Aazzonni, and also to the Lord, but we must be the word in the law, they Ibgdona for free, any void. if may come Almnhmana is this that sends God to you from the Lord and the Holy Spirit is this that from the Lord out is a martyr Ali and you too; because you are old you were with me in this, I said to you so do not complain). Almnhmana and Syriac: Mohammed, a Balromeh Barkulaitts Allah bless him and his family and him.

12. What are the names of the Prophet peace be upon him?
All of which epithets are not flags, purely just to the definition, but the names derived from the characteristics of its list had him praise and perfection is best known Muhammad, Ahmad, and Mutawakkil, and Mahi, and am today and the carriage and Almagafi and the Prophet of repentance and the Prophet of mercy and the Prophet of epic and light and the Secretary. Attached to these names the witness and evangelist, Bashir, prognostic and denominator and cheerful, fighting, Abdullah and the lit candle and the leader of the sons of Adam and his brigade, praise and the above-Mahmoud and other names because the varying names if the descriptions of the praise he may of every description name but should distinguish between the description of the relevant tags, or often it and its derivative it has a name and description do not have a common name than his.

13. How he called Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him?
Ali ibn Abi Talib, peace be upon him if qualified Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said not too much for the short Almmguet not AC. It was just four of the people, not Paljad cats or tribe was Jaada man was not Palmthm not Almklthm was white tinged, Adj eyes Ohdb labia Jalil epiphyses and Ketd accurate leaked bare Htn hands and feet if you walked off, as if walking in the Sbb and if I turned turned together, between his shoulders Seal of Prophethood and he (peace be upon him) Seal of the Prophets finest people CVA, and the boldest people breaststroke, and believe people tone and fuller people edema and Olinhm complaisant and the most honorable ten saw intuition Ouhaba and Khalth love says Naath have not seen before or after him like peace be upon him.

14. How was his clothes peace be upon him?
He had a turban called: clouds hung high and was worn and worn underneath the hood. He was wearing a hood without a turban and wearing a turban without a skullcap. And if delayed cast a turban between his shoulders, as was narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh from 'Amr ibn Hurayth said (I saw the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him on the podium and be a black turban has cast a both ends between his shoulders) and was worn in every home to what suits him, and to wear a shirt and was loved clothes to The sleeve to the wrist and wearing robe, poultry, a semi-Alqaba and vulvar and wearing Alqaba also confusion in the travel meal narrow ambush and wear Mizar and robe, he was poor and push along the six arms of the three inch lower garments of woven Amman along the four arms and an inch in the presentation of arms and an inch.

15. What to wear Ghalib peace be upon him and his companions?
Ghalib was wearing what he and his companions are woven of cotton and perhaps what they wore woven of wool and linen.

16. How was the gift peace be upon him in a dress?
Was a gift of dress to wear whatever dress of wool and sometimes cotton, sometimes and sometimes flax.

17. What a gift peace be upon him wearing a chill?
Wearing Yamania chill, cold and green robe and wearing Alqaba and shirt, pants and waist-wrapper and slippers and robe and sandals and cast a Alzaabh behind him sometimes and sometimes left. The Atlhy Balamamh under the palate.
Biography of the Prophet site

18. What a good recipe and perfume?
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him take the musk Vamesh his head and his beard and it was Allah bless him and grant him peace is not good, Bukhari. Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "good men what appeared squalls and cryptic color, and good women are the back color and hidden scent," and narrated by al-Tirmidhi in the literature section as stated in the good men and women, and women in the ornamental gate separation of good men and women, is a saheeh hadeeth.
Page merits Muhammadiyah

19. What I like the colors peace be upon him?
I love the clothes was white. The peace be upon him, but it does not look good, it was a sign that al-Sharif in his body that he does not dress him Itsch do not become dirty from sweat or what but it was the flies do not fall on his clothes.
Page merits Muhammadiyah

20. What a recipe his shoe and lightweight peace be upon him?
Was the sole of the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace Kabbalan Muthanna Cherakema any each Kabbalan, and Alkabbal is the lead is placed between the middle finger and the next, and called Hesaa, and The Prophet, peace be upon him puts a Alkabbalin between the thumb and the next, and the other between the middle and the next, and traps to walk (ie, sole). He was wearing sandals and not the hair, as has been seen Benalin M_khasovin any Mkhrozatan Mkhattin annexation of the strand to strand. And the length of his shoe and Asavan inch display of the following seven Kaaban foot fingers and five fingers abdomen and her head is selected. The peace be upon him says, recommending to the people: "If the shoe one of you, let him start his right hand, and if you let him start disarming the North."
Page merits Muhammadiyah

Biography of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

21. What a recipe ring peace be upon him?
It was a seal of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him a silver and alfalfa (ie closet) as well, and it was prayer and peace makes the lobe ring following his palm, engraved from bottom to top ((Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)), and so as not to be the word "Muhammad" peace be upon him over the word {God Almighty}.
Page merits Muhammadiyah

22. What recipe sword peace be upon him?
The pommel of the sword of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him a silver. "Is meant here by the sword, Zulfikar was hardly leaves him and it has entered Mecca on the opening. Alaqbiah and as nature is on the edge of the sword handle depends stop them so as not to lubricate.
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23. Did Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him a shield?
Zubair bin for Floater said: "It was the Prophet, peace be upon him one day shields and other accounts that he was the Prophet, peace be upon him seven Adra.
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24. What recipe Kahlah peace be upon him?
Ibn 'Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them that the Prophet peace be upon him said: "Akthaloua Balathmd charming sight and it grows hair," and claimed that the Prophet peace be upon him his Kohl Icthal them every night in this three and three in this. Saying (Akthaloua Balathmd) The addressee so healthy patient may harm her eye antimony, and antimony is a metal known as kohl stone and metal, a bright red to black hits. And he (it charming sight) any material strengthens and pay the poor descendants of the head, especially when added to it a little musk. As for the words (growing hair) which strengthens the layers of hair that are the eyes and eyelashes if Akthal its customary among the Akthal its not Iatdh Rmdt eye.
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25. What recipe living peace be upon him?
Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: "What is satiation of Muhammad, peace be upon him and gave the city since three consecutive days of the righteousness of bread, even before he died for the sake of any peace be upon him."
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "Oh God, Mark Rizk Mohamed Al staple food" (ie, what fills hunger) agreed.
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26. What drink recipe peace be upon him?
Ibn 'Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him: "I went with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and I Khalid bin Waleed, on the auspicious Fjatna a pot of milk he drank the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, and I am his right hand and Khaled from the north, he said to me: soup you the desired preferred by immortal, and I said I would Other on Sark anyone, then he said the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace: from the foods God food, let him say: "God bless us in and fed better than him, and gave him to drink Allah (God) to us, let him say: God bless him for us, and we have increased it "Then he said, The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him:" It is not something Adzye place food and drink is milk. "
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27. How was peace be upon him drink?
Ibn 'Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them that the Prophet peace be upon him drinking from Zamzam he is standing.
And for Anas bin Malik may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet Allah bless him and his family peace was breathing into the vessel three times in the drink and he says something and Arwa, saying (he was breathing into the vessel three times) in the novel to a Muslim (he was breathing in a drink three times) to be him because he drink from the pot and then remove him from it (his mouth) and then drink out of breath, and so he was not breathing in the middle of the pot or drink water. The peace be upon him often drink whilst sitting.
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28. What recipe Tkoth peace be upon him?
Jabir bin Samura said: "I saw the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him reclining on a pillow on his left."
And Abd al-Rahman ibn Abi reel his father said: "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: to tell you the greatest sins said Yes, O Messenger of Allah said: involvement in God and disobedience to parents, he said, and sat in the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and he was reclining, he said, and a certificate of Zor or false speech, he said, is still the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him say until we say I wish I kept silent. "
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29. What recipe bed peace be upon him?
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him a bed of Adam. (Ie leather) stuffed with fiber.
Abdullah bin Masood may Allah be pleased with him said: "I entered upon the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him while he was lying on the mat may impact Bjunbh I cried, and said: What makes you cry, O slave of Allah? I said: O Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - Chosroes and Caesar may Atún on ceramic, silk and brocade and you are sleeping on mats that may impact on your side!. he said: Weep not, O slave of God, to them life and in the Hereafter for us. "
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30. Mahidih peace be upon him to sleep?
It was the best blessings and delivery has slept the first night, and gives life and so on. And he went to bed he said: (O Allah, your name I die and live), and if I wake up said: (Praise be to Allah who sometimes Omatna and after the Resurrection).
The bed, if taken, would place his right hand under his right cheek, and said: "Lord, send culminal Amapk day slaves", narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad and women in the work day and night and Ibn classed as saheeh in al-Fath.

31. What recipe sneeze Messenger of Allah peace be upon him?
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him if he sneezes his clothes or put his hand on it and cut out his voice, narrated by Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi and the Governor.

32. What recipe gait Messenger of Allah peace be upon him?
Anas may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet peace be upon him if he walked Tikva (any money right and north and money in order to gait) and walk stomp (ie, close to the error).
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33. What's his status peace be upon him?
Was his peace be upon him between the apparent separation of sat down to learn it. Was happening and if the newly promise to Ahsah Elad, and repeat the word three times to reason with him,
The displays for all the words ugly and repulsive things about nickname in custom if forced to speak stated, and may Allah bless him and grant him peace The God between steps.
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34. What the guidance of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to laugh?
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him does not laugh, but smiles.

35. What the guidance of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, burst into tears?
Was not crying the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Bashhik and raising the voice and tears in his eyes, but even Tnemlan and listen to his chest wheezing, and crying for mercy and the dead out of fear for his nation and pity from the fear of God and when you hear the Koran and prayer night.
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36. What the guidance of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in the ride?
Rode horses and camels, mules, donkeys and rode the horse Lamp and sometimes naked other was conducted at times and was riding alone, most probably Abizaid succeeded on the back and perhaps Abizaid behind him and ride him and they were three camels Abizaid and men Abizaid and some of his wives was more imbrication of horses and camels.

37. What a gift peace be upon him in the transaction?
The best of people in treatment. And if Astslv already spent better than him. And if Astslv from a man already spent him and called him and said: God bless you in your family and the owner of the predecessor but praise and reward performance.

38. What a gift peace be upon him in the district need?
When he entered the toilet said: O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the malice and evil unclean abomination of Satan the accursed. When he came out to say: forgiveness was Istnja Istjmr water sometimes and sometimes stones and combines them sometimes. When he went on his journey to the need began to melt and his companions, perhaps it is about myelin. The need to conceal himself the target sometimes and sometimes Bhaúh palm trees and the valley at times. And if he wanted to urinate in Azaz from the ground - a position steel - promises to take from the earth Venkt even become rich and then urinate.
Biography of the Prophet site

39. What a gift peace be upon him to start work?
Time was like in Tnolh and Trgelh and Thorh and took him and his tender was his right hand to his food and drink and to his left and Thorh Khalaúh and the like to remove the harm.

40. What a gift peace be upon him in the throat of his head?
Was a gift in the whole left by shaving the head or taken whole did not shave off some leaves and some did not keep him in the throat but asceticism.
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. What a gift peace be upon him in the tooth brushing?
He loved the Siwak was Estak fasting and fasting and Estak when the attention of sleep and when I do wudu and pray when and when entering the house was Estak arak stick.

42. What the guidance of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to cut the mustache?
He said peace be upon him trim the mustache and let the beard grow different from the Magians.

43. What a gift peace be upon him in trim his nails?
Time of the Prophet peace be upon him to trim his nails in his nation not to leave more than forty days and nights.

44. What a gift peace be upon him in the sermon?
Speeches peace be upon him on the ground and on the pulpit and on the back and on a camel. And if the speeches it turned red, his eyes filled his voice and intensified his anger even if he Munther Army says Subhkm and Msakm say written and I am something and the match between the finger index finger, middle and says, but after the best modern book of God and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad peace be upon him worst of matters are those which every innovation is misguidance.

45. What recipe pulpit peace be upon him?
Pulpit was three degrees when he has received it and people take the muezzin in the ears just did not say anything before or after, if taken in the sermon did not raise his voice a little not at all muezzin, or anything else.

46. How was the content of his speeches peace be upon him?
He preached in all the time as required by the target audience need and interest.

47. Who are the companions who converted to Islam at the hands of Abu Bakr?
Othman bin Affan, and Zubair bin Floater, and Abdel-Rahman ibn 'Awf, Saad bin Abi Waqas, and Talha bin Obeid-Allah.

48. When showed him peace be upon him and his people, hostility, who defended him?
Ibn Ishaq: When Paddy Messenger of Allah peace be upon him his people to Islam and crack it as God had commanded him not away from his people did not answer it - what I have heard - even mentioned their gods and saliva; When he did that Oazmoh and Nakrōh and unanimously agreed otherwise, and his hostility except those whom Allaah protects them with Islam They are few Mstkhvon and defended by his uncle Abu Talib before the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him is the manifestation of God ordered him to not return it for something.

49. What methods of Quraish to repel people from the faith the Prophet peace be upon him?
Ibn Ishaq: Then the Quraysh Tmamarwa them on from the tribes of them companions of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him who converted to Islam with him Fothbt each tribe of them Muslims, tortured and Evtnnounam their faith and prevent the Messenger of God peace be upon him, including his uncle Abu Talib has Abu Talib when he saw the Quraysh they do what they do in Bani Hashim and Bani Muttalib called them to what it is to prevent the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and gathered around him to do without him. And they with him, and called them what they replied to him, but he was not of Abu Lahab, the enemy of Allah cursed.

Of 50. What was the answer of the Prophet peace be upon him the heads of the Quraish when they said, O Muhammad, I have played and insulted parents religion and insulted the gods and Svht dreams and the group broke up .. If you talk but I came to this request by the money we collected for you from our money so that most of us money, but if you ask him honor in us, we Nsodk us, and if you want him king Ofnak us?
He said peace be upon him: what me what you say I have not come as I come by ask your wealth nor honor you and the king you, but God sent me to you a messenger, and sent down the book, and told me to be your glad tidings and a warner, Vbulgtkm messages of my Lord and advised you, the accept me what I come by it Hzkm in this world and the Hereafter and that Trdoh the patient to the command of God until God judges between me and you.

51. How were Quraish tortured to secure the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him?
Ihbssounam were tortured and beaten, hunger, thirst and Bramada Mecca is very hot, of them were oppressed for their religion Evtnnounam Some of mesmerizing intensity of the scourge that fall ill, and some of them hardens them, and God Iasmh them.

52. How illiteracy was tortured Bilal ibn Khalaf ibn Abi Rabah when the safest and secure prophet Muhammad peace be upon him?
The illiteracy bin behind get it out if you protect noon Fatrha on his back in the Batha Mecca, and then order the rock great is posted on the chest and then say to him (not God) does not remain so until you die or disbelieve in Muhammad and worship Al-Lat and Uzza, he says, is the scourge a one.

53. Of the first martyr in Islam?
Toxicity or Ammar Ibn Yasser.

54. How were the children of Yasser Al Makhzoum tormented because of Islam?
The children were out Makhzoum Ammar bin Yasir and his father and his mother - and they were the household of Islam - if you torture them protect noon Bramada Mecca, passing them the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - he says: Yasser Al-Sabra time, Paradise.

55. How was the position of Abu Jahl to the prophet of the safest peace be upon him and his methods in that?
Abu Jahl when he hears the men have the safest, his honor and immune warn and Okhozah He left the religion of your father which is good for you: to Nsfhen your dream and Nfelln your opinion, and Ndan your honor, though a merchant, said God to Nksdn your business, but Nhlkn owner, albeit a weak beat him and enticed him.

56. How was the friendly attitude of the slaves who converted to Islam and the infidels of Quraish punish them?
If a friend was over one of the tortures of slaves bought and frees him.

57. Who redeems Siddiq may Allah be pleased with him?
Bilal, and Amer bin Fahirh, Umm Shamis and Znarh, Alnhdah and her daughter.

58. Of the first to secure the boys from the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him?
Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him.

59. What was the first blood Ohriv in Islam?
In the fourth year of the mission was the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him prayed with some of his companions in the Division of coral Frahm man of the infidels, along with a group of Quraish. Vsbohem. And hit Saad bin Abi Waqas Vassell a man whom his blood. Was the first blood Ohriv in Islam.

60. What method of Quraish infidels in mockery of the Prophet peace be upon him and his companions?
The Prophet peace be upon him if he is sitting around the underdogs of his companions - such as Ammar bin Yasir, and Khabab bin Aratt, and Suhaib Rumi and Bilal and the like - if passed their Quraish mocked them and said: Are these - christianity - may God have of us?
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What's the status of women in Islam?
Answer: The Women of Islam Akram, a daughter, a sister, the honors: It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him said a man came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: O Messenger of God of the people is good company? He asked, 'Then who? He said: Then your mother, he said: Then who? He said: Then your mother, he said: Then who? He said: Then your father. "Bukhari (5626) and Muslim (2548). And honors a daughter: It was narrated that Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said:" Whoever has three daughters or three sisters or two daughters or two sisters so well Sahpthen and those who fear God them, will enter Paradise. "Narrated by Ibn Haban in his Saheeh (2/190). and honors wife: It was narrated that 'Aa'ishah said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him:" The best of the best to his family and I am the best for my family. "Narrated by al-Tirmidhi and classed (3895).
Source: Islam Q & A

2. How to call a Christian to Islam?
Answer: - thou call common sense leads them Oneness of God, and inconsistent with common sense and reason of the doctrine of the Trinity.
- Holds a place between Jesus and his mother by the Muslims, and that Abd-Allah and His Messenger and His Word to Mary and the spirit of it.
- Between him that the religion of one God from Adam to Muhammad peace be upon him, which is Islam and that the difference lies in the laws, and that Muhammad peace be upon him Seal of the Prophets, and his book burner to him of the provisions, certified because of the beliefs and news right. - Answer all his questions calmly, and gave him the necessary books and some videos of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat.
Source: Islam Q & A

3. Do you spend the new Muslim Islamic hypotheses?
Answer: No serving of the safest up his prayer, fasting and almsgiving was a kaafir, because Allaah says: (Say to those who disbelieve, if they cease forgive them what has already passed) Al-Anfal / 38. And the Prophet peace be upon him (Islam must be earlier) Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh / 121, and because the Prophet peace be upon him did not order anyone who submits to spend what he died of the rituals of Islam he was a kaafir and the consensus of the scholars to do so.
Source: Islam Q & A

4. Is the balance of color and beauty of the preference in Islam?
The answer is: not a beauty moral standard differentiation in Islam between people, but the standard is based on the basis of differentiation is the piety he says: (O mankind We created you from male and female and made you into nations and tribes so that the sight of God that God knows an expert) rooms / 13 states that Islam came to correct the basis of the deal, which is based on the shapes and features a sucker deal that laid down by God Almighty, a piety, and conversations in this are many, including: what came in right from Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: (God does not look at your photos, your wealth, but hearts and looks into your deeds) Narrated by Muslim
Source: Islam Q & A

5. How do we help the child identify his Lord?
Answer: The child knows God in an appropriate manner, with the perception and level, he knows that God is one with no partner, and he knows that the Creator of all things is the Creator of heaven and earth, people and animals, trees, rivers, etc., and can take advantage of the breeder some situations asks the child to walk in the orchard or in the wild Creator of the water, rivers and around the manifestation of the natural draw his attention to the greatness of the Creator (swt) may be the father or mother or teacher in general with a child or a group of children in a car for a trip or a journey time of sunset, which is hidden from sight gradually, what the teacher then only to draw the attention from him to the power of God Almighty to do so.
Source: Islam Q & A

6. Is it possible to participate in Jihad, if we did not have successor Anizna or we do not have the strength to fight? Do I have to act Kalrcol peace be upon him and have patience and trust in God before getting the strength to fight the infidels?.
Answer: Jihad in the way of Allah Almighty the pinnacle of Islam and the ritual of the phenomenon of religious rituals does not depend on the presence of the Imam .. But it is known a priori that the jihad needs to prepare and order and the presence of the commander of the army and take into account the pros and cons and this course of justice between the recklessness of the controls was not enjoined by Islam and its provisions and those who neglected this ritual and disrupted note Pursuant ..
And torment to be the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in all his affairs, and that preparation of the equipment and power ..
Sheikh Mohammed Al Abdul Latif
Source: Islam Q & A

7. Is the meaning of talk (of you sees an evil let him change it with his hand ...) we are starting directly by hand, even if the change was possible to speak?
The answer is: change the evil it ranks as ranging from the alarm and reminder to the preaching and intimidation, then rebuke and reproof, and then change by hand, then the rhythm Balnekal punishment, beatings, and finally the hostility and the matter to the Governor.
Jurisprudence Encyclopedia - c / 39, p 127.
Source: Islam Q & A

8. If the husband does not his responsibility towards his wife since they were married 5 years ago, the wife what to do in such situation? Does it have the expense of it? If you decide to secede, what are the procedures for divorce, according to the authors and the year?
Answer: There is no doubt that the duty of the husband to spend on the wife, and the right, giving it full rights, the Palace of them, and a lack of right, or hurt by it may request separation, a divorce, and her earlier claim to maintenance and accommodation for the verse: (Asknuhen from where you dwell, and your grandfather) and says: (to be spent with a capacity of capacity of as much as it is a living, which Vlenevq whom God does not burden a soul except what God Otaha). He must treat her kindly, he says: (interpretation of the meaning, the Ltamohn may be that you dislike something and God makes a lot of good).
And if her husband gives them their legitimate rights, forbidden to her divorce for saying peace be upon him: "Any woman who asks a divorce is not absolutely necessary by the fragrance of Paradise", but if damaged, and intensified by the case and the Palace in the expense or did not give it right, she can ask for a divorce , and submitted to the judge and explain it to him and he in turn ask the husband to divorce her or her rights.
Sheikh / Abdullah bin Jibrin
Source: Islam Q & A

9. How Zakat quorum for the banknotes and whether a quorum be estimated in paper currency based on gold or a quorum at the Quorum of silver?
Answer: The amount of a quorum is due on the dollar and other currency paper is the equivalent value twentieth Mthagala of gold or one hundred and forty Mthagala of silver at a time when it shall be you is due on the dollar and the like, of currencies, and this is Balahz for the poor of one of swindlers, due to the difference in Saarama different times and countries. Fatwas of the Standing Committee of 9/257 and because it is more beneficial to the poor. Fatwas of the Standing Committee of 9/254
(Because the value of the Quorum of silver at this time the lowest value of the Quorum of gold shall be appreciated therefore, if reached is when the person of the paper currency value of the quorum silver out of Zakat, and the quorum of silver equivalent to 595 grams almost come out the money quarter of one tenth, in every thousand twenty-five, which he has in currency at the year has passed). And Allaah knows best.

Source: Islam Q & A

10. Can zakaah before one year has passed? (For example, if the squint ends in July, and decided to go out Zakat full or in part in the month of April).
Answer: Yes, may be submitted at the time of Zakat is obligatory, because the Prophet peace be upon him rushed from Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib Zakat two years. It should be noted here that Zakat should be rotation of strabismus is the Islamic New Year Balmiladih not well known difference between them and God bless.
Sheikh / Mohammed Salih Al-Munajjid
Source: Islam Q & A

11. What is to be a Muslim to a non-Muslim, whether he was a dhimmi in Muslim countries or in the country?
Answer: The project for a Muslim for a non-Muslim things, many of which call to God Almighty that he calls to God and shows him the truth of Islam, where he could so and where he had a vision; because this is the greatest charity, and the most important charity, which guide him a Muslim to fellow and to those who met him from the Jews or Christians or other infidels, because the Prophet: It indicates that something good is like one who does Narrated by Imam Muslim in his Saheeh, and saying peace be upon him to 'Ali may Allah be pleased with him as sent to the Khyber and ordered him to call to Islam, told by God that guides God your man is better for you than red camels upon him. He said peace be upon him: Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward like that of those who follow him, without that detracting from their reward in something it is called to misguidance will have a burden of sin example of those who follow him, without that detracting from their sins something Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh, Vdaute to God and communicated Islam and the advice of the most important tasks is the best acts of worship.

It is not permissible to oppress him in the same, nor in wealth nor in the presentation or if the dhimmi treaties is granted safety or it leads him right there in his wealth does not oppress him of theft and fraud and treason in his body nor oppress him not to strike or otherwise; or treaties is because being a dhimmi in Country or Iasmh granted safety.

Third: I do not mind of treatment in buying and selling, leasing and so on, it is narrated from the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him that he had bought from the infidels worshipers of idols, and bought from the Jews, and this treatment has died peace be upon him, his shield was mortgaged with a Jew in the food he bought for his family.

Fourth, in peace, Abdoh peace; because the Prophet: The Atbdoa Jews and Christians in peace Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh and said: If the ladder you People of the Book say, and you Muslim does not begin with the infidel in peace, but the reply to him, saying: (and you) because the Prophet peace be upon him: If peace you People of the Book say, and you agreed to his health, that of rights between Muslims and infidels, and also good-neighborly if the neighbor improved it does not hurt him in the vicinity, and give charity if he is poor given him a gift and advises him as help him; because this is causing his desire to Islam and its entry therein; and because the neighbor has the right, the Prophet said, still Jibril Iusini neighbor even Tunnt that Saorthh upon him, and if the neighbor infidel had the right neighborhood, and if soon the infidel became his two rights: the right neighborhood and the right of kinship, and the project for a Muslim to give charity to his neighbor and other infidel infidels non-combatants from non-Zakat. To the words of God: God does not forbid those who fight you not for religion nor drove you out of your homes, dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loves those and talk right for girl names Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with them that her mother and I rounded out the city in Khudaibiya a mushrik want to help Vastaznt names of the Prophet Is the Saliha said they received a e.

The Zakat would not mind paid to the hearts of the infidels the author for saying the Almighty: but alms to the poor and needy and those employed to those whose hearts and verse, and joining in the kaafir festivals celebrations it is not for a Muslim to join them in that.
Sheikh / Abdul Aziz bin Baz
Source: [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

12. What is the ruling attachment to saints?
Answer: The parents are the believers who are messengers peace be upon them and their followers in truth they are the people of piety and faith, and they are obedient to God and His Messenger, all these are the parents whether they are Arabs or Agama white or black rich or poor, rulers or the ruled, men or women to the words of God Almighty: be the friends of Allah, no fear, nor shall they grieve those who believe and are cautious these are the friends of Allah who obey Allah and His Messenger, and fear his anger Vadua right and away from what forbidden it, these are the saints who are mentioned in the words of God: and they were close friends can be its guardians except the righteous verse.

And not the people of witchcraft and demonic supernatural claim and false miracles, but they are believers in Allah and His Messenger, obedient to the command of Allah and His Messenger also offers both got on the dignity or did not get it.

The owners of the Prophet peace be upon him fearing people and they are the best people after the Prophets, did not get to the most miraculous of what they call them miracles of faith and piety and science and his faith in God, so that the richest God for miracles.

The Almighty said in the right angels will gather to say they act by His command He knows what is before them and behind them can not intercede except those acceptable, and they awe of Him is not permissible for one to worship the apostles or angels or other saints, and threatens them nor sacrifice to them and ask them heal patients or victory over enemies or other kinds of worship to Almighty Allah's saying: And the mosques are God do not let the one God and His saying: The Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him and meaning is the guardian, and he says: and ordered not to worship God worship none but Him verse, The verses in this sense many

And so may not be wandering the graves of saints and others; because the circumambulation respect to the Kaaba, may not be wandering to other, and toured the graves closer to her family that was brought on as if he prays for them or pray to them or slaughter them, because God Almighty: Say my prayer and my sacrifice and my life and die to God, Lord of the Worlds is not a partner, and so I ordered the first of the Muslims

The question living creature capable of being for the use of it while he can not shirk, but that is permissible according to the word of God in the story of Moses, peace be upon him: Fastgath that of his followers on that of his enemy and interpretation of the meaning and virtue, righteousness and piety, because the Prophet peace be upon him : God will help a person what was the slave helps his brother and the verses and ahaadeeth on this lot, which is complex upon by the Muslims. And God the Source of strength.
Sheikh / Abdul Aziz bin Baz
Source: [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

13. What is the ruling of the claims to know the unseen?
Answer: The ruling on one who claims to know that the unseen infidel, because it is denying God the Almighty Allah says: (Say: None in the heavens and the earth, except Allah, nor can they perceive when they are raised). If God Almighty ordered His Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him to announce to the world he did not know in the heavens and the earth, except Allah, it is claimed to have knowledge of the unseen God lied in this release. We say to them: How can I know the unseen and the Prophet peace be upon him did not know the unseen Are you oversaw or the Prophet peace be upon him? ! If they say: We are more honorable than the Apostle, disbelieve this but they said, is supervised, we say: Why hide him unseen and you know it? ! The Almighty Allah said about himself: (unseen world does not appear on the unseen one. Only acceptable, it exhibits a messenger from his hands behind him, and monitoring). This verse again shows Kafr who claimed knowledge of the unseen, and God commanded His Prophet peace be upon him to announce to the world, saying: Say (I'm not saying you have cabinets God I do not know the unseen does not tell you that I am the king but follow what is revealed to me).
Sheikh / Mohammed bin Saleh bin Uthaymeen
Source: [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

14. What's the ruling on traveling to the country of the infidels? And the rule of travel for tourism?
Answer: Travel to the land of the infidels is not permissible unless three conditions are met:
The first condition is that the person should have knowledge to ward off suspicion.
The second condition is to have a religion prevents him from desires.
The third condition: to be in need of it.
Unless these conditions are it is not permissible to travel to the land of the infidels because of the discord, strife and fear it is a waste of money because people spend a lot of money in these books.
If the need arises for the treatment or receive no science in his country and had the science and religion as we described it quite a bit.
The travel and tourism in the land of the infidels, it does not need and can go to a Muslim country maintains its people to practice Islam, and our country now, thank God, has become a country in some tourist areas, they can go to and spend vacation time there.
Sheikh / Mohammed bin Saleh bin Uthaymeen
Source: [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

15. Is it permissible to pray in English?
The answer: prayer in English and other languages ​​is permissible outside of prayer, and the prayer may not be anything other than Arabic, including the majority of scholars. That the commitment of a Muslim in Arabic in the other conditions, particularly in acts of worship - worship and prayer is - no doubt it is the best.
Sheikh / Abdul Karim Khadir
Source: Islam Q & A

16. What is the time of Remembrance evening? What is the best time for her? Will spent if you've forgotten?
Answer: a wide range of evening and arrived after the Asr prayer evening dinner are all called, and whether he mentioned in the first or in the other, but what was allocated at night such as the chair of the verse read at night. He who is said to be restricted at night at night, which is said to be constrained during the day by day, But if you forget to make it up I hope to be rewarded for that.
Sheikh / Mohammed bin Saleh bin Uthaymeen
Source: Islam Q & A

17. What is the ruling mixing with the evidence?
Answer: The meeting of the men and women in one place, and mixing them in some, and the entry of some of them in some, and competition for each other, revealing women to men, all of the things forbidden in Islam because the causes of discord and eruption of desires and motives to fall into immorality and sin.
And evidence on the prohibition on mixing in the Qur'aan and Sunnah are many and include:
His saying: {And if Saltamohen baggage, ask them from behind a screen, that is purer for your hearts and for their hearts} the parties 53.
Ibn Katheer said Allah's mercy in the interpretation of verse: As I forbid any from entering them also do not look at them altogether, even if one of you need to want to address them is not seen as not only need Asahin from behind a screen.

The Prophet peace be upon him to prevent the mixing of men and women even in the corners of the earth to love God, and the separation of mosque and among women than men, and staying until after the peace that the women, and the allocation of a special section in the mosque for women. The evidence for the following:
From Umm Salamah, may Allah be pleased with her was the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him if him the women while serving his extradition and stayed go before the Ibn Shihab said I think, and God knows that he waited so that the women before Adrickhen of went away from the people, "Bukhari No. (793 ).
Narrated by Abu Dawood and 876 in the prayer book and titled it the door of the departure of women by men of prayer.

Ibn Umar said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, if we leave this section of the women said Nafie did not enter it until he died of old age, "narrated by Abu Dawood, no. (484) in the prayer book to emphasize the door.
Abu Hurayrah said: The Prophet, peace be upon him: "The best rows for men first and the worst are the latest and the best rows for women are the latest and the worst first." Narrated by Muslim, No. 664, and this is the greatest evidence to prevent the mixing of law and that whenever a man was further from the ranks of women was better and the more the woman is further from the ranks of the men was her best. If these actions have been taken in the mosque, a place of worship that is pure in which women and men is far from the eruption of desires in other Vatakazha There is no doubt a fortiori.

It was narrated that Abu acid-Ansari that he heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him he says, out of the mosque saw men with women in the way he said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him for women mixing together, it is not but that Thakguen way (Tserin middle of the road) You just sides of the road, a woman stuck wall so that her dress to the wall of the Sogaha it. Narrated by Abu Dawood in his Sunan, Book of the literature of the door: women, with men walking in the road.

We know that mixing and crowd out women for men which have caused widespread at this time in more places such as markets, hospitals, universities and others, but we:
First, do not we choose not satisfied with it, particularly in the religious lectures and administrative boards in Islamic centers.
Second, we take the means to avoid mixing with the investigation of possible interest, such as isolating place for women, men, and the allocation of the two doors, and the use of modern means of communication for the delivery of voice, and speeding access to enough in the education of women for women and so on.
Third: prophylactics God, what we can by not lowering the gaze and the Struggle.
Sheikh / Mohammed Salih Al-Munajjid
Source: Islam Q & A

18. What's the ruling on wearing the veil or the niqab?
Answer: The veil is brewed by the head of any covered women, and scholars are unanimously agreed that the woman must cover her hair and veil the rest of her body too tight clothing is not transparent nor striking.
They differed in covering the hands, as they differed in the necessity to cover the face veil, went public to that woman's face is not awrah, and some Hanbali is the roughness must be covered, and the Prophet SAWS said should he cover the face, because God Almighty said, {and do not reveal their adornment} and the greatest Accessories woman in her face .. He said {If Saltamohen baggage, ask them from behind a screen, that is purer for your hearts and for their hearts}.
Rather it is to speak with the woman from behind a veil if she covers her face, and said to the Prophet verse competent women, because Allaah has explained it cleansing the veil, and all women in need, and there is no other evidence of this is simplified.
And Allah knows best
Sheikh / Abdullah bin Hamid Ali
Source: The Way of Islam

19. What is the ruling of Islam in women's work?
Answer: The best action Ocharfh and above when God in Islam that women work in the education of her children, mannered thus making them men and women of good build for this nation its glory, and in the contagious family warm valid stable to their father and they have to grow up emergence of health to protect them from delinquency and loss he says {And among His Signs be created for you wives from among yourselves to repose in them and put between you affection and mercy.
It is known that the housing husband to the wife but realized that the lead wife and function inherent in the provision of the house warm stable and this is the meaning of housing but if spent its days at work, and night is to rest from the fatigue of labor, her husband and her children, the loss did not check being home to her husband and her children, but is one of the causes of hardship and this known to the witness does not need to evidence and proof.
That Islam is because the family may sometimes need to work for women Aaahram women's work outside the home, but is required for the conditions:
I: that their work, which is permissible for a woman to operate Flaajos to work in film or singing, for example.
The second is that the Nokia work in the center of repulsive Flaajos to work between foreign men in a mixed atmosphere contrary to the ethics of Islam.
Third: that the work Enztb neglecting her children and the rights of her husband.
And God knows
Sheikh / Abdullah bin Hamid Ali
Source: The Way of Islam

20. How can invalidate the magic Qur'an and Sunnah, and dhikr and supplications?
Answer: choose from one of the best readers and pious, and most adherent of the Year, and pursuant to the Shari'a, and the dimension of taboo and sin, the reading of affect, God willing, to invalidate acts in magic, and it must be readable by the people of piety and goodness and righteousness and integrity, he says: (And We send down from the Qur'an what is healing and a mercy for the believers, and not more than doers in naught save ruin) (Isra: 82) as it has to be a belief that the Quran is a healing and treatment beneficial, and makes the reading experience, but asserts that it removes the disease, God willing, then the reader evokes the verses that summarized the reading on the patient, and repeat, then, the Muslim has to always holed up with prayers and prophetic sayings wird of the book and the year, and maintains reciting the morning and evening, then so may God preserve him from Kidd Alkaúdan, and God knows best.
Sheikh / Abdullah bin Jibrin
Source: The Way of Islam

21. How do we respond to those who say that the Qur'an from other than God or of man-made?
The answer to this Qur'an challenged the God of mankind and the jinn to produce the like thereof Fdzoa, then challenged them to come ten wall only, Fdzoa then challenged them to produce the like of the smallest Sura of the Koran but they could not, with those who challenged them were informed of creation, and the most eloquent, and the Qur'an came down in their own language, However declared their inability to fully complete the challenge and remained throughout history, could not one of the creatures that come up with something that, even if this was able to talk to some people to come in kind of creation, or close to it.

22. Is it permissible to refer the matter to tribal customs and laws?
Answer: All Muslims have to resort to the word of God Almighty and the Sunnah of His Messenger Muhammad upon him blessings and peace in all things to tribal customs, not to man-made laws, said God: (and Achtfattm its something the ruling is to God) Shura / 10, and the Almighty said: (Have you not seen those who claim to believe in what was revealed to you and what was revealed before you want to resort to the idol was ordered to make amends by Satan and that deceived them far astray) Women / 60.

23. What is the difference between unification and standardization of divinity deism?
Answer: The unification of the Godhead: the Lord did, such as the creation and livelihood, rehabilitation, fatality and take down the rain and the germination of plants and measure things. The unification of divinity: slave act, such as prayer and fear, hope and trust and turn and the desire and awe and vows and distress, and other types of worship

24. Is the amount of good and evil in general are all from God or not?
Answer: The amount of good and evil in general are all from God, was narrated that 'Ali said: We were at a funeral in Bakie Algrkd, went to the Prophet peace be upon him sat Vqadna around him, and his baton, Venks Making Enkt Bm_khasrth, then said: what one of you, What of the same Mnfosh but God has written their place in heaven and hell, or else had written naughty or happy! said: A man said: do you not we stay on our book and let the work? He said: {of the people of Aasaadh will become a to the work of the people Aasaadh, and was one of the people miserable will become a to the work of the people miserable}) then read: (As for who gave and those who fear (5) and certified by gentle persuasion (6) Fsnasrh the left (7) As of stinginess He was fired by (8) and lied gentle persuasion (9) of the juice Fsnasrh night) 5-10. In the modern: {and do every facilitator, but the people miserable Viesron the work of the people miserable, and the people of happiness Viesron to make people happy} and read (for him who gave and those who fear (5) and certified by gentle persuasion (6) Fsnasrh to the left (7) But the one who scrimp and sacked (8 ) and lied gentle persuasion (9) of the juice Fsnasrh night)

25. What is the ruling shake hands with foreign women?
Praise be to God, prayer and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and after:
Al-Tabarani narrated from a stronghold of bin left may Allah be pleased with him said, peace be upon him: "Because stabbed in the head man of an iron needle is better than touching a woman who is not permissible for him," This is indicated by talk that it is forbidden to shake hands with the man of foreign women, and should remember who asked fear Allaah that if asked to please God in everything easy by Allah as Allah said: {As for those who gave and those who fear and sincerity of gentle persuasion Fsnasrh the left} and the Almighty said: {And who guided added to their guidance and gave them their piety} and if people knew about you because you do not shake hands with women, Sapadr women themselves to refrain from extending their hands to shake hands and make you way out of God, and raise your destiny and God knows Ptqguah.
Sheikh / Hamid Al-Ali
Source: The Way of Islam

26. Beard or the imposition of years?
Answer: It is not permitted for a man to shave his beard because the Prophet peace be upon him ordered the provision of beards, narrated from Ibn Umar that the Prophet peace be upon him said mushrikeen and beards grow and trim the mustache and was the son of Omar if Hajj or 'Umrah to capture what is preferred to take his beard. Bukhari
Imam Ibn Hajar and «and beards» The saying "Save" is to tighten the Fa of the savings is to retain any Let her alone, and abundant in the novel Abdullah ibn Umar that is useful in the door followed by "exempted" and will edit it, and in the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah When Muslim Erjioa and seized Paljam and Hamza any Okhrōha, and Balha Lexical without prod any Otiloha, and has in the other report, "fulfilled" any Let her alone adequate, he said, nuclear and all of these novels in the sense one, and beards broken lam and told annexation and the palace and the tide collecting a beard broken only a name for that which grows on the cheeks and chin. The reports that indicate it is permissible to alleviate the beard within the limits of grip, and was the son of Omar may Allah be pleased with him if the Hajj or 'Umrah take What is the virtue of his grip, Bukhari, said in an opening (which shows that Ibn' Umar, may Allah be pleased with him had Aa_khass this Balnsk but he carried it on non-exempt status, which is distorted by the excessive length of the hair or beard displayed)
According to Tabari, may God have mercy on him narrated from 'Umar that he did so a man of any cut beard long, and said any Ibn Hajar and Abu Dawood on bail Hassan Jaber we absolve Sbal only in the Hajj or Umrah, and Sbal what long hair from the beard, said Tabari, al-Hasan give and it is taken from the length and width unless Evhac tender and chose to say, consider Fath 10/350 and the point is that it may take the length of the beard, view, and unless Evhac refined, reducing the hand grip is also narrated from the Sahaabah. And Allah knows best
Sheikh / Hamid Al-Ali
Source: The Way of Islam

27. Do you put on perfume in Ramadaan?
Answer: It is permissible to wear perfume in September, does not invalidate the fast.
In the fatwas of the Standing Committee: (never smells aromatic and non aromatic, do not invalidate the fast in Ramadan and other obligatory or naafil) uh
The Committee also said: (puts on any kind of perfume during the day in Ramadan, fasting does not invalidate his fast, but he does not inhale the powder incense and perfume musk powder). Fataawa Standing Committee (10/271).
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen said: The good is permissible for the fasting on the first day and in the end, whether the good form of incense or otherwise, but it is not permissible to inhale incense because incense see if Astnhqth mounted inside the nose and then to his stomach, and that is The Prophet, peace upon him the bastard bin Sabra: (deep inhalation in unless you are fasting) uh. Fatwas of the pillars of Islam p. 469.
Source: Islam Q & A

28. What is the ruling of the last Hajj for no reason and it is able Msttia?
Answer: as much as the pilgrimage did not perform Hajj obligatory and etc. for no reason, he has an evil great and sin big, then he has to repent to Allaah from that and hasten to the pilgrimage; because Allaah says: "God and the people Hajj to the House he has the means, and owes to rich for worlds "And the Prophet - peace be upon him -:" Islam is built upon five: certificate not to be worshiped except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establishing prayer, paying the zakat, fasting Ramadan, pilgrimage to the House, "upon him, and he said - peace be upon him - when he asked Gabriel, peace be upon him about Islam, he said, "to witness not to be worshiped except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establish regular prayer, pay zakat, fast Ramadan, and pilgrimage to the House if you can afford the expenses." Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh from the hadeeth of 'Umar ibn al-Khattab - may God bless him -. And God the Source of strength.
Sheikh / Abdul Aziz Bin Baz, may Allah have mercy on him
Source: Islam Today

29. Dean Ali Hajj, and I want it permissible for me that?
Answer: If you have sufficient wealth for the Hajj and to eliminate the debt that is fine, but if the money do not have room for them, start with religion; because elimination of religion by, and God Almighty says: "God and the people Hajj to the House he has the means" and you can not; because religion prevents you from being able to, but if you have enough money to repay the debt and the performance of the Hajj pilgrimage that there is nothing wrong with religion and to live, but is to be the verse you mentioned and what came in the meaning of the conversations from the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him -.
Sheikh / Abdul Aziz Bin Baz, may Allah have mercy on him
Source: Islam Today

30. Hajj if my child home with him and the small but for those able to complete his pilgrimage Should we do anything?
Answer: Ag is recommended for those children of a father or mother or others to meet him for Hajj, Umrah, and so on; because it is proven correct in that the Prophet - peace be upon him - that a woman raised the child and said: O Messenger of Allah Hajj valid? He said: "Yes, and you pay" Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh. And this pilgrimage goes without the boy, and when reached, he must Hajj if he could the way for that, and so the current on and off campuses from the child or the current that overtook him, and seeks it, and aimed his stones, and to kill him Hdia if we compare, or enjoying, and overtook him farewell at out; to talk to and what was mentioned in the meaning of the conversations and the effects from his companions - may Allah be pleased with them -.
It is a palace in that, he should be complemented. If he had left the firing him, or leave a farewell, he has about it the blood of slaughtered in Mecca for the poor the money which deprive him, though he does not float by Tour ifaadah or did not seek its quest to be, he should return to Makkah and go around and seek, and if of the boy with him or ongoing fear not the duty of Ihram Fletrk him; because the Ihram it is not obligatory but desirable for those who is able to do so. And God the Source of strength.
Sheikh / Abdul Aziz Bin Baz, may Allah have mercy on him
Source: Islam Today

31. When a man and a piercing in his mother's age, did not lead a pilgrimage to it can not ride the car, even if one kilo, does the pilgrimage by her son; that he is ready to do so if that is permissible?
Answer: If the situation is as the mother had not done the obligatory Hajj and that they are unable to travel to perform Hajj on their own, then for her child to perform Hajj on her if he could, and had Hajj for himself; it was narrated from Ibn 'Abbas - may Allah be pleased with them -, that a woman of Khath'am said: O Messenger of Allah, Allah is obligatory on His slaves in the pilgrimage I realized my father an old man can not prove that the late, I perform Hajj for? He said: "Yes," and that during the Farewell Pilgrimage, narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, in the novel to a Muslim said: O Messenger of Allaah, Abu Sheikh large, it is obligatory God in the pilgrimage, and he can not be equal on the back of his camel, he said - peace be upon him - "varus him."
May Allaah and Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and him.
Standing Committee for Academic Research and Issuing Fatwas, headed by Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz - may Allah have mercy on him -
Source: Islam Today

32. I want to Hajj this year, but I do not have money, is it permissible borrowing to perform the Hajj, with the knowledge that we have on before?
Answer: My brother Karim: As long as you do not have money you do not have to borrow to do Hajj, because you do not have Hajj because you're not Msttia, and should not be the pilgrimage only to do it, but if you borrowed and then Hajj and you have the religion of an earlier true Hajj, and will suffice for the obligatory prayer, and God knows best.
D. Sharif Ali bin honor
Source: Islam Today

33. What should be learned in the faith and how we understand it?
Answer: Praise be to God alone, and peace and blessings be upon the Prophet after him. After:
It must on every Muslim to believe what is indicated by the hadeeth of Jibreel - peace be upon him - the famous, when asked the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - Islam, faith and charity and time and markings, and peace be upon him that he overtook them to teach them their religion, as narrated by Muslim from the hadeeth Omar - may Allah be pleased with him - in order to believe you should:
1 - Belief in God and unification Balraboubih and divine names and attributes.
2 - Belief in the Angels dear, what is true of their work and their attributes and names.
3 - Faith books of God, and believing what is true of the news, and did not work, including copies of its provisions.
4 - Belief in Messengers of God, and that their religion is one, which is Islam, and a variety of rituals of Islam abrogated.
5 - Belief in the Last Day, and the trial of the grave and the torment or blessing, and rebirth, the gathering, calculation, and heaven and hell.
6 - to the extent of faith, the knowledge of God and the former of all things, and writing, and his will the window, and created everything, and related, and join him, and find out what Enaweh of disbelief and polytheism and hypocrisy.
As for how to understand the doctrine, as I understand Ancestors of companions - may Allah be pleased with them - dependents and followers of the people of the centuries favorites, who relied on speaking the book is true of the year, did not walk in the ways the updated brought by the speakers, philosophers, and maimed by the beauty of faith, and Kdroa described, for every believer is able to afford the first generation, and to accept the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet - peace be upon him - from Fastaki Nbaha net, using the authorship of the righteous and Tgarirathm.
D. Ahmed bin Abdul Rahman, the judge
Source: Islam Today

34. What is the meaning and the language of fasting in Islam?
Answer: The language of the fast: just constipation. Each calls the Arabs hold fast even refraining from speaking the so-called fast.
He says: "Either you see from people no one Vcoli I have vowed to fast you will not speak to Rahman today INSEA" verse [Mary: 26].
And to refrain from movement called fasting, as in the words of the poet:
Horses, horses, fasting is fasting *** under Ajaj and another Talk Alljama
And began: constipation structure for breaking the fast from dawn to sunset the second.
And he knew that some of them: constipation ad hoc at the time of an ad hoc ad hoc from a person for specific things.
[Fatawa Ramadan (1/27 -28)].
D. Abdullah bin Abdul-Rahman bin Jibrin
Source: Islam Today

35. Is the intention to fast enough about the intention of fasting every day on the unit?
Answer: It is known that every person who, in last night and eat suhoor, it may want to fast no doubt about that, because all the sane thing to do can not choose to do only the will.
Is the intention and the will, man does not eat late at night except for fasting, even if just eating his way was not his habit to eat at this time. It is the intention, but needs to such a question if the amount that people slept before sunset during Ramadan and stayed asleep did not wake him one until dawn the next day it did not intend of the night to fast the next day does say that his fast the next day fasting is true based on faith the former?
Or say that his fast is valid because it is not the intention of the night?
We say that is true because his fast more correct to say that the intention of the Ramadan fast enough at the beginning; does not need to renew the faith of each day; except that there is no reason Vivtr permissible not to fast during the month then you must be a new intention to resume the fast.
[Fatwas by Ibn 'Uthaymeen, the letter of invitation (1/144-145)].
Sheikh / Mohammed bin Saleh bin Uthaymeen - may God have mercy on him -
Source: Islam Today

36. Is it intended to break his fast breakfast?
Answer: Yes, so that the fast boat from two facts: the intention and leave all the fast, if he intends breakfast, has disrupted the first fact they are the greatest elements of worship, all acts will only come by.
The meaning of the saying: fast, this means that the rule has not to fast, do not like eating and mustache, and interpreted what they prefer.
Therefore, if a person intends Breakfast is in the NFL, and then wanted to intend to fast before it happens something that breaks the fast, it is permissible to do so, but his wages and his fast Almthab him from the time of his intention only, though the nuclei Breakfast in force, that today is not acceptable, even if re intention to do before breaking the fast, because the hypothesis that the Police will include the all-sunrise to sunset ignited, other than the shamrock.
Here is the benefit of improving the alert, which is to cut the intention of worship of two types:
Type does not hurt anything: after perfection of worship, if he intends to stop the prayer after her free, or fasting, or zakat, or hajj, or other after the void, did not hurt because they took place and was replaced, and the like if a person intends cutting the intention of purity of the biggest event or younger after he finishes his purification , purity not invalidated.
The second type: Spare the intention of worship in the case of worn out, a piece which is the intention of the prayer, and fasting is in it, or where the purity, it is not valid to worship Him and when you know the difference between the two, you still problematic.
[Saadia fatwas of Sheikh Abdul Rahman al-Sa'di (228-229)].
Sheikh / Abdul Rahman Al Saadi - may God have mercy on him -
Source: Islam Today

37. Are suhoor duty? What is meant in the words of blessing - peace be upon him: - "in the suhoor pond"?
Answer: suhoor eaters such as constipation is a desirable, he says peace be upon him "in suhoor there is blessing" al (1923) and Muslim (1095).
It is in saying: "Tzhroa" for guidance, and for that blessing ills which are the large number of goodness.
And Roy that - peace be upon him - leave suhoor as continue, which indicates that it is not imposing, and the ahaadeeth which indicate that it is mustahabb suhoor: he - peace be upon him - is his friends - God bless them - that Itzhroa even one date or Bmzqh milk until it is compliance.
He says - peace be upon him: - "separation between our fasting and fasting people of the Book Eaters magic" Muslim (1096).
And to be blessed by the talk that you eat suhoor bless him in his work Veoffq that works good works that day, so that fasting does not Athaglh on the performance of prayers, nor Athaglh the Beloved and the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice unlike if left suhoor the fasting Athaglh for Business the lack of good eating, and because it is eating only in the reign of the first night.
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