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 Photo and Video funeral of Margaret Thatcher 17-4-2013 , pictures funeral Margaret Thatcher Paul's Cathedral in London , funeral prayers body images Margaret Thatcher

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Photo and Video funeral of Margaret Thatcher 17-4-2013 , pictures funeral Margaret Thatcher Paul's Cathedral in London , funeral prayers body images Margaret Thatcher Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Photo and Video funeral of Margaret Thatcher 17-4-2013 , pictures funeral Margaret Thatcher Paul's Cathedral in London , funeral prayers body images Margaret Thatcher   Photo and Video funeral of Margaret Thatcher 17-4-2013 , pictures funeral Margaret Thatcher Paul's Cathedral in London , funeral prayers body images Margaret Thatcher Icon-new-badge10/4/2013, 02:01

Photo and Video funeral of Margaret Thatcher 17-4-2013 , pictures funeral Margaret Thatcher Paul's Cathedral in London , funeral prayers body images Margaret Thatcher Photo and Video funeral of Margaret Thatcher 17-4-2013 , pictures funeral Margaret Thatcher, funeral prayers body images Margaret Thatcher Photo and Video funeral of Margaret Thatcher 17-4-2013 , pictures funeral Margaret Thatcher, funeral prayers body images Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher Prime Minister Stephen Harper will attend the funeral of former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher next week, his spokesman said Tuesday.

The funeral for Thatcher, who died Monday of a stroke, will be held April 17 at St. Paul's Cathedral in London.

Harper's spokesman tweeted the news Tuesday afternoon.

"Former [prime minister Brian] Mulroney has been invited to be a part of the Canadian delegation," Andrew MacDougall said on the social media site.

Thatcher is revered by many Conservative officials.

In a statement Monday, Harper spoke glowingly of Thatcher's contribution to conservatism.

"With the passing of Baroness Thatcher, the world has lost a giant among leaders," he said, adding, "with the success of her economic policies, she defined contemporary conservatism itself."

"Lady Thatcher’s leadership in time of conflict and during the generous peace she helped bring forth, was an example to the world. As a result, millions now live with the dignity and freedom that she envisioned for them, during the darkest moments of the post-war years."

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Photo and Video funeral of Margaret Thatcher 17-4-2013 , pictures funeral Margaret Thatcher Paul's Cathedral in London , funeral prayers body images Margaret Thatcher
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