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 Turkish actress Nil Erkoçlar turn to a man named Rüzgar

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Turkish actress Nil Erkoçlar turn to a man named Rüzgar Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Turkish actress Nil Erkoçlar turn to a man named Rüzgar   Turkish actress Nil Erkoçlar turn to a man named Rüzgar Icon-new-badge26/2/2013, 00:47

Turkish actress Nil Erkoçlar turn to a man named Rüzgar
Turkish actress Nil Erkoçlar turn to a man named Rüzgar
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

The decision to Turkish actress Nil Erkoçlar convert her sex from female to male sensation in the artistic Turkish, where underwent nil to surgery to turn into Rüzgar perfect man, a representative who participated in a number of theatrical works successful. says Nil Erkoçlar or "Rüzgar" she Throughout the 26 years the last two did not feel a woman, but always she felt it man and moving and going and like a man, and tell Nil Erkoçlar that her story with the change of sex came at the age of six, indicating that they were not like the other girls did not like playing with dolls, noting it was felt that it was born in the body of a girl and she was refused female role, because it feels a man who was certainly. complement it in adolescence tended to girls, and even though it a female considers herself female beautiful but her body has nothing to do with, and they want to become free of her body as a woman. and adds that she underwent surgery after it became not tolerate her body did not treat people around them who are trying to force her to prolong her hair and act as a female, especially as they represented and explained Erkoçlar she lived decades of internal conflict that decided to change sex, making it feel born again after the operation.
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Turkish actress Nil Erkoçlar turn to a man named Rüzgar
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