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  لاريسا ريكلمي 2011 Larissa Riquelme

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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Jasmine collar

Jasmine collar

 لاريسا ريكلمي 2011 Larissa Riquelme   Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: لاريسا ريكلمي 2011 Larissa Riquelme     لاريسا ريكلمي 2011 Larissa Riquelme   Icon-new-badge24/7/2011, 00:08

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

Larissa Riquelme
From Wikipedia,
Larissa Riquelme

Larissa Riquelme in São Paulo
Born Larissa Mabel Riquelme Frutos
February 22, 1985 (age 26)
Asunción, Paraguay
Occupation Model and actress
Height 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in)
Measurements 98 cm – 60 cm – 94 cm
(38 in – 24 in – 37 in)
Larissa Mabel Riquelme Frutos, usually known as Larissa Riquelme (born February 22, 1985) is a Paraguayan model and actress at the city theatre in the Paraguayan capital Asunción.[1] As of 2010, she is the best-paid model in Paraguay.

A famous model and actress in Paraguay, Riquelme rose to international prominence during the 2010 FIFA World Cup.[3] A supporter of both the Paraguay national football team and the club Cerro Porteño, she was first pictured in international media celebrating a goal during the game between Paraguay and Slovakia with her Nokia mobile phone between her breasts and she was wearing a t-shirt with Paraguay's colors (as part of a promotion for a mobile phone company). Riquelme is the face of the deodorant brand Axe in Paraguay and at a later Paraguay game in the World Cup she was also seen with the word "Axe" written on her chest as advertising for the deodorant brand.
After becoming one of the most searched-for persons on the Internet, she was named "World Cup's Girlfriend" by Marca, the largest Spanish sports newspaper.She was also described as the most famous fan of the World Cup.
Following her rise to fame, and after Argentinian coach Diego Maradona promised to run naked through Buenos Aires if Argentina won the 2010 World Cup, Riquelme matched the offer and promised that she would run naked (wearing only body paint in the colors of Paraguay) through Asunción if Paraguay won the World Cup, or even if they reached the semi-finals by beating Spain Paraguay eventually lost its match against Spain, but Riquelme announced that she would fulfill her promise anyway, a promise that she kept. That same year, Riquelme did a nude pictorial for the September 2010 issue of Playboy Brazil. In 2011, Riquelme made a similar offer to pose nude on the football pitch if Paraguay were to win the 2011 Copa América
Apart from modeling and acting, Riquelme has also participated in Bailando por un Sueño, the Argentinian version of Dancing with the Stars
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 لاريسا ريكلمي 2011 Larissa Riquelme   Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: لاريسا ريكلمي 2011 Larissa Riquelme     لاريسا ريكلمي 2011 Larissa Riquelme   Icon-new-badge24/7/2011, 01:45

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Jasmine collar

Jasmine collar

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: لاريسا ريكلمي 2011 Larissa Riquelme     لاريسا ريكلمي 2011 Larissa Riquelme   Icon-new-badge24/7/2011, 07:16

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لاريسا ريكلمي 2011 Larissa Riquelme
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 لاريسا ريكلمي 2011 Larissa Riquelme   Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: لاريسا ريكلمي 2011 Larissa Riquelme     لاريسا ريكلمي 2011 Larissa Riquelme   Icon-new-badge24/7/2011, 11:00

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لاريسا ريكلمي 2011 Larissa Riquelme
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