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 Kohl's Launch Of Lopez/Anthony Lines May Be Complicated By Split ‏

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Kohl's Launch Of Lopez/Anthony Lines May Be Complicated By Split ‏ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Kohl's Launch Of Lopez/Anthony Lines May Be Complicated By Split ‏   Kohl's Launch Of Lopez/Anthony Lines May Be Complicated By Split ‏ Icon-new-badge21/7/2011, 08:00

Kohl's Launch Of Lopez/Anthony Lines May Be Complicated By Split

By Karen Talley

Of Dow Jones Newswires

NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Jennifer Lopez's representatives confirmed the singer/actress remains committed to launching a clothing line at Kohl's Corp. (KSS) with soon-to-be ex-husband Marc Anthony.

Mark Young, Lopez's publicist, said the launch in September "will proceed as planned." Young called the Lopez line "distinctive" and said it represents style in an accessible way.

The star couple announced over the weekend plans to split after seven years of marriage, but industry watchers say it's bad timing for a rollout slated for September. Over the weekend, after the announcement, Kohl's also said the launch would continue, saying the lines can stand by themselves.

"The Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony brands have always been positioned as two separate, distinctive collections," a Kohl's spokeswoman said.

The retailer has big plans for the lines, calling them the largest launch of exclusive merchandise in its 49-year history. Kohl's has been talking up the lines and planning a big publicity push, as well as looking for the brands to boost sales.

The lines will encompass virtually every merchandise category that Kohl's carries. The Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony brands will be a move by the lower-end department store to step up its "aspirational," or higher-quality, offerings.

The products, with Lopez taking a big hand in the women's offerings and Anthony involved in the men's, were expected to be promoted around their lifestyles and to be publicized together.

"These kinds of situations create consumer disappointment and disengagement with the celebrity," Robert Passikoff, founder of Brands Keys, a brand consulting firm. "Right now, Kohl's "has to go through with it. They have made an investment in the merchandise and the licensing fees."

In good news for Kohl's in terms of the couple shooting for an amicable divorce, they have said they will go through with their Latin talent search show. But there are also reports Anthony owes $3.4 million in back taxes. "The best thing KSS can do is sit very quietly and hope there is no more bad news about Marc or Jennifer," Passikoff said.
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Kohl's Launch Of Lopez/Anthony Lines May Be Complicated By Split ‏   Kohl's Launch Of Lopez/Anthony Lines May Be Complicated By Split ‏ Icon-new-badge21/7/2011, 10:24

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Kohl's Launch Of Lopez/Anthony Lines May Be Complicated By Split ‏
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