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 Google stops Beta services

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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Google stops Beta services Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Google stops Beta services   Google stops Beta services Icon-new-badge5/9/2011, 03:04

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

Google stops Beta services

Google said it is discontinuing the products as part of
the closure announced last month of its experimental test bed Google
Labs. Google is abolishing online news reader Fast Flip, social search
service Aardvark, commenting tool Sidewiki and several other products.

“Over the next few months we’ll be shutting down a number of products
and merging others into existing products as features,” Senior Vice
President Alan Eustace said. Eustace said the closures will allow the
Mountain View, California-based company to “devote more resources to
high impact products, the ones that improve the lives of billions of

Besides Fast Flip, Aardvark and Sidewiki, other products facing the
scissors include Google Desktop, Google Web Security, Image Labeler,
Notebook and Subscribed Links.

Sidewiki allows notes and comments to be posted alongside Web pages
for others to read. Fast Flip allows users to browse through news
stories from Google’s media partners at speeds significantly faster than
the time it usually takes to load a Web page.

Aardvark co-founders Max Ventilla and Damon Horowitz said in a blog
post entitled “Goodbye Aardvark” that the service will shut down at the
end of this month. Aardvark uses the contacts in a person’s network to
provide answers to questions via the Web at Vark.com, instant messaging,
e-mail or Twitter. “Aardvark began as a small experiment in a new kind
of social search and over a few years blossomed into a service that made
millions of connections between people to answer each other’s
questions,” Ventilla and Horowitz said.

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Google stops Beta services   Google stops Beta services Icon-new-badge5/9/2011, 03:49

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