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  Who is the Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Hamza bin sad, picture of Prince Hamza

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 Who is the Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Hamza bin sad, picture of Prince Hamza Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Who is the Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Hamza bin sad, picture of Prince Hamza    Who is the Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Hamza bin sad, picture of Prince Hamza Icon-new-badge11/1/2012, 00:37

Who is the Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Hamza bin sad, picture of Prince Hamza
Who is the Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Hamza bin sad, picture of Prince Hamza
Who is the Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Hamza bin sad, picture of Prince Hamza

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

Prince Hamza bin Hussein (March 29, 1980 -), the Crown Prince of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan before. Is the son of King Hussein Bin Talal of his fourth wife Queen Noor Al Hussein. Took the crown prince of the period between February 7, 1999 to November 28, 2004


Completed his primary education in Amman and then School Harrow, United Kingdom, and later joined the Academy Sandhurst Royal Military and graduated in December 10, 1999 with honors, where he earned the Sword of Honour, the highest estimate received by an officer from outside Britain, and won the "Award of Prince Saud bin Abdul God ", which is awarded to those who made the best mark in the academic study of non-British officers. He also graduated from Harvard University in early 2006.

His military service

Served in the Armored Brigade session in the Jordan Arab Army, and participated in a number of military courses in Jordan and the United Kingdom, Poland, Germany and the United States. He also participated in the tasks of the force of Jordan - UAE joint working within the international forces to peacekeeping in the former Yugoslavia. He holds the rank of colonel in the Jordan Arab Army.


And acts on behalf of King Abdullah II of occasions and functions of the various official within and outside the Kingdom. He is also head of the Royal Commission Advisory to the energy sector, and the honorary presidency of the Union of Jordanian basketball. He also heads the Board of Trustees of the Royal Automobile Museum and the Royal Air Sports Club, president of Society for the Protection tree. It also holds a driver's licenses aircraft types, it also has interest in other sports, including Djiogtsu and shooting.

Decorations and honors

Received a high number of decorations from Jordan, Bahrain, Italy, the Netherlands and other nations.

His social life

On August 29, 2003 tied the knot on the Princess Noor girl Assem bin Nayef bin Abdullah I, which has become nicknamed after the marriage with the light of Hamza, and the couple had:
Princess Haya (born April 18, 2007).
And divorced in September of 2009.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Jasmine collar

Jasmine collar

 Who is the Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Hamza bin sad, picture of Prince Hamza Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Who is the Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Hamza bin sad, picture of Prince Hamza    Who is the Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Hamza bin sad, picture of Prince Hamza Icon-new-badge12/1/2012, 21:28

Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein was born March 29, 1980, Crown Prince of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan before. Is the son of King Hussein Bin Talal of his fourth wife Queen Noor Al Hussein of U.S. origin. He had assumed the crown prince of the period between February 7, 1999 to November 28, 2004. Completed his primary education in Amman and then School Harrow, United Kingdom, and later joined the Academy Sandhurst Royal Military and graduated in December 10, 1999 with honors, where he earned the Sword of Honour, the highest estimate received by an officer from outside Britain, and won the "Award of Prince Saud bin Abdul God ", which is awarded to those who made ​​the best mark in the academic study of non-British officers. He also graduated from Harvard University in early 2006.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Who is the Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, Wikipedia, the biography of Prince Hamza bin sad, picture of Prince Hamza
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