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  Basque Baby Names

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
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مُساهمةموضوع: Basque Baby Names    Basque Baby Names Icon-new-badge6/8/2011, 17:43

Ainara Basque swallow

Aingeru Basque angel

Ainhoa Basque allusion to the Virgin Mary

Ainoa Basque she who has fertile soil

Aisone Basque a form of Asuncion

Aitor Basque father

Alaia Basque happy, of good cheer

Alodia Basque free land

Anayantzin Basque small

Arantxa Basque a form of Arantzazu

Arantzazu Basque are you among the thorns

Aranzazu Basque are you among the thorns

Bakarne Basque solitude

Balasi Basque flat footed

Begona Basque the place of the dominant hill

Benate Basque a form of Bernadette

Betine Basque a form of Perpetua

Bibine Basque a form of Viviana

Bilal Basque born during summertime

Birkide Basque a form of Bridget

Dabi Basque a form of David

Donetsi Basque a form of Benita

Dunixi Basque a form of Dionysus

Edorta Basque a form of Edward

Edur Basque snow
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Basque Baby Names    Basque Baby Names Icon-new-badge7/8/2011, 05:51

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