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 Who is the indolent rich bin Biography Ben indolent rich and wealthy bin Akiiedia image indolent Ben

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
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Who is the indolent rich bin Biography Ben indolent rich and wealthy bin Akiiedia image indolent Ben Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Who is the indolent rich bin Biography Ben indolent rich and wealthy bin Akiiedia image indolent Ben   Who is the indolent rich bin Biography Ben indolent rich and wealthy bin Akiiedia image indolent Ben Icon-new-badge27/12/2011, 03:36

Who is the indolent rich bin Biography Ben indolent rich and wealthy bin Akiiedia image indolent
Ben indolent rich », born in 1977 on the outskirts of the city of Utrecht, the Netherlands, to begin her career in the fashion world and fashion shows .. And was able to wealthy despite her young age, that pervades the world of fame of wider doors, participating in one of the most famous TV series Dutch «Harstlag» .. In the winter of 2003, participated chandelier in the movie «Shouf Habibi» which has been able through the role of «following» to participate in Berlin Film Festival is known ..

The turning point in the life of a rich choice is to replace supermodel «Naomi Campbell» in the filming of an Italian telecommunications company private .. and in the fall of 2005, Soraya traveled to Las Vegas to participate in a new American film, where she played the role of «Saadia» .. Then to settle in the city «Los Angeles» to work there

Read more: http://jordanian.hooxs.com/t3485-topic#ixzz1hffq777K
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Who is the indolent rich bin Biography Ben indolent rich and wealthy bin Akiiedia image indolent Ben Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Who is the indolent rich bin Biography Ben indolent rich and wealthy bin Akiiedia image indolent Ben   Who is the indolent rich bin Biography Ben indolent rich and wealthy bin Akiiedia image indolent Ben Icon-new-badge27/12/2011, 19:20

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Who is the indolent rich bin Biography Ben indolent rich and wealthy bin Akiiedia image indolent Ben
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