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 Aramaic Baby Names

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


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مُساهمةموضوع: Aramaic Baby Names   Aramaic Baby Names Icon-new-badge6/8/2011, 18:39

Bethany Aramaic house of figs. Bible: the site of Lazaru..

Dinorah Aramaic she who personifies light

Martha Aramaic lady; sorrowful. Bible: a friend of Jesu..

Noor Aramaic a form of Nura

Nour Aramaic a short form of Nura

Nur Aramaic a short form of Nura

Nura Aramaic light

Nuria Aramaic the Lord's light

Og Aramaic king. Bible the king of Basham

Shamika Aramaic a combination of the prefix Sha + Mika

Shera Aramaic light

Tabatha Aramaic a form of Tabitha

Tabbatha Aramaic a form of Tabitha

Tabbitha Aramaic a form of Tabitha

Tabetha Aramaic a form of Tabitha

Tabitha Aramaic gazelle

Tabytha Aramaic a form of Tabitha

Taira Aramaic a form of Tara

Talmai Aramaic mound; furrow

Talman Aramaic injured; oppressed

Tameka Aramaic twin

Tamekia Aramaic a form of Tameka

Tara Aramaic throw; carry

Tavares Aramaic a form of Tavor

Tavaris Aramaic a form of Tavor
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Aramaic Baby Names   Aramaic Baby Names Icon-new-badge7/8/2011, 05:14

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Aramaic Baby Names
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