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 The names of important personalities secretly converted to Islam, the names of the months 10 important figures converted to Islam secretly

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The names of important personalities secretly converted to Islam, the names of the months 10 important figures converted to Islam secretly Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The names of important personalities secretly converted to Islam, the names of the months 10 important figures converted to Islam secretly   The names of important personalities secretly converted to Islam, the names of the months 10 important figures converted to Islam secretly Icon-new-badge13/2/2013, 05:22

The names of important personalities secretly converted to Islam, the names of the months 10 important figures converted to Islam secretly
The names of important personalities secretly converted to Islam, the names of the months 10 important figures converted to Islam secretly

There are ten characters in the Western world are very important and famous hide Muslim, they U.S. President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle, Hillary Clinton and John Brennan and Prince Charles, Crown Prince of Britain, Anthony Weiner, which appears to the public as a Jew, while his wife is known as a Muslim woman, and Gruber Norgist and Bobby Jindal and Valeria Jaert and Elijah Williams, a member of the famous Williams family in Florida.
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The names of important personalities secretly converted to Islam, the names of the months 10 important figures converted to Islam secretly
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