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 Conditional sentences, type 3, Negations - Exercise

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


Conditional sentences, type 3, Negations - Exercise Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Conditional sentences, type 3, Negations - Exercise   Conditional sentences, type 3, Negations - Exercise Icon-new-badge3/11/2011, 04:41

Conditional sentences, type3, Negations - Exercise
Conditional sentences, type III, Negations - Exercise

Explanation: Conditional sentences - type III

Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional sentence - type III. Mind the negations in the sentences.

Example: If I _______ (to go) to the café, I ________ (not/to drink) milk.

Answer: If I had gone to the café, I would not have drunk milk. or
If I'd gone to the café, I wouldn't have drunk milk.

1) If you (to check) the car, it (not/to break) down in the middle of the desert.
2) If it (not/to rain), the children (to play) outside.
3) If my parents (not/to be) so tired, they (to watch) the film on TV.
4) If she (to buy) a new hard disk, she (not/to lose) all data.
5) If we (to use) the town map, we (not/to get) lost.
6) If Tom (to eat) more salad, he (not/to catch) a cold.
7) If the police (not/to stop) me, I (to reach) you in time.
8) If his older brother (not/to drive) so fast, he (not/to crash) into the other car.
9) If Fred (not/to cheat) at the test, his teacher (not/to phone) his father.
10) If I (not/to switch off) the radio, I (to know) about the second goal.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


Conditional sentences, type 3, Negations - Exercise Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Conditional sentences, type 3, Negations - Exercise   Conditional sentences, type 3, Negations - Exercise Icon-new-badge3/11/2011, 04:42

Conditional sentences, all types, Exercise, Negations, Exercise 1

Explanation: Conditional sentences

Put in the verbs in brackets and form a Conditional sentence. Mind the negations in some sentences.

Example: If we had taken the train, we ___________________ (not/to arrive) on time.

Answer: If we had taken the train, we would not have arrived on time.

1) If they (to listen) carefully, they might hear the woodpecker.
2) If I had lain down on the sofa, I (to fall) asleep.
3) Susan could have worked as a model if she (to be) taller.
4) The soil (not/to dry out) if you water the plants regularly.
5) If you (to give) the young boy this stick, he'd hurt himself.
6) We (not/to take) the wrong tram if Ronaldo had asked the policewoman.
7) If the cat hides in the tree, the dog (not/to find) it.
8) The students would have solved the problem if they (to use) their textbooks.
9) If he washed his feet more often, his girlfriend (to visit) him more often.
10) Max (to read) the newspaper if he went by train.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Conditional sentences, type 3, Negations - Exercise
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

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