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 Control of Induction Motors (Electrical and Electronic Engineering

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


Control of Induction Motors (Electrical and Electronic Engineering Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Control of Induction Motors (Electrical and Electronic Engineering   Control of Induction Motors (Electrical and Electronic Engineering Icon-new-badge5/12/2010, 02:37

Control of Induction Motors (Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Book Description:

This book is a comprehensive reference source for practicing engineers and students specializing in electric power engineering and industrial electronics. It will illustrate the state of the art in induction motors. Beginning with characteristics and basic dynamic models of induction motors, and progressing to low- and high- performance drive systems. The book will be rich in useful information, without an excessive mathematical burden. Computer simulations resulting in mock oscillograms of physical quantities are used for illustration of basic control concepts.

The content of this book is divided into three basic parts: 1) control-oriented description of induction motors, 2) control methods, and systems, 3) control means. An induction motor is presented as an electromechanical power converter, and basic relations between the electrical, magnetic and mechanical quantities in the motor will be explained. Control methods and systems will be classified according to the controlled variables(torque, speed, flux), actuating variables(voltage, current), and dynamic performance (uncontrolled, low-performance, and high-performance). An overview of power electronic converters and information processing equipment used in the modern induction motor drives is included. Such systematic approach will give the readers a comprehensive overview of the field of induction motor control.


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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Control of Induction Motors (Electrical and Electronic Engineering   Control of Induction Motors (Electrical and Electronic Engineering Icon-new-badge6/12/2010, 16:10

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Control of Induction Motors (Electrical and Electronic Engineering   Control of Induction Motors (Electrical and Electronic Engineering Icon-new-badge16/2/2011, 06:23

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Control of Induction Motors (Electrical and Electronic Engineering
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