Abban Latin white
Abilio Latin expert: able
Abudemio Latin one who speaks in a sweet, refined way
Abundancio Latin rich, affluent
Abundia Latin abundance
Abundio Latin he who has a lot of property
Acalia Latin Mythology: another name for Acca Larenti..
Ace Latin unity
Acisclo Latin a pick used to work on rocks
Acucio Latin sharp: shrewd
Acursio Latin he who heads toward God
Adacio Latin determined: active
Adaucto Latin increase
Adawna Latin beautiful sunrise
Adiosdado Latin given by God
Adjutor Latin one who helps
Adora Latin beloved
Adoracion Latin the action of venerting the magical gods
Adreana Latin a form of Adrienne
Adreanna Latin a form of Adrienne
Adrian Latin dark
Adrienne Latin dark
Adyuto Latin one who helps
Adyutor Latin one who helps
Africa Latin sunny; not cold