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 Explanation: Conditional sentences

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


Explanation: Conditional sentences Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Explanation: Conditional sentences   Explanation: Conditional sentences Icon-new-badge3/11/2011, 04:44

Explanation: Conditional sentences - type I

Choose the correct phrases and form Conditional sentences - type I.

1) If you my bike, I you with the Maths homework.
2) It too hot if he to Greece in August.
3) If Peter on the sofa, his sister next to him.
4) The policeman you the way if you him.
5) If it in the Alps, it in Munich.
6) I you my laptop if you to be careful with it.
7) If you some tomatoes, the sauce much better.
8) If Tom this string, he the box.
9) If I Simon's mobile, I it to the office.
10) We lost if we the town map.
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Explanation: Conditional sentences   Explanation: Conditional sentences Icon-new-badge3/11/2011, 04:45

Conditional sentences, type I, Multiple Choice - Exercise 2

Explanation: Conditional sentences - type I

Choose the correct phrases and form meaningful Conditional sentences - type I.

1) If I to classical music, I good poems.
2) Lisa after her baby brother if her father jogging.
3) If you the train, you in Sheffield before 8 pm.
4) The girls if they the tickets yet.
5) If Phil that, Sophia .
6) If they careful with the spelling of the new words, they a good mark.
7) You orange if you yellow to red.
8) I Emily my car if she it.
9) If she my dictionary, she it back to me.
10) John a new monitor if his mother him 100 Euros.
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Explanation: Conditional sentences   Explanation: Conditional sentences Icon-new-badge3/11/2011, 04:46

Conditional sentences, type II, Multiple Choice - Exercise 1

Explanation: Conditional sentences - type II

Choose the correct phrases and form Conditional sentences - type II.

1) If Alex his old mobile, he a new mp3 player.
2) We to the party if it at 8 o'clock.
3) The boy in the Olympic team if he harder.
4) If you the red button, you the download.
5) If they old enough, they in the school basketball team.
6) Maria the text if her teacher the important sentences.
7) Joe better marks if he his grammar.
8) If we these cans, we rubbish.
9) If you your money at a bank, you commission.
10) If it during the night, I snowboarding the next morning.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Explanation: Conditional sentences   Explanation: Conditional sentences Icon-new-badge3/11/2011, 04:59

Conditional sentences, type II, Multiple Choice - Exercise 2

Explanation: Conditional sentences - type II

Choose the correct phrases and form meaningful Conditional sentences - type II.

1) If you the volume down, the music clearer.
2) This song the charts party if they it in a studio.
3) Your pencils if you your school bag more carefully.
4) If the girls to bed earlier, they all through the lesson.
5) a sports car if you the money.
6) If Ben the window, it so cold in the kitchen.
7) Denise a dictionary if she the new words.
8) If the students a diary, they their homework so often.
9) If they before the match, they the match.
10) I to this restaurant if you me.
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Explanation: Conditional sentences   Explanation: Conditional sentences Icon-new-badge3/11/2011, 05:00

[i]Conditional sentences, type III - Exercise Mix 1

Explanation: Conditional sentences - type III

Choose the correct phrases and form Conditional sentences - typ III.

1) If Yvonne the news, she the puzzle.
2) If I a mobile, I you.
3) We to the beach if we in Florida.
4) If my mother breakfast, I really happy.
5) Her brother more mistakes if he the text again.
6) If you a little lemon, the soup excellent.
7) They less if they the tickets yesterday.
8) If the students more empty bottles, they more money for their class trip.
9) Gerry his grandmother to see the doctor if he to her.
10) She Henry and Cliff in ho
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Explanation: Conditional sentences
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