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 The use of antibacterials in poultry

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
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The use of antibacterials in poultry Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The use of antibacterials in poultry   The use of antibacterials in poultry Icon-new-badge14/4/2011, 06:16


Choice of an Anti-infectious drug in Poultry:
1. Oral administration:
Convenient Economical, No stress, ease application for large no~, advantages of using the drinking water.
2. Digestive absorption:
Induces Local and systemic activity.
High fat solubility, small molecular size and non-ionization help drug absorption.
3. Diffusion to the target tissues:
Lungs, air sacs, liver, spleen, oviducts.
As in case of Mycoplasmosis and Salmonellosis.
4. Persistence in the target tissues:
Elimination half-life, interval between doses, excreted as active form, No. toxicity for organs of excretion (Kidney).

5• Activity:
Adapted spectrum, absence of bacterial resistance,
Bactericidal action.
6. No side effect at recommended doses.

Antimicrobial Therapy in Poultry It depends on:
1. Sensitivity of infecting bacteria towards different agents.
2. Pharmacokinetic aspect of selected antibiotic or chemical antibacterial agents.
includes: Absorption from site of administration.
(Oral: the most common route of administration in Poultry).
i.e. Excellent Digestive Absorption.
Blood concentration level in relation to MIC, MBC and bioavailability.
Distribution: The ability of drug to
diffuse from blood to the site of infection (target tissues) with
efficient concentration (over MIC and MBC).
i.e. Persistence in the organism/tissues at efficient concentration.
Duration of action (Biological half-life (t %) and interval between Idoses.

The recommended therapeutic dose in Poultry (It is recommended to be mg/kg/day in drinking water.

3. Clinical results.
4. Development of bacterial resistance:
Use of Subtherapeutic dose.
Prolonged administration of the drug as feed additives. Transmissible resistance due to false of therapeutic concepts.
5. Possible therapeutic combination between two drugs or more.
- Addition, Synergism, Antagonism

6. Contraindications (toxic interaction).
7. Toxicity and residual aspects (withdrawal time).

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The use of antibacterials in poultry Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The use of antibacterials in poultry   The use of antibacterials in poultry Icon-new-badge14/4/2011, 15:32

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The use of antibacterials in poultry   The use of antibacterials in poultry Icon-new-badge14/4/2011, 15:33

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The use of antibacterials in poultry Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The use of antibacterials in poultry   The use of antibacterials in poultry Icon-new-badge16/5/2011, 23:41

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The use of antibacterials in poultry
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