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 Photos and video Buchanda funeral, the funeral of Senegal Buchanda legend, the reasons for and details of the death of Jules Francois Buchanda

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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Photos and video Buchanda funeral, the funeral of Senegal Buchanda legend, the reasons for and details of the death of Jules Francois Buchanda Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Photos and video Buchanda funeral, the funeral of Senegal Buchanda legend, the reasons for and details of the death of Jules Francois Buchanda   Photos and video Buchanda funeral, the funeral of Senegal Buchanda legend, the reasons for and details of the death of Jules Francois Buchanda Icon-new-badge9/5/2012, 00:56

Photos and video Buchanda funeral, the funeral of Senegal Buchanda legend, the reasons for and details of the death of Jules Francois Buchanda Photos and video Buchanda funeral, the funeral of Senegal Buchanda legend, the reasons for and details of the death of Jules Francois Buchanda Photos and video Buchanda funeral, the funeral of Senegal Buchanda legend, the reasons for and details of the death of Jules Francois Buchanda

CAF President Issa across Hayatou expressed shock over the death myth Senegal Jules Francois Buchanda. Black Altaranja former star, died on Monday 7 May at Metz, France, after the surgery at the age of 53 years.

Hayatou described the deaths shocked Buchanda new African football after the departure of former star of Nigeria's Rashidi Iaykina the end of last week.

Hayatou said "I remember very well that the player was with passion, strength, and ability to tear defenses liabilities. I remember well the opening match of the African Cup of Nations 1992 between Senegal and Nigeria, which included Buchanda and Rashidi Iaykina together. Buchanda equivalent of Senegal, which lost 2-1.

"On behalf of myself and the executive committee of CAF and African football family to express condolences to the Union of Senegalese football and to the family and the people of Buchanda Segnchor. Our feelings with you in these difficult moments."

The Buchanda a national symbol of Senegal and one of the best talent that has emerged in the west of the continent. His death came less than 72 hours of departure of the former star of Nigeria's Rashidi Iaykina.

Late striker made his name in France, where he was crowned top scorer of the league season 1985-1986 scoring 23 goals to Metz, and also played for Paris Saint-Germain, Nice and Lens.

After his retirement from the path of black Aleranja for a short period between 1994 and 1995 also helped France's Bruno Metsu during the 2002 World Cup. In 2009 he was honored by CAF as one of the legends of the ball to the Africans by the Nigerian Stephen Keshi and Alonjula Osvaldo Saturnino de Oliveira, Jesús through CAF Awards ceremony held in Accra, Ghana.
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Photos and video Buchanda funeral, the funeral of Senegal Buchanda legend, the reasons for and details of the death of Jules Francois Buchanda
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