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 أمراض الدواجن الناتجة عن سوء الرعاية3 ( الافتراس)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
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أمراض الدواجن الناتجة عن سوء الرعاية3 ( الافتراس) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: أمراض الدواجن الناتجة عن سوء الرعاية3 ( الافتراس)   أمراض الدواجن الناتجة عن سوء الرعاية3 ( الافتراس) Icon-new-badge10/4/2011, 01:11

أمراض الدواجن الناتجة عن سوء الرعاية3 ( الافتراس)

is prevalent among chickens of all ages and can become a serious
problem if not corrected early. The problem is most severe when birds
are housed in close confinement. In most cases it is a vice that
progresses from a minor stimulus and soon becomes a severe problem.
Many causes are thought to initiate the problem but it is not understood
why it is uncontrollable in some cases but never becomes a problem in
other situations. Cannibalism may start as toe picking in baby chicks;
feather picking in growing birds; or head, tail and vent picking in
older birds. The early symptoms of a cannibalism problem may be
difficult to detect. It is necessary that the poultry man be on constant
guard to detect any aggressive behavior and take necessary management
changes before the problem progresses into a severe case of cannibalism.

Causes that can result in cannibalism include:
• High density of birds within a confined area,
• Brooding chicks at temperatures that are too warm,
• Small or weak chicks, especially those having oddly colored down or feathers,
• Exposing birds to light that is too intense or having a color that induces aggression,
• Restriction of feed or water intake,
• Feeding a diet with a deficiency of salt or sulfur-containing amino acids (protein),
• Allowing dead birds to remain exposed to the flock,
• Lack of or absence of properly designed nest boxes.
Regardless of the cause, some method of preventing this vice must be
used. The most common procedure to reduce cannibalism is to debeak the
birds. Birds grown in houses with very low light intensity may not
require debeaking. Those grown in houses receiving normal daylight
should be debeaked at the hatchery or within the first two weeks after
hatching. This helps reduce the incidence of feather picking that often
develops into a severe case of cannibalism.
A special method of hot debeaking has been developed for debeaking
broiler chicks at one day of age. Rather than severing or cutting the
beak, a hot blade is used to burn an area near the tip of the upper beak
(egg tooth). The procedure is designed to leave a thin base to the tip
of the upper beak. This makes it easier for the chick to eat without
having a sensitive, raw beak. The tip of the upper beak gradually drops
off without apparent injury to the chick, thus leaving a shortened upper
beak and a normal lower mandible.
Reducing the mortality is a primary concern that responds well to
adequate floor space. Birds should not be crowded but instead, provide
sufficient room so that weaker birds can escape from those that are more
aggressive. Reducing the amount of floor space usually results in
increased mortality and reduced growth rate. Not only is there a
monetary loss involving the cost of the chick, but the value of the
feed, labor, and other items necessary to grow a chick until the time of
death is a direct loss. There is also the lost profit that could have
been earned if the dead birds had lived until market or egg production
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: أمراض الدواجن الناتجة عن سوء الرعاية3 ( الافتراس)   أمراض الدواجن الناتجة عن سوء الرعاية3 ( الافتراس) Icon-new-badge10/4/2011, 03:06

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: أمراض الدواجن الناتجة عن سوء الرعاية3 ( الافتراس)   أمراض الدواجن الناتجة عن سوء الرعاية3 ( الافتراس) Icon-new-badge10/4/2011, 03:07

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: أمراض الدواجن الناتجة عن سوء الرعاية3 ( الافتراس)   أمراض الدواجن الناتجة عن سوء الرعاية3 ( الافتراس) Icon-new-badge28/4/2011, 04:05

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أمراض الدواجن الناتجة عن سوء الرعاية3 ( الافتراس)
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» أمراض الدواجن الناتجة عن سوء الرعاية1
» أمراض الدواجن الناتجة عن سوء الرعاية2
» أمراض الدواجن ألفطرية
» أسباب فساد أعلاف الدواجن . اعلاف الدواجن . فساد الاعلاف
» الافتراس فى الحشرات

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