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 Video and photos of the funeral of the Armenian Orthodox Patriarch, video and photos and funeral Mass Armenian Orthodox Patriarch, when a date for the second Turkom Manoukian, the timing and the location of the second Mass Turkom Manoukian Armenian O

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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Video and photos of the funeral of the Armenian Orthodox Patriarch, video and photos and funeral Mass Armenian Orthodox Patriarch, when a date for the second Turkom Manoukian, the timing and the location of the second Mass Turkom Manoukian Armenian O Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Video and photos of the funeral of the Armenian Orthodox Patriarch, video and photos and funeral Mass Armenian Orthodox Patriarch, when a date for the second Turkom Manoukian, the timing and the location of the second Mass Turkom Manoukian Armenian O   Video and photos of the funeral of the Armenian Orthodox Patriarch, video and photos and funeral Mass Armenian Orthodox Patriarch, when a date for the second Turkom Manoukian, the timing and the location of the second Mass Turkom Manoukian Armenian O Icon-new-badge13/10/2012, 06:38

Video and photos of the funeral of the Armenian Orthodox Patriarch, video and photos and funeral Mass Armenian Orthodox Patriarch, when a date for the second Turkom Manoukian, the timing and the location of the second Mass Turkom Manoukian Armenian Orthodox Patriarch Video and photos of the funeral of the Armenian Orthodox Patriarch, video and photos and funeral Mass Armenian Orthodox Patriarch, when a date for the second Turkom Manoukian, the timing and the location of the second Mass Turkom Manoukian Armenian Orthodox Patriarch Video and photos of the funeral of the Armenian Orthodox Patriarch, video and photos and funeral Mass Armenian Orthodox Patriarch, when a date for the second Turkom Manoukian, the timing and the location of the second Mass Turkom Manoukian Armenian Orthodox Patriarch

Armenian Orthodox Patriarch died in Jerusalem Turkom II Manoukian Friday, at the age of 93 years, the Armenian sources reported.

The patriarch, who was highly respected in the community church in the Holy Land, has entered into a coma since January 2012 following a stroke.

After his election ninety-sixth Patriarch of the Armenian Orthodox in 1990, second Turkom was Manoukian leading Armenian Orthodox groups in Israel and the Palestinian territories and Jordan.

And the late Patriarch was born February 16, 1919 in a camp for displaced survivors of the Armenian massacres in Baquba, north of Baghdad, and became a priest in 1939 after theological studies received in the Seminary of St. James Armenian Patriarchate in Jerusalem.

And then moved in 1946 to the United States to become the bishop of Armenia for a large New York and the Eastern bishops Alabrashiyat of the Armenian Church in North America, and was known in Jerusalem for his love of culture and music.

And share the Armenian Orthodox Church in Jerusalem to protect the holy places with the Orthodox Church and the Latin Church (Roman Catholic), the largest churches, in addition to the Syriac and Coptic churches.

The estimated number of Armenians living in Jerusalem about 2,000 people, according to estimates, the number of 16 thousand in 1948 when the establishment of the State of Israel.

The funeral will be held Patriarch Manoukian on October 22 in the Armenian cemetery in Jerusalem.

And will elect a successor to the late Patriarch of the Armenian monastic brotherhood within forty days, and the Patriarch-elect to obtain the consent of Israel and the king of Jordan, and even then, acting as proxy late Patriarch Bishop Creek Norhan Manoukian.
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Video and photos of the funeral of the Armenian Orthodox Patriarch, video and photos and funeral Mass Armenian Orthodox Patriarch, when a date for the second Turkom Manoukian, the timing and the location of the second Mass Turkom Manoukian Armenian O
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