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 Egyptian Baby Names

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


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مُساهمةموضوع: Egyptian Baby Names   Egyptian Baby Names Icon-new-badge6/8/2011, 18:26

Abubakar Egyptian noble

Akiiki Egyptian friendly

Amenhotep Egyptian name of a count

Amenophis Egyptian name of the pharaoh

Amenra Egyptian personification of the universe's power

Ammon Egyptian hidden. Mythology: the ancient god assoc..

Amsi Egyptian embodiment of the power of the universe

Amsu Egyptian embodiment of reproduction

Amunet Egyptian Mythology: Amaunet is a guardian goddess..

Anat Egyptian Mythology: a consort of Seth

Anippe Egyptian daughter of the Nile

Anpu Egyptian God of death

Anubis Egyptian god of death

Anum Egyptian fifth birth

Astarte Egyptian Mythology: a consort of Seth

Atsu Egyptian twins

Auset Egyptian Mythology: Aset is another name for Isis

Bahiti Egyptian fortune

Baruti Egyptian teacher

Bastet Egyptian cat. Mythology: cat-headed goddess

Bennu Egyptian eagle

Bomani Egyptian warrior

Cepos Egyptian pharaoh

Chafulumisa Egyptian quickly

Chatuluka Egyptian to divert
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Egyptian Baby Names   Egyptian Baby Names Icon-new-badge7/8/2011, 05:46

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