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 Pollen Biotechnology for Crop Production and Improvement

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2 مشترك
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مُساهمةموضوع: Pollen Biotechnology for Crop Production and Improvement   Pollen Biotechnology for Crop Production and Improvement Icon-new-badge24/4/2011, 00:09

السلام عليكم

By K. R. Shivanna, V. K. Sawhney

Publisher: University
Number Of Pages: 464
Publication Date: 1997-04-13
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 052147180X
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780521471800
Product Description:

Our knowledge of pollen, the gold dust that carries the male germ line
of flowering plants and is vital for sexual reproduction and seed
formation, has "come of age" with the publication of this book. Here,
for the first time in a single volume, are all the ideas and techniques
developed in the past two decades concerning the manipulation of pollen
and pollen tubes in plant breeding and biotechnology. Pollen has never
been an easy topic to come to grips with, with its variable and often
inexplicable terminology that has made it a more difficult field in
which to work. This book will remedy that, with its overview of pollen
biology and pollen-pistil interactions that explains terms and concepts
of the male function of pollen in a way that is readily understandable
to the student and professional plant scientist and plant breeder.

• First book solely devoted to the subject of pollen biotechnology and
crop improvement • 21 chapters by top experts discuss pollen’s basic
biology and both new and older biotechnological methods of improving
crops by manipulating pollen • Plant biotechnologists,
horticulturalists, forestry scientists, and plant breeders will all find
the book useful

1. Pollen biology and pollen biotechnology - an introduction K. R.
Shivanna and V. K. Sawhney; Part A. Pollen Biology: An Overview: 2.
Pollen development and pollen-pistil interaction K. R. Shivanna, M.
Cresti and F. Ciampolini; 3. Gene exion during pollen development D. A.
Hamilton and J. P. Mascarenhas; 4. Pollination biology and plant
breeding systems P. G. Kevan; Part B. Pollen Biotechnology and
Optimization of Crop Yield: 5. Pollination efficiency of insects A. R.
Davis; 6. Pollination constraints and management of pollinating insects
for crop production R. W. Currie; Part C. Pollen Biotechnology and
Hybrid Seed Production: 7. Cytoplasmic male sterility P. B. E. McVetty;
8. Genic male sterility V. K. Sawhney; 9. Self-incompatibility A.
McCubbin and H. Dickinson; 10. Chemical induction of male sterility J.
W. Cross and P. J. Schulz; 11. Male sterility through recombinant DNA
technology M. E. Williams, J. Leemans and F. Michiels; Part D. Pollen
Biotechnology and Plant Breeding: 12. Barriers to hybridization K. R.
Shivanna; 13. Methods for overcoming interspecific crossing barriers J.
M. van Tuyl and M. J. de Jeu; 14. Storage of pollen B. Barnabas and G.
Kovacs; 15. Mentor effects in pistil-mediated pollen-pollen interactions
M. Villar and M. Gaget-Faurobert; 16. Pollen tube growth and pollen
selection M. Sari-Gorla and C. Frova; 17. Isolation and manipulation of
sperm cells D. D. Cass; 18. Isolation and micromanipulation of embryo
sac and egg cell in maize E. Matthys-Rochon et al.; 19. In vitro
fertilization with single isolated gametes E. Kranz; 20. Pollen embryos
C. E. Palmer and W. A. Keller; 21. Use of pollen in gene transfer H.
Morikawa and M. Nishihara; Index.

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Pollen Biotechnology for Crop Production and Improvement   Pollen Biotechnology for Crop Production and Improvement Icon-new-badge27/4/2011, 00:33

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Pollen Biotechnology for Crop Production and Improvement
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