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  Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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 Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked    Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked Icon-new-badge11/12/2011, 19:54

Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked
Began the beautiful blonde Cindy Lee Party leader, "fun" the French campaign, like all the French presidential election candidates, but they differed from them that they began to meet Bonsarha a naked despite the cold weather in France.
The newspaper "Liberation" the French Cindy Lee, aged 30 years are the most suffering of all the candidates for the French presidential elections scheduled in May 2012 for the simple reason that it seeks to obtain the necessary signatures from MPs for a card to run, a bare chest and legs, although the temperature in some cities in France from zero.
Cindy Lee has launched a campaign in Paris under the banner of fun and pleasure and happiness are the main and the only good in life. The campaign focused on the deteriorating economic situation in Europe, such as all presidential candidates, according to the principle of her party, which says that every economic activity is based on the satisfaction levels of society and to meet as much as possible of his wishes.
It is noteworthy that the Cindy Lee, aged 30 years, she ran by in the French presidential elections of 2002 and 2007 but failed to get the necessary five hundred signatures from local deputies to get the card to run.
The Cindy Lee has nominated itself in the local elections held in 2003 for the Paris region and got a rate of 1.8 percent, a small percentage relative to that obtained by the parties of the French major, but considered it an encouraging start, especially as she was then more than 22 years.] color = red] ed] Place the response to see the photos [/ colo
Cindy Lee nous fait plaisir


عدل سابقا من قبل nermeen في 11/12/2011, 22:58 عدل 4 مرات
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked    Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked Icon-new-badge11/12/2011, 20:52

لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله والله شي بخزي
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked    Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked Icon-new-badge11/12/2011, 22:22

صور مخزية
على اساس ان هو ده برنامجها الانتخابى؟؟
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked    Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked Icon-new-badge12/12/2011, 00:33

لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله صور سيندي الفرنسية عارية بتخزي جدا الله يلعنها
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked    Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked Icon-new-badge12/12/2011, 02:10

YouTube Cindy nue Lee - le scandale vidéo, un candidat à l'élection présidentielle française nue - YouTube Blonde française Cindy Lee entièrement nue youtube Cindy Lee nue - scandale de la vidéo, un candidat à l'élection présidentielle française nue - YouTube Blonde française Cindy Lee entièrement nue youtube Cindy Lee nue - scandale de la vidéo, candidat à l'élection présidentielle française nue - YouTube Cindy Lee entièrement nue

YouTube Cindy Lee nude - video scandal, a candidate for the French presidential election naked - YouTube Blonde French Cindy Lee fully nude youtube Cindy Lee nude - video scandal, a candidate for the French presidential election naked - YouTube Blonde French Cindy Lee fully nude youtube Cindy Lee nude - video scandal, candidate for the presidential elections French naked - YouTube Cindy Lee fully nude

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eddy gogo

eddy gogo

 Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked    Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked Icon-new-badge14/12/2011, 21:32

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked    Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked Icon-new-badge15/12/2011, 17:18

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Photo scandal fun party leader in French Cindy Lee naked
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