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 Irish Baby Names

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


Irish Baby Names  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Irish Baby Names    Irish Baby Names  Icon-new-badge6/8/2011, 18:14

Adan Irish a form of Aidan

Aden Irish a form of Aidan

Aedan Irish a form of Aidan

Afrika Irish a form of Africa

Aidan Irish "fiery." A famous person named Aidan is ..

Aiden Irish a form of Aidan

Ailen Irish a form of Helen

Ailis Irish See Adelaide.

Aimon Irish a form of Eamon

Aindrea Irish a form of Andrew

Aine Irish "brightness." Although once used as a bo..

Airlead Irish promise

Aisling Irish "vision," is not common as a name, but w..

Aislinn Irish a form of Ashlyn

Aislynn Irish a form of Ashlyn

Al Irish a short form of Alan, Albert, Alexa..

Alaina Irish a form of Alana

Alan Irish "handsome" or "peaceful." Blessed Alan d..

Alana Irish A name that means "attractive; peaceful...

Alanah Irish a form of Alana

Alani Irish a form of Alana

Alanis Irish beautiful, bright

Alanna Irish a form of Alana

Alannah Irish a form of Alana

Alayna Irish a form of Alana
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Irish Baby Names    Irish Baby Names  Icon-new-badge7/8/2011, 05:47

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