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 Who is the Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the image Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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Jasmine collar

Jasmine collar

Who is the Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the image Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Who is the Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the image Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz    Who is the Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the image Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz  Icon-new-badge18/1/2012, 22:06

Who is the Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the image Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz

Who is the Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the image Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz

Saudi National Guard before. Twenty is the son of the sons of King Abdul Aziz of Princess Haya Saad Sudairy girl. Which is one of the princes who formed the Free Princes movement.
[Edit] his political life

In 3 Rajab 1380 AH corresponding to December 21, 1960 appointed by King Saud bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Minister of Transport [2], the job remained the Qasra where left in the other 1 Spring 1381 AH corresponding to September 11, 1961 [2]. On 3 November 1387 corresponding to February 2, 1968 appointed by King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Deputy Chairman of the National Guard [1]. On 11 December 1431 H corresponding to November 17, 2010 was relieved of his post on the students [3].
[Edit] family

He married his cousin Princess Hassa Abdullah Sudairy girl, and the couple had:
Princess Nov.
Princess Madawi.
Princess Jewels.
Prince Fahd.
Princess Lamia.
Prince Talal.
Prince Khaled.
Prince Faisal.
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Who is the Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the image Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Who is the Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the image Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz    Who is the Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the image Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz  Icon-new-badge24/1/2012, 18:05

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Who is the Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the image Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz
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