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مُساهمةموضوع: , who is Yassen al-Suri , Yassen al-Suri Wikipedia , the biography of Yassen al-Suri , image of Yassen al-Suri , who is the Izz al-Din Khalil    , who is Yassen al-Suri , Yassen al-Suri Wikipedia , the biography of Yassen al-Suri ,  image of Yassen al-Suri , who is the Izz al-Din Khalil  Icon-new-badge24/12/2011, 05:46

, who is Yassen al-Suri , Yassen al-Suri Wikipedia , the biography of Yassen al-Suri , image of Yassen al-Suri , who is the Izz al-Din Khalil

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

Yasin is the pseudonym Syrian outburst Khalil, 30, also known as the 'Zine El Abidine,' He was born in Qamishli in Syria, according to information published by the U.S. authorities earlier this year.

The U.S. Treasury Department said last July that 'Izz al-Din Abd al-Aziz al-Khalil, known as Yassin, Syrian, based in Iran for him, and works in Tehran under the agreement between Al Qaeda and the Iranian government.'

The ministry said in a statement that 'the Iranian authorities have maintained a relationship with Khalil and allowed him to work within the borders of Iran since 2005.'

It is suspected that Khalil transferred funds and recruits from across the Middle East to Iran, then to Pakistan for al-Qaeda, according to the ministry, which said it is raising funds from all over the Gulf region, is responsible for transferring large amounts of money through Iran to the leadership of al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The ministry said 'as a representative of al-Qaeda in Iran, Khalil works with the Iranian government to arrange the release of al-Qaeda members from Iranian prisons .. When released, al-Qaeda, the Iranian government to hand them over Khalil, which facilitates travel to Pakistan. '

And David Cohen, Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, said last July that Iran entered into a secret deal with al Qaeda to allow them to transfer money and activists through their territory.

He added that "Iran is the leading country in sponsoring terrorism in the world today, 'pointing out that the' Washington illuminates another aspect of Iran's support for terrorism that is unmatched .. And seek to disrupt the network key and deny al-Qaeda support.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: , who is Yassen al-Suri , Yassen al-Suri Wikipedia , the biography of Yassen al-Suri , image of Yassen al-Suri , who is the Izz al-Din Khalil    , who is Yassen al-Suri , Yassen al-Suri Wikipedia , the biography of Yassen al-Suri ,  image of Yassen al-Suri , who is the Izz al-Din Khalil  Icon-new-badge25/12/2011, 04:09

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, who is Yassen al-Suri , Yassen al-Suri Wikipedia , the biography of Yassen al-Suri , image of Yassen al-Suri , who is the Izz al-Din Khalil
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