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 Conditional sentences, type 1, negations - Exercise

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


Conditional sentences, type 1, negations - Exercise Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Conditional sentences, type 1, negations - Exercise   Conditional sentences, type 1, negations - Exercise Icon-new-badge3/11/2011, 04:35

Conditional sentences, type I, negations - Exercise
Conditional sentences, type I, negations - Exercise
Conditional sentences, type I, negations - Exercise

Explanation: Conditional sentences - type I

Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional sentence - type I. Only use the will-future in the main clauses. Mind the negations in the sentences.

Example: If I __ (to go) to the café, I ________ (not/to drink) milk.

Answer: If I go to the café, I will not drink milk.

1) If it (to rain), the children (not/to go) for a walk.
2) If she (not/to read) the novel, she (not/to pass) the literature test.
3) If I (not/to argue) with my father, he (to lend) me his motorbike.
4) If we (to take) the bus, we (not/to arrive) in time.
5) If Dick (not/to buy) the book, his friends (to be) angry with him.
6) If Tom (not/to tidy up) his room, Victoria (not/to help) him with the muffins.
7) If the boys (not/to play) football, the girls (not/to come) to the football pitch.
8) If you (to eat) too much junk food, you (not/to lose) weight.
9) If I (not/to make) breakfast tomorrow morning, my girlfriend (not/to love) me anymore.
10) If they (not/to hurry), they (not/to catch) the train.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


Conditional sentences, type 1, negations - Exercise Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Conditional sentences, type 1, negations - Exercise   Conditional sentences, type 1, negations - Exercise Icon-new-badge3/11/2011, 04:36

Conditional sentences - type I und II, negations - Exercise 2

Explanation: Conditional sentences

Put in the verbs in brackets and form Conditional sentences - type I or type II. Mind the negations.

Example: If Adam spoke Italian, he ________ (to work) in Italy.

Answer: If Adam spoke Italian, he would work Italy.

1) If Tracy had a mobile phone, she (to phone) all her friends.
2) I (to be) very angry with Nick if he forgets my CD again.
3) If the boys (to win) this match, their coach will invite them to a barbecue.
4) If you don't read these articles, you (not/to know) the facts about Africa.
5) You would get very wet if you (to walk) in this rain.
6) The engine (not/to start) if Ben connected these two cables.
7) If he has time, he (to buy) her some sweets.
8) Maria (to play) in the school orchestra if she practised the trumpet more often.
9) We won't fetch something to drink if Jim (not/to bring) some sandwiches.
10) If he (to carry) the rucksack, I'd pull the suitcase.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Conditional sentences, type 1, negations - Exercise
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

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