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  arsenal vs manchester city score 13 January 2013 English Premier League

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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 arsenal vs manchester city score 13 January 2013 English Premier League Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: arsenal vs manchester city score 13 January 2013 English Premier League    arsenal vs manchester city score 13 January 2013 English Premier League Icon-new-badge13/1/2013, 23:56

arsenal vs manchester city score 13 January 2013 English Premier League
arsenal vs manchester city score 13 January 2013 English Premier League
My friends viewers everywhere renewed confrontation English team (Manchester City vs Arsenal) in week 22 of the Premier League 2013.It is expected to follow that match 20 million worldwide. Manchester City occupies the second place (45 points) and trying to win to take his tally to 48 points in order to compete with leaders Manchester United . Arsenal ranks seventh (34 points) in 20 matches only.Arsenal seeks to win and take his tally to 37 points and even with Everton in the same balance.
arsenal vs manchester city score 13 January 2013 English Premier League
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arsenal vs manchester city score 13 January 2013 English Premier League
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