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 English Baby Names

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


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مُساهمةموضوع: English Baby Names   English Baby Names Icon-new-badge6/8/2011, 18:21

Ackerley English meadow of oak trees

Ackley English a form of Ackerley

Acton English "oak-tree settlement."

Ada English prosperous; happy

Adah English a form of Ada

Addison English "son of Adam." Addison Verrill is a cele..

Addyson English a form of Addison

Adela English a short form of Adelaide

Adele English A short form of Adelaide and Adeline..

Adelina English a form of Adeline

Adeline English a form of Adelaide

Adelle English a form of Adelaide, Adeline

Adilene English a form of Adeline

Adison English a form of Addison

Adney English noble's island

Adria English a form of Adriana, Adrienne

Adriane English a form of Adrienne

Adrianne English a form of Adrienne

Adrien English a form of Adrienne

Adriene English a form of Adrienne

Adrina English a short form of Adriana

Adyson English a form of Addison

Afton English from Afton. England

Agate English a semiprecious stone

Ahearn English heron

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: English Baby Names   English Baby Names Icon-new-badge6/8/2011, 19:47

Armstrong A strong arm
Brown A brown haired man
Crippen Curly hair
Grant A tall man
Moore Dark complexion like a Moor
Russell A red haired man
Shakespeare A soldier, who carried, or shook, a spear
Turnbull A strong man

Archer A professional Archer Gardner A gardener
Bailey A bailiff Hooper Fitted hoops on barrels
Carter A cart maker Kellogg A killer of hogs
Carver A sculptor Machin A stone worker
Chaplin A chaplain Naylor A nail maker
Chandler A candle maker Proctor A steward
Cooper A barrel maker Redman A thatcher (reed man)
Day A dairy worker Sawyer A wood sawer
Fletcher An arrow maker Trinder A wheel maker
Frobisher Polished armour and swords Ward A watchman
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English Baby Names
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