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 Photo killing guard the U.S. Embassy in Ankara Turkey Day 2013, the proportion of casualties and damage explosion blow up the U.S. embassy in Ankara Day 2013

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


Photo killing guard the U.S. Embassy in Ankara Turkey Day 2013, the proportion of casualties and damage explosion blow up the U.S. embassy in Ankara Day 2013 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Photo killing guard the U.S. Embassy in Ankara Turkey Day 2013, the proportion of casualties and damage explosion blow up the U.S. embassy in Ankara Day 2013   Photo killing guard the U.S. Embassy in Ankara Turkey Day 2013, the proportion of casualties and damage explosion blow up the U.S. embassy in Ankara Day 2013 Icon-new-badge1/2/2013, 20:51

Photo killing guard the U.S. Embassy in Ankara Turkey Day 2013, the proportion of casualties and damage explosion blow up the U.S. embassy in Ankara Day 2013
Photo killing guard the U.S. Embassy in Ankara Turkey Day 2013, the proportion of casualties and damage explosion blow up the U.S. embassy in Ankara Day 2013
Photo killing guard the U.S. Embassy in Ankara Turkey Day 2013, the proportion of casualties and damage explosion blow up the U.S. embassy in Ankara Day 2013

 Anatolia agency reported Turkish and an explosion in front of the U.S. Embassy in Ankara on Friday February 1.
The agency said the blast occurred in the guard room of the U.S. Embassy, referring to the death of two embassy guards as a result of the explosion and the occurrence of damage in some of the neighboring buildings of the embassy.

The agency said that the blast targeted the second door to the entrance of the embassy.

The agency added that the security forces cordoned off the area and shut down traffic in the street embassy, which rushed to ambulances and fire.
In turn, police sources confirmed that this Turkish blast is a terrorist operation carried out by a suicide bomber, adding that she killed two people.
No one yet official cause of the explosion and the number of injured.

The street where the U.S. Embassy is located, is one of the sensitive areas in the Turkish capital, and dotted with official buildings and a number of Western embassies.
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Photo killing guard the U.S. Embassy in Ankara Turkey Day 2013, the proportion of casualties and damage explosion blow up the U.S. embassy in Ankara Day 2013
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