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 Photo scandal Kate Middleton naked on the cover of Journal Kluser, photos of Princess Kate Middleton naked Duchess of Cambridge

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Photo scandal Kate Middleton naked on the cover of Journal Kluser, photos of Princess Kate Middleton naked Duchess of Cambridge Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Photo scandal Kate Middleton naked on the cover of Journal Kluser, photos of Princess Kate Middleton naked Duchess of Cambridge   Photo scandal Kate Middleton naked on the cover of Journal Kluser, photos of Princess Kate Middleton naked Duchess of Cambridge Icon-new-badge14/9/2012, 21:55

Photo scandal Kate Middleton naked on the cover of Journal Kluser, photos of Princess Kate Middleton naked Duchess of Cambridge Photo scandal Kate Middleton naked on the cover of Journal Kluser, photos of Princess Kate Middleton naked Duchess of Cambridge Photo scandal Kate Middleton naked on the cover of Journal Kluser, photos of Princess Kate Middleton naked Duchess of Cambridge...

Photo scandal Kate Middleton naked on the cover of Journal Kluser, photos of Princess Kate Middleton naked Duchess of Cambridge

Issued palace of Prince William, grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, a statement in which it confirmed that the pictures published by the French magazine of a topless woman, back to Princess Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, and wife of Prince William.

The magazine "Kluser" French, she photographs will be published in its edition on Friday, I picked up last week for Prince William and his wife, while having served their vacation in a private palace south of France, and look where Princess Kate topless.

A statement issued by the spokesman for St. James's Palace said that "the authors Royal Highness felt deeply saddened because the French magazine violated their privacy and published pictures of the two rude, and unjustified."

The statement added: "This incident reminds us of the worst excesses of the press and photographers during the life of the Princess of Wales Diana," pointing out that William and Kate were "reassured to Remember _khasusithma in that house run .. No Atsoura that anyone can pick up such images, or published . "

The statement emphasized that "officials who act on behalf of the authors Royal Highness now consulting with lawyers to consider the options available to the Duke and Duchess."

It seems that the photographer took pictures a magnifier, they seem a bit confused, and restricted access magazine photos via its website, and only publish image of the first page of the magazine, which appears covered with images.

He has published Laurent Pew, editor of the French magazine, several comments on Twitter on Thursday about pictures, and he said in one: "The world will see tomorrow exclusively in the Journal of Kluser .. Kate Middleton as never seen before .. As will see again."

The publishing these pictures after three weeks of media crisis of the British royal family on pictures of Prince Harry, William's younger brother, appears naked during a party rave in a hotel room in Las Vegas


French magazine published nude pictures of Princess Kate
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Photo scandal Kate Middleton naked on the cover of Journal Kluser, photos of Princess Kate Middleton naked Duchess of Cambridge
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