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 jokes about men and women funny 2012

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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jokes about men and women funny 2012 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: jokes about men and women funny 2012   jokes about men and women funny 2012 Icon-new-badge1/3/2012, 21:45

jokes about men and women funny 2012
jokes about men and women funny 2012
Jokes are married - married jokes

Jokes are married - married jokes

Of course I Alazoubi the only center of my colleagues at work every day Gsbn needed me I hear a joke
This is a collection cute jokes that, God willing, paint Aptsamtkm

Once a very romantic girl marry a very romantic Vahbu they Aswo romantic atmosphere
The husband said I call on you phone from the kitchen and Ante Aazojta Tklima from the bedroom
Wife said good ..
After half an hour talk Hpt wife she kidding with her husband, she said: parenteral parenteral Pope heard me, and I Baklmk
Vandemj pair is in the role and threw himself out of the window to, unfortunately, was in the fourth round

Husband and wife are stupid and very convex and buy the first time and claimed the pair shows the mirror in which Schaaf claimed the same call twice to say in our house you thief the wife and the Shaft itself came thief says he and his run.

Once Bet'oul for the second: I am Josee Nsay Levi every time tell me where the key to the car where the key to the house. Second told her: Oh, I Bakhtak Josee Li says: I Hovtk Fein before.

A man once said to his wife if Wiczuggi was our neighbor. Said to him, why? He replied had sold me a car and Gshena and where you Sagchh

School of Mathematics pickpocket marry his left Born trapezoidal

Time unit said Josha: yesterday I dreamed I was widowed and you frightened of sleep, say her husband: No, no ... that Sha Allah I nor anti!!!!!!!!

Unit is always on the Ptnkd Josha Atfqo day and night away so they sulk on a day of joy and was twice a day of joy and dancing and Tthzm Ngnalh bile reel .. reel ..

Bastard husband injured in cancer on his deathbed to his son says: If I was not saying he died of cancer paternally Qlhm I was HIV-Ahan reduce marry your mother.

In the maternity ward and placed five children, a woman once came to her husband inquired the nurse said to him, I gave birth to three children and Bbntin husband replied, I am wrong because I married the daughter of wholesaler

Times married husband unit said to his wife stupid: Hanaml Association Adhiky pounds every day and kiss ja At last month Amaaha ninetieth fairy uttered: What do da Aolah said to him: .. shut up ... not our neighbor Abu Mohammed income Bsamin

Over one and twice Mtkhanqan Fbtaloa speak to some he wrote twice Sahana at 6:30 Ahan at Time Ouht paper on the bed and slept healthy Asa 10:00 Vlqy a paper written on it wake up wake up at 6:30 ..

One time with Khteptu Asear and Haeven Moon Dhaoui Faqaltheloa Khteptu Net moon my love uttered by Aiwa Qaltheloa Perfume and your legs to Honieck origin (ie, a hyphen to the moon)

One and Hua Imo boss to his mirror phosphene romantic and uttered what
Atervdt Conte with me and what Aaat Agafta and pleural and what you do not
Radwa Conte and Maaya Delloukty Lycia keeping my side and support it Bhanih
Why not uttered by Arif feel that you feel

Wife: You must be expelled from the driver because it is almost to kill me three
Times recklessly
Husband: No Aahabibta but give him a last chance

Wife: parents pay us rent the house ... And my mother bought us
Clothing ... Fraternal and pay school fees for our children ...
My uncle and pay our calculations of the shop
And with that our conditions do not improve, and it is embarrassing to me Maysbb
With them

Husband: You're the reason ... Because you Amin others for something Aadfan

Bicol and one to his companion: Net six Elly standing there de
? Ptdharb every day Josha
Shoe!! . Said to him: What do you and I knew?? Re: My wife is originally

Bicol and one to his companion: Has AT Alkhnaqh between you and
Thy glass yesterday??
Re: Huh ... de Jet until I have knelt down and veterans!! Said to him,
Peace to you and said, eh?
Said to him: She told me: "Consider from under the bed, you coward"

Director of School and Director of the School marry Zaao Almaazim numbers on seating

Wife: I have seen our neighbor his wife to accept what Do not do like him
Husband: Do you think that our neighbor will agree

Once one has a wheel convoy Mtjoz 20 years old and is a key Maah Avatar ... Httgnn this afternoon, and the object What did you know the wheel ... On the job and claimed he forgot the key ... This afternoon, opened the cupboard suspended 20 000 pounds .. And eggs!!! A. I asked him what came back to the story of twins states? Spoken frankly ... You betray all time lowest egg in the cupboard ... She said the six: twenty years and twice passport Avatar ... Not important ... I asked him medicine and twenty thousand pounds? You said it all that the whole egg cartons go sell

The unit is very stupid man Atzojt shy Obs silent. Hpt kidding him the night of income and the changing atmosphere
Qallh Ocolk Matzal thing ... I'm pregnant .. Start with

Dr. Ward entered once in the transmission of mad At one Badharb Balcbcb himself asked his nurse de? She was originally one and loves Mtjozhash income .. At Amber to after the one in his brain Bejbt caution uttered his affection Qallh continued to de Atjozha

Once going by complaining to her mother: Mom, Mom, Alhakana ..? Mother: Malik eh??! She said: I work all the nutty Eachdh eating and throwing him to the dog!!! Mother: Oh, and the dog is haram sins AT Avatar??!!!

Time unit married man is very jealous and have the house next to the rail and all Maimer train vibrates the wheel and the annoying pair of sleep when he claimed the pair work Hpt wife it looked like the wheel without Miaraf her husband brought a carpenter and Qallh the story of the wheel and on her husband's wife said all minutes and going through the train entered the carpenter inside the wheel and lock the door of the cupboard suddenly Ashan sure Ja husband and quickly entered the bedroom and opened the cupboard and was carpenter ..
He said to him: carpenter I know if you swear for the morning is not going to believe me I waited for the train

Rahu in 3 married to the first restaurant Bicol twice Aattiynni Hucklath most beautiful and carefully Hucklath Bicol twice Give me an orange juice most beautiful and the third twice Ptcolh Dlni Zeyem Baklha Give me milk a cow most beautiful

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