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 اسماء اشهر المطربين الاجانب

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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كاتب الموضوعرسالة


اسماء اشهر المطربين الاجانب Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: اسماء اشهر المطربين الاجانب   اسماء اشهر المطربين الاجانب Icon-new-badge27/6/2011, 16:47

اهم المغنين الاجانب و مواقعهم
اسماء اشهر المطربين الاجانب
Bryan Adams
فنان بكل معنى الكلمه لا استطيع ان اقول شئ عنه لانه فنان كبير جدا وصوته عذب وهذا هو موقعه
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

مغني رائع له تاريخه الفني الرائع وهذا موقعه
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Bon jovi
فنان ايضا له تاريخه وانا من اشد المعجبيين به مع اني احببته بعد سنوات من مشواره الفني الطويل وهذا موقعه
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Ricky Martin
الغير المعروف انه يغني من 18 سنه تقريبا ولكنه اشتهر في التسعينات واصبح من اشهر المغنيين في العالم واصبح اشهر مغني من امريكا الاتينيه وهذا موقع النجم الرائع
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

فنانه رائعه جدا و أكدت انها كذلك بعد اغنية American life بعد ان قالت هذه اكثر اغنيه تعبر عنها وهذا موقع ملكة البوب
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Celine Dion
صوت رائع واداء اروع مع فنانه عشقها العالم وهذا موقعها
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

نجمة النجوم شاكيرا كانت تغني من 10 سنوات ولكنها احترفت الغناء قبل بضع سنوات لا تعليق على فنانه تجعل الحواس ترقص وتغني مع صوتها الجميل وهذا موقعها
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Britney Spears
أميرة البوب هكذا لقبها الناس فعلا أميره في غنائها وصوتها واغانيها وهذا موقع أميرتنا
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Christina Aguilera
صوتها قوي جدا وهي كانت صديقة Britney & Justin عندما كانوا أطفالا في نفس المدرسه والان هم اكثر ثلاثة مغنيين الاشهر في العالم وهذا موقعها
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

ملك الراب هذا ما أعتقد انه يناسبه لانه جعل الراب اكثر شهره الان وليس غريبا ان يجعل مغني كان يغني وله 5 البومات ان يشتهر بعد ان غنى معه واصبح هذا المغني من اهم مغنيين الراب هذه السنه اكيد تريدون ان تعرفوا هذا المغني ولكن ليس بعد ان نعرف موقع هذا الفنان الرائع
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

50 Cent
هذا هو المغني الذي اشتهر بعد ان غنى مع Eminem الاغنيه التي جعلته مشهورا بعد 5 البومات وهي اغنية in da club
وموقعه هو
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Enrique Iglesias
فنان رائع جدا ومجنن كل البنات والمعروف انه من عائله فنيه لان والده خوليو مغني مشهور في اسبانيا وهذا الفنان متواضع جدا لدرجة انه يقول انا لست وسيما بصراحه ارى ان تواضعه هذا لم يعد يرى انه اوسم مغني وهذا موقع الوسيم
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Justin Timberlake
انا بصراحة مجنونة Justin ولست الوحيده التي تعشقه هذا المغني الذي جعل مغنيين كثيرين يخشون منافسته وخاصه روبي وليام الذي قال انه يخاف من نجاح Justin الساحق الذي اصدر اول البوم فردي له وللعلم انه قبل ان تتفرق فرقة Nsync غنى اغنيه لوحده من تأليفه هو وخطيبته السابقهBritney Spears وقيل انها اشتهرت كثيرا في اوربا وامريكا لكن لم ارى الفيديو كليب غير مرتين في القنوات العربيه وهذا موقع المبدع في الغناء
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Avril Lavigne
فتاة جميله اشتهرت في البوم واحد لها ووصل نجاحها حتى كوريا واليابان وفازت العام الماضي بMTV music a word
لافضل صوت جديد وفي مجلة Tops of the Pops سميت بkid rock وهذا موقعها
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Nick Carter
احبه عندما كان يغني مع BSB لان جميع اغانيهم جميله وبصراحه لم ينجح لوحده ولكن اتمنى حظا لمعشوق البنات وهذا موقعه الخاص
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Will Smith
فنان بمنتهى الروعه رائع في غنائه وتمثيله لا اعرف اصف هذا الفنان غير انه اكثر من رائع ولكن القرار والتعبير عن هذا الفنان
يعود لكم وهذا موقعه
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Craig David
فنان عرف كيف يصبح مشهورا ولكن الان البومه الاخير لا بأس به ولكن اكيد لم يكن بمستوى 7 days البومه السابق ولااستطيع ان اكتب اكثر لانه بالطبع فنان رائع وهذا موقعه
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

فنان اغانيه رائعه الان استمع لاغنياته استمع له وفعلا من يستمع له لن
يندم وكنت اتسأل لماذا الناس يحبونه والان عرفت لماذا وارجوا ان يعجبكم مثلما اعجبني وهذا الموقع
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

مغني ومصمم ازياء وخطيب جينفر لوبيز سابقا وهذا موقعه
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
Jennifer Lopez
مغنيه ممثله مصممة ازياء تحمل اسمها وصاحبة مطعم وخطيبة بن افليك ومن اجمل نساء العالم لاكثر من سنه وهذا موقعها
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

هذا الموقع للمعجبيين به وهو
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

مغني مشهور له جمهوره العريض في العالم العربي ةهذا موقعه
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Darren Hayes
صوت رائع لاعرف ماذا اقول عنه ولكن جميع اغاني الالبوم جميله جدا وهذا موقعه
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

اكثر المغنيين الذين احبهم صحيح وبصراحه اني عندما اراه لااتصور انه هو الذي احبه ولكن اغانيه جميله جدا جدا ومن يعرفه يوفقني الرأي وهذا موقعه
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Tiziano Ferro
فنان جديد رائع لكل من يحب ان يعرف عنه شئ يدخل على موقعه ولن يندم وانا اعجبني ونصيحه للذين يحبون الاغاني الايطاليه يدخل على هذا الموقع
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Back street boys
فرقه اعشقهم منذ ان كنت صغيره وبالخص هاوي الرائع واستغرب عندما اسمع ان لا احد يعتقد انه ليس اشهر عضو بالفرقه بالعكس مشهور كثيرا هو ونيك اكثر عضويين يحبونهم البنات في البلدان الاجنبيه وبراين متزوج وقريبه كيفن لا اعرف عنه شئ
وalexandar اسم A.J الحقيقي والخبر السار انهم لم ينفصلوا وهذا ماسوف تشاهدونه في موقع الفرقه وهو
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

West life
اروع فرقه لدي واروع عضو مارك ولمحبي براين انه متزوج من 3 سنوات تقريبا ولديه بنت وولد ويقال انه سوف يتبنى طفل
مع العلم ان براين متبنى عندما كان صغيرا وعائلته الان هم المتبنيين له واعرف ان كل الاعضاء رائعون ولكن لو تكلمت عن كل عضو منهم لن انتهي وهذا موقع الفرقه الايرلنديه
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Atomic Kitten
فرقه جميله جدا وبها اجمل بنات بريطانيا اشهر girl band الى الان انا اعجبني موقعهم جدا واذا كنت تريد ان تدردش مع الفرقه
موجود موقع جميل لفرقه ولا اروع وهذا هو الموقع
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

فرقه رائعه وهذا رأي الجميع فرقه تضم أوسم شباب العالم برأي جميع بنات العالم وهذا موقعهم
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

S club
كانوا 7 ولكن خرج عضو واصبحوا 6 يقال انهم سوف ينفصلون ولااعرف اذا كانوا سوف ينفصلون اولا لانهم كانوا يغنون منذ عام 1999 لذلك لحد الان غير معروفاذا سينفصلون اولا وهذا موقع الفرقه الرائعه [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط][ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]].[/url]
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

فرقه اعجبتني اول ما رأيتها واعضائها ثلاثه شباب عصام من المغرب و وقاس من باكستان وليني من هوندريز واعتقد ان الفرقه كلها مسلمين والشئ الذي اعجبني بهم انهم اول فرقه في العالم ومشهوره عالميا تظهر في الفيديو كليب نساء محجبات وشعار الفرقه[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط][ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]].[/url]
زخرفه اسلاميه قديمه وارجوا ان تعجبكم الفرقه مثلما اعجبتني وهذا هو الموقع
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Las Kechup
فرقه اسبانيه رائعه في اغنيه واحد اصبحوا مشهورات عالميا وهذا موقعهم
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

ديو رائع جدا ولا اتعجب بأن يحبهم الاطفال وهذا هو الموقع
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

S club jouniors
8 اولاد وبنات احب الفرقه كثيرا فعلا مبدعيين وهذا موقعهم
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

اكيد فرقه معروفه ولها معجبيين كثيرين وهذا موقع الفرقه
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

فرقه من ثلاث اخوان ايضا مشهوره في بريطانيا وهذا موقعهم
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

One true voice
فرقه جديده اشتهرت في بريطانيا ولكن انا متأكده من انهم سوف يشتهرون وهم خمس شباب سمعت اغنيه واحده ولكن جميله جدا جدا جدا ونصيحه ادخلوا على هذا الموقع وفعلا صوت واحد صحيح
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
فرقه جديده ولكنها اشتهرت بسرعه كبيره والفرقه رائعه وموقعها هو
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

فرقه جديد لثلاثه شباب الفرقه مشهوره في البلدان الاوربيه ولكن اكيد سوف تشتهر لان اغنياتهم جميله جدا للذي يحب ان يتعرف على الفرقه هذا هو الموقع
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

واهداء مني لكل الاعضاء هذا الموقع الرائع

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Lil Bow Wow
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Natalie Imbruglia
بطلة Johnny English مغنيه جميله جدا
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

فرقه روووعه اكيد راح تعجب البنات لان كل ولد احلى من الثاني

عدل سابقا من قبل kingsam في 30/9/2011, 18:46 عدل 1 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
دلع المنتدى

دلع المنتدى

اسماء اشهر المطربين الاجانب Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: اسماء اشهر المطربين الاجانب   اسماء اشهر المطربين الاجانب Icon-new-badge27/6/2011, 16:58

كلك زؤ سام مشكور
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


اسماء اشهر المطربين الاجانب Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: اسماء اشهر المطربين الاجانب   اسماء اشهر المطربين الاجانب Icon-new-badge6/7/2011, 18:31

أسماء المطربين الاجانب
Names of foreign singers

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson

+30No one is giving MJ a sympathy vote... are you crazy? Anyone saying something like that does not know what an amazing range he had, how he could control his voice, or what he could do with it. His vocal range was a 4 octave of a tenor, he had an amazing vibrato and sang across just about every genre of music... it is one of the things he is known for. It's sad that some just don't know enough yet comment or merely dismiss him because he was a fantastic dancer as well and somehow they forget what he was originally known for, which was singing from a very young age with the soul of an experienced adult. The emotion and passion he sang with was so authentic and palpable. I am tired of seeing some people discount him when he was both a fantastic singer as well as dancer. He was the complete package as an artist.

Just because your favorite is someone else doesn't mean that it's right to belittle an artist that clearly was an amazing singer or ignore facts that have been in evidence for decades as is the case with Michael Jackson. I don't even know who some of these singers are but that doesn't mean I am going to belittle them.

I love both Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson. The both, to me have insane vocal range and could do so much with their God given talent as vocalists but if I have to choose, it is Michael for me.

+13Started in the Jackson 5 being a superstar then and then going on to sing songs such as thriller and billie jean, you can't go against him! The King of Pop

+6Michael Jackson is the best singer in the world. No doubt about that but people are loving Justin Bieber. This is just foolishness. You have to vote Michael Jackson. He is the greatest ever ever ever king of every thing in music. He is dead so what he is still alive in our hearts. This I am saying to every Michael Jackson fan. I am the greatest Michael Jackson fan ever in the history of the world. I love Michael Jackson very very very much. Michael Jackson is the greatest singer of all the time. His name will be remember ever in the history of all the centuries. His all songs were very very very nature loving and very very very sweet. I love them very much.

Chaitanya Singh
More comments about Michael Jackson

Rhydian is in a class by himself. His voice is amazing, beautiful, brilliant. Listen to his version of: Not A Dry Eye In The House... masterful!

-1Rhydian has an awesome voice which can cover any song brilliantly. In years to come we will see what a truly remarkable talent he has. He has made such an impact already in such a short space of time.


-1To discover Rhydian is to enter another world.

More comments about Rhydian
3Amr Diab

+1amr diab doesn't sing in english but his music and voce are very beautiful.. so he deserves to be the best

+1I love this man and he is the legend. king of eastern music

+1amr diab is the best
amr diab very very very arebian song

More comments about Amr Diab
4Freddie Mercury

+15How could you not vote for Freddie Mercury? Just imagine his lovely, bright character, his sweet sense of humor and is adorable, unique voice. He is the idol of a whole bunch of now beloved musicians like Lady Gaga..
So c'mon Darlings..

+12Perfect Singer! I never even heard of the guys at number 3 and 2. Every Queen song blows me away!

+9Freddie Mercury is by far the best artist there has ever been. The man was muscically gifted from writing songs to making the audience feel a mixture of emotions all in a sigle note of his voice. A good artist doesnt just project a song through his/her mouth, but projects it in such a way that the audience will feel like it is them the song was written for. Real artists also use the resources they have to invent a song which captures a person's heart. Freddie Mercury was able to do all of this. After witnessing one of Queen's concerts, you know that your life will never be the same again. Once you hear a Queen song you, they will always stay in your system for as long as you live.
To summarise this, I LOVE QUEEN FOREVER!

More comments about Freddie Mercury
5Tose Proeski

+2tose is the only singer that make people belive that angel exist... and thy are alsow on earth... Tose is one of them... <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<.. He was called "the Angel" because of his incredible vocal abilities and because of his kindness. The man like him will never be born again. TE SAKAME SITE TOSE...

+1Tose Tose greetings from Croatia, Actually one of the most talented singers, unfortunately he died very young.

+1Tose was a great singer who not only had a great voice but also put so much emotions in his songs. He was able to sing everything you ask him to do. His charism is unique. Tose why did you leave us so early! R.I.P.
More comments about Tose Proeski
6Sarah Brightman


+1anyone that puts others in front of sarah has no taste in voice. micheal jackson in his later years could not sing. he was more of a dancer. sarah is the best of the best all day long.

+1Her work is something what we can call MUSIC, not some programed trash for brainwash (like pop) or instant money grasping rubbish like new age-so called- music!
More comments about Sarah Brightman
7Tamer Hosny

Tamer is number 1 in the world


WHAT! This guy is not only a singer! He is also an:





Tamer Hosny is the best singer in the world

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This Phantom Unbelievable Powerful Great Fine Talented "Voice of an Angel" no one has even came Across to be good as he could sing with Different High Range of Voices, I Thank this Gives from God called "Vitas" must says he has Captures Millions or Billions Fans Hearts Around the World - God Bless you "Vitas" with maany years to go...

His voice is special, and he's the best performer I've ever seen my life

He is not only a great singer but also he inspire good feelings. I can listen him for the rest of my life.
More comments about Vitas
9Steve Perry

+3Also one of the best frontmen for one of the greatest rock bands, Journey. His vocal range is truly one of a kind and I think that he is one of the best singers in not just rock but singing in general. I always feel the emotions in his voice when he sings and that's always great to hear!

+2When a singer can put you in a trance, and tug at your heart with his amazing vocals then do I really need to say more! yes! Steve Perry is the most emotional, powerhouse, brillant, humble, singer that ever graced this earth. The voice is coming back with a new album in 2010 and all I can say is! tour baby tour cause you are so missed!


+2STEVE PERRY IS the BEST-ALL-ROUND SINGER! He is not known as "THE VOICE" for nothing! He can do anything and do it better than anyone else! He can sing ANY KIND of song from rock to ballad, from soul to reggae to pop! The man knows no boundaries! He can sing any range of notes, and he puts more feeling into his songs than anyone I have ever heard! If you are not familiar with Steve Perry's music, you owe yourself the opportunity to listen! STEVE PERRY SHOULD, AT THE VERY LEAST, BE IN THE TOP FIVE, PEOPLE! IN MY BOOK, THE MAN WILL ALWAYS BE NUMBER ONE!
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10Josh Groban

+1In a class of his own... no one else comes close!

+1josh's singing his singing just steals everybody's heart he is a great singer it is just awesome stupendous graceful heart staling fantastic fabulous I don't have words to express this fact that he is and willl be the gratest singer ever

+1Not only does Josh have an AMAZING voice, he is an AMAZING person. He genuinely cares about his fans. He has such a good heart, and it truly shows whether he is doing a one on one interview or performing in front of thousands. His music is so positive and uplifting, which is rare in the music industry. What else can I say, JOSH GROBAN IS THE BEST!
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The Contenders
11Morten Harket

“The best of all time. An angel on earth. Thanks God we have Morten Harket. Too bad for the A-HA end, I hope they'll be back someday.

“Morten's voice is beautiful and unique. He is described by fellow musicians as being able to "give wings" to a song.


“This is not right! if it is purely tone, range, attention to detail, power, sensitivity ect then Morten is by far number one.
More comments about Morten Harket
12Layne Staley

+1Amazing range, unmistakeable vibrato(see songs such as "Them Bones"), huge power (See songs such as "Junkhead" and "Love, Hate, Love"), he even uses falsetto very well in the song "I Can't Remember". The man is a legend, many try to imitate him and all fail

+1Layne Staley one of the Best ever. Layne Staley is one of thee most under rated singers. His voice was amazing better than Cobain's if you want to compare. But then Maybe you wont because than I am right :-) Here are some reference's YouTube.com Bleed The Freek by Alice in Chains. Layne had many different ranges But kept it so Rock N Roll. His Voice will pull you in


+1darndit i missed him on the first way around and added a new one and spelt it wrong... oooops.... he was amazing as the front runner of alice in chains there will never be a more influential singer ever.... its amazing people dnt vote for him even after man in the box down in a hole and would.... LAYNE STALEY LIVES ON
More comments about Layne Staley
13Jared Leto

+4His vocal range is amazing. Almost nobody knows what is his range, But everybody knows that is the best. I love Jared, his voice and 30stm.

+1Amazing vocal range that doesn't sound cheesy... amazing vibrato, and low range and insane high range energy and screaming! and best of all its all original...

Jared is energetic and wonderful rockmans. this bond which combines with fans concert something amazing. something like magic which will last forever
More comments about Jared Leto
14Tom Chaplin

“His voice has changed during the past ten years. I can tell you, now he sounds very close to Freddie Mercury. Tom Chaplin is amazing.

“Tom is such an amazing singer. His has the most beautiful voice I've ever heard and he's very funny.


“Amazing singer and a fantastic front man. Go to one of their gigs and see for yourself, you wont be disappointed! :)

More comments about Tom Chaplin
15Arnel Pineda

“ARNEL is beautiful voice and kind heart! AMAZING!


“Arnel has an incredible voice and a humble person


“I feel Arnel has the best voice and the most expression and heart. He not only sings the songs he has them in his heart and soul too

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16Sarah Geronimo

+2how come that SARAH GERONIMO is in TOP 16, shes very good in singing, acting, dancing and she can host very well, thats how talented she is! even though I'm not a filipino, I always watch her videos in Youtube and she always AMAZED ME!, SHES REALLY VERY GOOD, I swear! she deserves in TOP 1, Love her very much! and she have a lot of awards... SARAH G. ROCKS!

+2Sold out concerts, powerful voice and it's high quality, total performer, and also her blockbuster movies makes her not just one of the best singers, but one of the best artists in this generation!

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17Charice Pempengco

+6she can hit the highest note of a song ever heard to mankind at ease!

+6I have never tired from listening to her voice I find it uplifting. She is refer at a "Gift from Heaven" when she was entertaining in Italy. lea Salonga declared she is "insanely talented". Charice has charmed various Asia nations with her voice and I think Mainland China, Russia and the Latin America's are enchanted by her.

+1She is born to sing and perform.! Her voice is undeniably beautiful. and someone says, I never really get tired listening to her. And personally, I really love her :)
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Really talented. But this list is quite unreasonable - amateurs above legends? Please - artists like Charice and some others are NOTHING compared to legends like Celine Dion, Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey.


got to say I prefer la isla bonita, or this used to be my playground best songs ever


The best female singer of all time! she deserves to lead this list! madonna first started dancing and singing together she put the foundations of the shows we all see these days>>>>everything she does becomes the next minute fashion... madonna was the first female artist who said the things as they were[like human relationships]... madonna you are the best!
More comments about Madonna
19Celine Dion

+6hey, celine dion must be in top 1..
because she has the greatest voice ever!
no one can bet her! and her song my heart will go on is hte greatest song ever!

+4As THE best selling female artist ever, her voice speaks for itself and is far superior to Mariah's or Whitney's

+4Surprised that Celine is not in this. One of the power house voices to be reckoned with.
Top 5. With Whitney, Mariah
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20Whitney Houston

+2Whitney in my opinion is in the top 5 without a doubt. Power with ease.


Present alleged drug use aside, in her prime no one could touch Whitney.
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21Toshi - X Japan

GEEZE what a voice. Makes my heart smile every time I listen to him. To think someone with a voice as beautiful and moving as his actually exists

Definitely the best singer I've come across. He was rocking in like the 80's and he is still rocking now. I love you Toshi!

What is a great voice? Is it a beautiful voice? Is it a voice full of feelings, love, sadness? I love Maria Callas' voice not only because her voice is beautiful, but because she sings as people live, she doesn't pretend. And Toshi does the same, of course he's got a great voice but above all, he can give a color to every feeling. He's a great singer.
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22Bill Kaulitz

+3Bill Kaulitz has a totally unique way of expressing himself on stage. He does not need back-up dancers to get the audience's attention. When I first heard his voice I felt like I was in heaven. He writes great lyrics. He has an awesome voice, even live, which is pretty hard to find in a singer. He supports PETA and he loves animals, he loves his fans and, together with Tom, Georg and Gustav, he does his best to make us happy with their music. I am forever in debt to them for this.

Bill is amazing singer and his voice is such a beautiful melody. It also amazes me that he can sing so beautifully in his own language and in another language.


there is something in his voice that makes me get crazy for him. ;)
And he is very very nice with is fans..
Thank you Bill, for make me happy!.
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23Ann Wilson (Heart)

“When God made Robert Plant He needed a female counterpart so he made Ann Wilson. Folks, remember science, for every action(Male) there is a equal and opposite reaction (Female). In other words, Ann Wilson is the Female version of Robert Plant and it just does not get any better than that. Wilson on her to #1.

“Madonna ranked higher than Dreamboat Annie. Ann Wilson is a rock star not a pop star.Madonna does not have a song that comes close to anything HEART has done. Have you people lost your minds. Were talking about the lead singer of one of the best rock bands of all time not a cheap pop star.

“Celine can try and try and try, but never will she be this great! Commercial is a choice and an idiot will support commercial music... Heart is original and needs people with originality to understand their productions!
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24Elvis Presley

+4I was a teen when Elvis Presley began singing, but very few of his songs appealed to me: I grew up in a famiy of classical music lovers. Last year I found a station that played nothing but Mr. Presley's music, including the several takes required to make a master that satisfied him, his live concerts, and informal recordings of his in-studio and at-home jam sessions. I'm 64 years old, and I've never heard anything like Mr. Presley's voice. I still don't "like" everything he sang, but he has no equal among recorded singers. He could, and did, sing anything. When I read that the great tenor, Placido Domingo said, "He had the voice I wish I had gotten", I listened a little harder. Musicians themselves still place Mr. Presley at the top of their lists of excellent singers. If you don't, you haven't listened to the whole body of his work. Frank Sinatra sang for 60 years and recorded three times as many songs as Mr. Presley did in his scant 23 years-career, but even his magnificent voice pales beside Mr. Presley's. We lost him too soon, to overwork, to the damage his gruelling schedule did to his body, and to the emotional damge caused by the isolation that was the price of his fame and of the ardent devotion of his legion of fans. We are the poorer for his loss, and music was deprived of the chance to grow from whatever his next inspiration would have been. I repeat, if you don't agree, do some listening -- there are more than 800 pieces of Mr. Presley's music to hear several times, to study, before you put his name anywhere but at the top of the list of outstanding singers of recorded music.

+3Very attractive and sexy for his time. Beautiful voice,good entertainment. Would be in top 10

+1Elvis Made Music As it is today, Without his great moves, Looks and Music, What Would Today's Music Be Like, a No1 Single By Rebecca Black's Friday.
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25Chester Bennington

+2Went to concerts and not only is he powerful on albums but can blow u away with hes voice, i havent seen anyone with such emotion in singing and great lyric writing. Chester deserves number 1 so lets get him up there were he belongs


+2Chester=the best.PERIOD.No one even comes close to chester, he can sing everything and has the ability to scream better than anyone and can just straight up sing...Go Chester, go LP, go Dead by Sunrise(name of Chester's side project)!!!

+2i think chester bennington is by far the best singer of modern day.He gives LP songs the edge that no other song has. No one can really compare to Chester Bennington. His voice is the most unique and powerful voice i hav ever heard...Chester Rulz!!!
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26Ruki (the GazettE)

Ruki is awesome, he can sing any kind of music, he can transform his voice from distortion to clean, just like changing guitar effect.. awesome :D

death voice of the gazette! I think it's just about time for him to go to the top! Go Ruki!

The god of vocal...
he has a typical voice,
he as well has a beautiful face but charismatic...
success for THE GAZETTE,
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27Robert Plant

+7Robert Plant had a true quality of Rock in his voice, like he sung Rock itself. He could sound crazy, beautiful, disturbed... whatever he needed to fit the song, and the passion he sung with is unbeatable. Certainly the greatest singer in the Rock Genre and probably the greatest vocalist of all time.

+6I think that Robert Plant is good but still he has a good band to follow him, jimmy page and john bonham, but still Led Zeppelin is the best band of all time

+6It's really sad that Plant didn't get on the top ten...
he is by far the greatest rock and roll singer of all time, and will always be emulated, but never surpassed. He is much too original to ever be forgotten for his contributions.
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as a Vietnamese girl, I don't like rock, but the first time I hear Mika sang "glamorous sky" in Nana movie, I think : "How a nice song, that song change my mind"
And when I listen " Cape of storm" of him, my tear was drop down although I can't understand the song immediately.
I love him
I love his voice

If you have heard Hyde, you'll know he IS the best singer of all time. Most probably you won't understand japanese, but you'll get the feeling, and THAT is what a true singer does.

He is the ART in person! So incredible, so perfect, so cute! He's REALLY the best singer of the world!
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29Sheryn Regis

Simply the best! She has superb vocals and belts effortlessly!

everytime she sings there's always something that makes my day wonderful...



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30Mariah Carey

+1Mariah Carey; Her pitch is beyond the keyboard. She has a unique sense of Rythm and Harmony. She Remains an Idol for a lot of us in the Vocal realm. M. C you make so much sense.

+1. . mariah would be at the number 1 spot. . . she is legend and she has the superiority of vocal power, I mean, when she did her concert in tokyo dome in the year 1996, she nailed every of her song and she delivered the most delicate sound and high harmonics. . . she is incomparable and way more better than any singers out there, love you M. C. . .


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31Bon Jovi

+5Bon Jovi sings about what is real and what is going on in the world. Bon Jovi sings with energy, emotion, and relationships.

+3please! JON BON JOVI is the best still they keep in the top to all the songs RESPECT! ^^ long life to BON JOVI the big, the best of the world

+3Jon has incredibly powerful voice and he's also a great rhythm guitarist. Songs like My Guitar Lies Bleeding In My Arms give you thrills.
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32Ville Valo

+3ville is simply the best singer I've ever heard in my whole life, and I've listened to H. I. M. since I was 12 because its just amazing
but its so sad that ville is a so underrated singer, he and his band H. I. M. deserve more recognition than they get

+1Dude, Ville should be at least in the top 10. He is possibly the MOST UNDERRATED singer, EVER. It's BS that he's #97. This is retarded. Too bad that he's not well known in the US or Canada. He's one of the greatest singers of OUR time. Sure as hell better than Michael Jackson(RIP).

Ville is a God. This list is really... just screwed up. 3 VERY GOOD singers are missing in the top 10. Ville Valo, Layne Staley, and James "ALMIGHTY" Hetfied.


cause his voice is very colorful, huge, high gifted and not a least Ville loves what he does.
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33Amy Lee

+2one of the best voices I've ever heard. Just awesome. You never get bored, always the felling when you heard it first...

+1Amy Lee has amazing and beautiful voice which is definitely is loved by us!

+1Amy lee is the best rock singer I've ever heard... she writes her song herself that is called talent nd the way she dress is just awesome... her songs are just epic
More comments about Amy Lee
34Klaus Meine

klaus has a very unique voice.. the most suitable voice for ballet rock songs.. has a very high tone voice.. he's the best singer EVER!


aaaa klaus mein should be the first I bet micheal jackson is nothing neer meine he's the best he rules them all

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35Anni Frid Lyngstad

“She deserves to be the greatest singer, while she always performed live and it was almost even better than on record. Besides, she has a voice, which always gives me goosebumps and a lot of love.


“Frida is one of the best singers of all time. Put an A into ABBA.
36Frank Sinatra

+2A lot of clueless people out there. Frank is hands down the greatest entertainer of all time

+2Should be number one. The was he brought a story into a song and put emotion into it is unrivaled. His vibrato control is the best of any singer past or present. The beauty of his breathing technique is so subtle and unappreciated. My vote for top 3 of all time.

+2Beautiful smooth. This describes the man and the voice. Would definitely make the top ten
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37M. Shadows

+3I think that Avenged Sevenfold should be better known. They are a great band! And M. Shadows is amazing!

+2Two Words... Avenged Sevenfold... none better... never will be.

+1Man if anyone can his the notes like him at the end of "I won't see you tonight part 1", I'll bow to them. That my friend, is unreal.
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38Regine Velasquez

she's the music's greatest treasure :))
no one can ever beat her.

I love her renditions.. she's amazing. â™️¥


she's a diva. a sensational and phenomenal diva. period.

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39Rob Halford

+2Rob Halford is one of the best singers of history of music. He can play everithig with his voice. I recomend listen Dreamer Deciever and Painkiller. He changes and experiment an evolution with the voice against 3 decades and is one of more influential singers in the history of rock. Alive he is sometimes better than Mercury. Regards from Argentina. Sorry about my english!. Jajaja

+2Rob Halford has THE best vocal range in my opinion(Regarding clean vocals), he goes from 6 octaves up there, to some of the deepest notes I have ever heard from clean vocals. And it's clean the whole friggin' time! Best singer, hands down.

+2You know, I like Iron Maiden more than Judas Priest and Bruce Dickinson has an amazing voice but, Rob Halford I must admit is superior. Sorry Bruce.

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40K J Yesudas

+1Check out if you wanna hear real music and feel real talent.


+1No doubt Yesudas is Universal super star

+1Yes, He is a great singer
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41Billie Joe Armstrong

+4I can't believe he is on #41 what the hell who made this top chart is he made
or the people who vote here

+3No one, ever will be such an amazing artist as BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG


+2There's a contest between Billie and Reverend Strychnine Twitch and Wilhelm Fink... but I pick Billie. :)
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42Axl Rose

+5Axl should be number 1! How can you compare welcome to the jungle and chinese democracy to michael jackson? Both are really powerful songs. Axl still has it!

+4Axl the best I will kill those people who don't agree Guns n' Roses forever :D why he isn't #1


+4I can't believe he's not in the top 5. in my opinion he's the best

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43Peggy Lee
44Nat King Cole

There's lots of singers on this list whose music I prefer over Nat King Cole's but that wasn't the question, now was it? Yes, he should be number 1 or at least very close to it!

he is a true legend, can't believe he only at 77, should be number 1
45Mylene Farmer

“not many know of her but she gives sex appeal a whole new meaning with her voice. Watch her sing and moan and you will understand what I am saying.

“Mylene Farmer is the best!!!! She is an Angel for us!!!
46Shirley Bassey

“Without a doubt one of the most incredible voices of the last 100 years! Shirley in concert was an unbelievable sensation! Check her out!


“Great Voice... with feeling!

“People vote for 'Best Vocalist' for many different reasons, but if this list is based on vocal ability alone, then Shirley Bassey is simply one of the greatest female vocalists of the 20th century! And, at 71 yo, she is still proving it by singing very difficult songs, LIVE. (Example - Go to Youtube (Shirley Bassey - The Living Tree) Royal Variety Performance of to be BLOWN AWAY!

More comments about Shirley Bassey
47James Hetfield

+3This God Is Better Than Michael Jackson By Miles... The Vocals In Master Of Puppets Are Soo Much Better Than The Ones In Thriller

+2The most powerful singer that holds his own in the worlds best instrumental band.


+2should be higher... halford is 10 numbers higher. this sucks.

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48Chris Cornell

+2Why is Cornell not higher on the this list? In terms of vocal range, songwriting ability, stage presence, diversity and longevity he is easily one of the greatest singers of all time. Admittedly Soundgarden never quiet achieved the popularity they were capable of, Temple of the Dog has become a forgotten treasure and Audioslave was over before they began. Really, Chris Cornell left before their debut album was released and came back after it was successful. His solo career seems unfocused with too much trying to be a poor man's Jeff Buckley. Chris Cornell could have been much more but he's still a legend.

+1Powerfull voice ever(alternative scene 90`)they do music with alot music band`s 90`!

+1Chris Cornell has a distinct and powerful voice, with a wide range to back it up. He was one of the dominant singers of the 90's.
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49Aretha Franklin

“aside from the fact that she has been voted as the greatest singer of all time by almost every poll.. I don't know why she isn't higher.. freaking rediculous voice

“I commented on Aretha's ranking on the best female singer list, and my comment did not show up. She was 49 and on this list she is 82. Come on now, these lists are a joke. Those above her would vote for her instead of themselves. I cannot imagine real people voted this way.

“For someone inducted into the Hall of Fame, she needs to be in the top 10 at least!!
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“Like him very much, he's voice is capturing! His songs really can make you cry.

“his voice just moves your soul and your feel your emotions rush through you. It's not just the power that is in his voice but also you can feel his soul reaching you. There is just something about the way he tells a story through his words and his songs that makes it hard not to move with him, regardless of language barriers

“He has a beautiful voice, so deep, so full of emotions.
GACKT is amazing, he has the best voice I've ever heard!
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51Bruce Dickinson

+5This guys scream is enough to knock Michaels Jackson's nose off.

+3Amazing singer with a huge range. Can sing high and rival Di'Anno's earlier work, or sing low and replicate Blaze's work.

+3best metal singer along with Rob, tate, kiske and dio
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52Kurt Cobain

+2the men is just amazing, maybe not in a stetic and impecable kind of way, but his voice really reaches anybody's soul

Father of Grunge, an example and inspiration to a big number of today's bands
Simply the best! Thank you for all, Kurt. We will allways remember you...

how can he be this low? that just boggles the mind. a complete grunge legend, maybe one of the first and few grunge singers to actually have semi-clean vocals at times. amazing.
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53Matt Bellamy

+5If you really think that Mathew Bellamy deserves to be this low on the chart, simply look up MUSE- Micro Cuts. After that, If you really, really think that Matt is not one of the best singers IN THE WORLD, then you are obviously a fanboy of some sort.

+2so much emotion in his voice, its so powerful and his range is endless

+2Matt can do anything he wants with his voice. He has a wide vocal range. Just listen to songs like Micro Cuts, Stockholm Syndrome, New Born, Supermassive Black Hole, and Exogenesis Part 1: Overture, and YOU'LL SEE WHY HE SHOULD BE #1!
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54Paul McCartney

+4The Beatles changes music forever. Paul McCartney also has a much better voice than MJ. He really should be higher up on this list, if not #1.

+4great vocals.... great songwriter!

+3why isn't he top, he has an enormous range, but not only that, he has got an extremely good voice, the best singer of all time in my opinion
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55Leona Lewis

+1Leona Lewis has the greatest voice ever! The only thing she is missing as of now is a "hit" record. When she does release, she’ll be on the road to one of the greatest of all time.

+1Leona is a very special and talented singer who will go far. She so deserved to win the X Factor, although it is an absolute outrage that a girl as talented as Leona was forced to enter it in the first place.

+1Leona is one of the most talented new singers to come out of Britain. She can exchange easily from chest voice, to head voice, to the high whistle register flawlessly. You will be hearing about her for years to come.
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56Gerard Way

+1Hey! what's up w/ this list! Gerard should be higher than 56. THIS IS SOO WRONG!

Gerard Way is possibly the best singer ever. My Chemical Romance is the best band ever and he should totally be higher!

His so... AMAZING. AMAZING VOICE. AMAZING BAND. AMAZING MAN. AMAZING MUSICIAN. I can't describe how I love him. My Chemical Romance would never be the same without him. He's one of the best singers I've ever known. GO GEE!
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57Martina McBride
58Britney Spears

Britney is the best of both worlds she can sing dance and make headlines, sold 83 mil records, been in the industry since she was 17 and now is 26 and still on top I don't know why everybodys hatin on her their just jealous because they can't do it like she can

she is so amazing! her album sales are incredible, not even mentioning her radiant beauty. for being so young, it is an amazing accomplishment to be so successful.

shes going through a lot of things right now and people can say all they want about her because she will always be an incredible singer!!! i love her!!!
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59Serj Tankian

+2The most astonishing voice I've ever heard. Definitely the best armenian musician.

+1he has veriety and definitely unique OUT OF THE WORLD

+1Empty walls, gate 21, sky is over, all belong to a unique voice.
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“The small lady with the big big voice... there is so many things someone can say about Anastacia, however te most amazing singer ever, prefers to buzz people with her amazingly splendid voice and not with her private life, unlike some top artists out there. Love! Anastacia just because its herself, and she has great music

“Not only an amazing writer, singer and performer, but a truly beautiful woman.

“anastacia is the best singer in the world! love her voice, personality and power!
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61Christina Aguilera

+1Christina I think shall be above any other pop singers in any list in terms of singing. Simply because Christina really know how to sing and artistic enough to become a legend.

+1Christina should be in the top 5. Britney Spears before her really? No one can rival her vocal ability and range. She is by far an amazing artist!

+1Hum... There sould be a problem with this Top Ten List. Like, Christina is so much better than Madonna, for example. But ain't a list that changes the fact that she is the best. She has a POWERfull range and she is SIMPLY THE BEST. SORRY.
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62Anne Murray
63K. S. Chithra

+1K. S. Chithra's natural beauty and has the most beautiful voice in recording history besides englebert humperdinck. Chithra is the best SINGER of all time, she can absolutely reach every vocal register she wants at the time she wants, has a high spectre of "singing types" she can express everything with her voice.

She has developed an awesome vocal training for her range and control of her voice... absolutely the best,

"Chithra is the god of a hotness!
Chithra is the god of a beauty!
Chithra is the god of vocal!
Such a handsome cutie! "

She has a very beautiful voice and her songs have her feelings and
emotions in them. She is simply the best
shes going through a lot of things right now and people can say all they want about her because she will always be an incredible singer! I love her
Without a doubt one of the most incredible voices of the last 100 years! Chithra in concert was an unbelievable sensation! Check her out!
People vote for 'Best Vocalist' for many different reasons, but if this list is based on vocal ability alone, then K. S. Chithra is simply one of the greatest vocalists of the century! And, she is proving it by singing very difficult songs,
She's Remarkable, undeniably unimaginable.. No doubt, She's one of the best singers ever... "
"In terms of range, power and versatility and singing MUCH MUCH better LIve there's only one name and that's K. S. CHITHRA! "
"the best singer ever lived"
"Chithra is an amazing singer. A singer with a calm presence when performing. Smooth vocals, amazing vocal range "reaching up into the 6th octave note" of 4 octaves. The ASIA songbird. Having fans from all over the world, such as me from the UNited State, and I'm not even india. "
"she's amazing! no one can sing as good as her... "
"oh my god... Chithtra is the best. watch her video reasons in youtube. "
"Absolutely fantastic! "
"no one can beat the voice of asia's songbird! Chithra is the best. she sings using her chest voice no matter how high the song maybe... in youtube pls. "
"she's a diva. a sensational and phenomenal diva.. she has a great voice yet ı can listen her forever. because she does something which no one does. she is special and her career proofs that. what's more she is over 40 and she is still strong and knows what she should do. ıf we lose her we lose all other singers as well. promise me


definitely, she is regarded as "nightingale of south india"
Anyone who listen to her voice would know that..

she's the best of the best..! no one can beat her..! she's a great singer! she's truly a DIVA.. a PHENOMENAL DIVA

Fantastic singer and someone who truly has a unique voice; very deep, raw and emotive. There is no mistaking Chithra's great vocal for anyone else's. She should definitely be higher on this list.

She deserves to be the greatest singer, while she performed live and it was almost even better than on record. Besides, she has a voice, which always gives me goosebumps and a lot of love.
More comments about K. S. Chithra
64Olivia Newton-John

“voice like an agel and a personalty to match.
65John Lennon

+6Great person, good vocals, Innovator

+4In "I'm Only Sleeping, " on Revolver, he sounds sleepy, like he's half in bed as he sings. Or "I'm So Tired, " on the White Album â€" there is an irritableness to it. These songs live in you because of the remarkable facility of the singer to inhabit those moments and portray them. "Imagine" is a masterful performance. There is a thrilling aloneness in the way he sings "A Day in the Life. " His singing on John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band is to the bone. He willed himself to express his pain: "Mother/You had me/But I never had you. "
From Rolling Stone Magazine

+4he should be number one
listen to 'girl', 'a day in the life', 'imagine', especially 'mother'
all very emotional
really grips your mind
More comments about John Lennon
66Maynard James Keenan

+2If you Listen to Tool ^^ A Perfect Circle and read the lyrics and all you who are voting for others will realize that Maynard James Keenan has most likely made the greatest vocal contribution to the world's music library of all singers so far. His vocal range is vast, from soft light and sensitive to heavy all consuming passion. delivering the sacred words of life through intelligent ^^ thought provoking lyrics. There is always an undeniable wisdom ^^ subtlety in the lyrics ^^ their delivery.
The instrumentation is always very unique. The Rhythms are very pure ^^ polished and resonate perfectly with the emotion of the songs.
There is always an underlying Intelligence in the songs that reveals itself as the song progresses. With sensitivity, Maynard sings in ways that are therapeutic to the soul. Tribal and primal. something very special for mankind.

+1Tool, A Perfect Circle and Puscifer and the most amazing bands, simply because this guy(Maynard James Keenan) has pure unrelenting vocal and song writing talent and knows how to use it.

+1Truly an amazing singer and song writer. Defiantly deserves to be higher than 66.
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67Pierre Bouvier

what's wrong? why pierre placed in 65th. everyone should have his/her own choice, but I Think Pierre is the best for me and many people. I don't care if pierre can't be the first, but he is the best for me :)

simple plam is 1 of my favorite bands of all time. And it will be nothing w/out Pierre!

pierre is the most amazing singer for the most amazing band ever <3

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+1Kyo is arguable the best vocalist of his time. Having never had any professional vocal training, Kyo has amazing range and control over his voice. His technical abilities range from sweet melodies to roaring screams, tortured cries to low whispers and insane laughter. He can give the impression he's being tortured and reaching orgasm in the same breath with little effort.
His voice can convoy a wide array of emotions with an amazing intensity.
Fantastic singer.

Kyo has possibly the greatest range in music, personally my favourite poet and the emotion in his lives are incredible. Dir en grey produce beautiful and brutal songs. Bad English.

Why did I need to scroll down to almost the bottom of this page. His name should appear top... INCREDIBLE THIS MAN IS!
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69Anthony Kiedis

“He's the best, no one can sing with more feeling or animation as he. Just listen to "under the bridge" or "suck my kiss" and you'll know what about I'm saying!

“Anthony is amazing! He might not the absolute greatest singer in the world, but I LOVE his voice; it's so unique! He is also an amazing song writer and a brilliant performer... he definitely deserves to be in the top 10! <3

“he's great I can't believe he's in the 60's TOP 10 BABY! I love his songs like dosed and under the bridge and don't even get me started on scar tissue. this guy is a singing god and deserves to be past all those random singers I've never heard of! :)
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70Avril Lavigne


+3she the coolest singer ever. Her PUNKY look and her own style, shows and proves that she is the most fab singer. her songs have rocking beats and all her slow songs like complicated, when your gone, etc are so damn touching. you may find her a girl next door and the very next moment a princess. her voice is awesome and I think that she deserves to be among top 30. her videos are perfect and depict her cool lifestyle. she is the coolest girl vid her great voice. love her. and can't wait for her next song.

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72Enrique Iglesias

+5Enrique deserves to be no.1. He can sing way better then Michalel Jackson. This list is so wrong.

+4enrique is the best singer of all time. he sings from his soul and no one can be compared with him. he is even better than michael jacson. he deservs to be on the top. this list is wrong. love you enrique!

+4enrique is best no one can beat him. he has quality in his song, he deserves to be no1 unfortunatele this list is wrong. first listen michalel jackson and then listen enrique, you will realise that enrique is best 4 ev
More comments about Enrique Iglesias
73Karen Carpenter

she's at 71 I don't believe this it's ridiculous she deserves to be at top at any given day.

lol... this list is a joke! Karen Carpenter at #58?

My favorite vocalist, by far, is Karen Carpenter. Her voice has an inherent melancholy quality which makes it perfect for the Carpenters' many melancholy and sad songs. She had such a vulnerability in her voice that it makes me want to give her a comforting hug.

Nowhere will you find a voice as smooth and silky as hers. Some people say Barbra Streisand's voice is "like butter. " I believe that distinction belongs to Karen.

But Karen's voice possesses so many qualities and facets that I love. It is soothing and sweet, loving. And sometimes when she hits those super-low notes, it sends a chill up my spine to this day.

And sometimes when she is singing tenderly, her voice crackles, and again, you hear that vulnerability.

Some other adjectives I can use to describe her voice are warm, sincere, touching, loving, and soothing. It wraps you up like a fluffy blanket on a cold day. The emotion in her voice is inherent. She doesn't need to yell to make you understand what she is feeling. All she has to do is sing sweetly and gently and you know.

I will forever treasure that voice and mourn the loss of Richard Carpenter's little sister.


Karen Carpenter was in a league all by herself. Nobody else comes close to touching her brillance as a singer and a performer.

More comments about Karen Carpenter
74Steven Tyler

+3he should be number 1 what a beautiful sexy sultry voice. He makes the
women go mad and the guys wish they were like him. No way he's number 72.
Will some of the artists voted higher then him be that way at 63. He's
amazing and forever young.

Shouls be #1
deamon of screaming
amazing range
amazing variety of songs
wonderful song writer
Go listen to dream on, the other side, mama kin, don't wanna miss a thing, deuces are wild, nine lives, you see my cryin, trip hoppin, monkey on my back, and dude (looks like a lady) and you'll start to get an idea of why he is the best(i didn't put all these because they are my fav. more because they show a lot of variety)


Why shouldn't Steven dream on?
What Dude looks like a lady?
Who said Steven is crazy?
When wasn't Steven amazing?
Where did Steven start cryin'?


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+1Best vocals that i've heard in a long time....she's one of the best next 2...mariah, whitney, and MJ

Defo should be higher no way worse then the rest of this list, easily the best female singer in the world

BEST SINGER! She Is so amazing. She can sing, perform and dance. Queen of pop. I love her so much.
More comments about Beyonce
76Justin Bieber

-6k I love this kid!

|like hug my wall everyday because it is filled with justin bieber posters... and there GLOW IN THE DARK!

-6Justin bieber is amazing! anyone who Hates him, don't know talent when they see it! <3
i wish to be mrs. Bieber one day!
My room is Justin bieber, <3
I love him! <3


-6Justin Bieber isn't just an artist, he is a artist who listens to his fans and gives us hope. We Beliebera don't just see him as an artist, we see him as our inspiration.
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77Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan

+1Only cause he's from an eatsern country people don't know him, but there is really no one in this world who can beat him in voice.

Sometimes his music throws you to an different dimension and sometimes you feel like if you are flying between two dimension. No compareable Singer.

+1He was greatest of all time...! Due to him world came to know Music has no language, just enjoy

+1The Legend Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan,,,, I Think The Word is So SMall For The Legend Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan (That The World Best Singer) No Comments For His Work,,, Beacause Any
1 Not Here To Deeply Explain His Faith Of Music
The World 1st Singer Who Have Not A Competiter...!

More comments about Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
78Rachelle Ann Go

“really the ultimate champion..


“she is the most beautiful and fashionable singer i have ever seen...
she deserves 2 b at the top ten

“rachelle ann deserves 2 b d greatest singer of all time bcoz she has the GOD given talent and has the voice that stands out and can best other contemporaries
More comments about Rachelle Ann Go
79Corey Taylor (Slipknot/Stone Sour)

I was stuck in which to vote between Eddie Vedder and Corey, but this guy is just amazing.
It has a wide range of low and high voices. His scream is unique, Never listened to someone with that quality of voice.

number one defiantly this guy is a legend fantastic voice, he makes slipknot ad stone sour with out him they would be no one.


HOW HOW HOW?!?! How is Justin Bieber *puke* and that manslut Günther higher than this pure miracle who can scream like the devil and sing like and angel?! I mean Günther cannot sing at all >:I I am pissed off now. LONG LIVE #8! AND SLIPKNOT :D
More comments about Corey Taylor (Slipknot/Stone Sour)
80Ronnie James Dio

+2Please tell me how Kelly Clarkson and Britney Spears are above the living legend: DIO?

Dio's name means God! And he is the God of singing! His career spanned decades and he never released a bad album! From his first album with Elf to Master of the Moon, I enjoyed every word that he sang! m/ Dio may be dead, but his legacy will live forever!

From the days of Rainbow when we first heard Man on the Silver Mountain' he delivered. Still blown away every time I listen him sing Mistreated, Still I'm sad, and many more. RIP

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81Luciano Pavarotti

What does Pavarotti not have in common with all these other people? (I won't even say "vocalists" because it's debatable whether some on this list have even earned the right to be called that. ) You might say "He's an opera singer" but more importantly - he's the only one who could be placed in front of a group of instrumentalists playing, without a mic, and still stand a chance at making an impression on an audience. And it should be mentioned that to seriously compare him to most of these people, is like comparing a thorough-bred grand national race horse to a pack of mongrel dogs - the prestige and intensity of his consistent vocal training from a young age cannot even begin to be rivalled by this lot!

How can Luciano Pavarotti be at number 67? That's a disgrace. How many people have the power to bring a man to tears by the sheer magnitude of his voice. It is sad how under appreciated opera is.


We'll miss you, R.I.P There will never be anyone whose voice was like yours.:(

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82Myles Kennedy

+1Myles musical ability far outmatches anyone on this list. You cannot even compare these people to him.

number 78? wtf are people thinking? youngsters these days... wait, I am one! LOL xxx anywaay myles is the best vocalist ever. yeah there is m. shadows, bruce dickinson, kurt cobain just to name a few but Myles can do anything and sings better than any singer by far. I cannot believe some people on here.


He is one of the greates and yet he's 79 thats just stupid ass hell
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+2She's absolutely the most original, and the greatest performer, with powerful voice that leaves us shocked and amazed. She's definitely number one, she can sing her heart out and she sings her own compositions which make her even better.

She has done lot of things to help little children and she is great in using vocals and also a great belly dancer

I just love shakira. she is awesome, supereve, beautiful, touching, original and above all she is the greatest. love you shakira, love you a lot

More comments about Shakira
84Niki Evans

“Niki is A Fabulous Singer And Everyone On The Forum love her to Bits She Deserves to be Number 1! xx


“amazing woman with the most truely amazing voice she is one of a kind defo 1 in a million


“Definitely the most powerful vocal in the world.

Only one word can fit to describe her- Legend.


+10Justin bieber, shakira and britney spears better than Eminem?
Who vote for them don't know nothing about music.

+5these guys don't really know the music! how can shakira be better than eminem? come on

+4I love every single song eminem has wrote favorite would have to be NOT AFRAID, STAN, CRACK A BOTTLE, LOVE THE WAY YOU LIE, AND MOCKING BIRD
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86Jim Morrison

+1strong, clear, authoritative, musical, expressive, warm, sincere... number 1 for me.

+1Jim like invented rock n' roll

+1I dont know how Jim Morrison got to the bottom of the list. i know hes not the best but at least top 5 material right..

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+3He's got the greatest falsetto in rock history.......amazing range.....unsurpassablle charisma and presence.....easily the greatest frontman in history....and those who doubt his vocals listen to "lemon"... the greatest vocal performance in history

+2c'mon bono 86? such a great vocalist in 86th?.. this must be a joke... the band that has won the highest number of awards of all time 22 grammy's... and in 86th position?...

+2wow, this list is insane... Pavarotty 77?... Bono 86?... nat kin cole... ok, this web is very curious, but I don`t believe in the stats. because some singers don´t have anything to do here... they are beyond this reality

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88Jonathan Davis

+1he goes from sound to sound and always sounds like a badass number 83? wtf

lead singer of the most emotional and energetic rock band in the world

he kick a$$ in everything

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89Bon Scott

+1bon scott would beat all of em in a showdown way is he not number 1 way damn it way

+1to be able to scream such raw sound and then to come back with cheeky smoothness is amazing

+1what the hell is the problem with all you ignaroids, bon scott had the greatest voice of time.

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90Thom Yorke

He infulenced an entire generation of singers with his use of falsetto and his vocal range. The most emotional voice since Neil Young. Period.

Thom Yorke's tenoro voice is the best in music history and it gave Radiohead their music identity. He sings really great and he gets it out of his soul. He sings with his heart not with his mouth. Melancholy. Sadness. Emptiness.

He sings with so much purity and soul, something Michael Jackson doesn't seem to understand

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91Bob Marley

“agree. he was at ease with love songs as well as revolutionary

“ilove my life... because I listen Bob Marley =)



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92Ozzy Osbourne

+1Unusual, unique but amazing voice. Brilliant singer.




+1Ozzy has always had a great voice. It has never changed.

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93Bob Dylan

+2justin bieber over eminem and bob dylan what hell is this list. He is a legend of all times

+1SO unfair! GO and see the rolling stone magzine!
94Kelly Clarkson

“The best singer I have ever heard! She can sing any genre, from R&B to metal to bubblegum pop to soul! Everything. She has an incredible range and an especially amazing to belt out high notes. And she sings even better live than in the studio. Not many singers can do that. There's a reason she won American Idol and became so popular - because she can really sing!

“Kelly Clarkson has the most, clearest, beautiful, and flawless voice i have ever heard. Her voice is so pure and totally and completely awesome!!

“Best Singer EVER!!!!!!
Winning the American Idol Should Mean somthing. Great singing Kelly keep it up and don't ever stop.Luv Ya!!!!!!!! KELLY

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95Mike Patton

“Patton Is god, his vocal ability is the stuff of ledgend. extremley underated.


“Simply the best, a talented artist, a great musician and a terryfic singer, he should be on the top ten. The way he works with his voice is something never seen before, many of his side projects includes different styles, something you won't belive. A real genius!

“in terms of vocal range and the abilities this guy has, patton ***** on a good amount of the people on this list.. his side projects and voice overs are unbelievable, his work is huge in europe and some other random places but the US is infatuated with the constant stream of crap coming through radio/tv and never really grew to accept his stuff.. patton and everything he touches, he always seems to collaborate with amazing musicians, pushes boundaries and helps evolution of the music industry and hopefully he'll get the recognition he deserves in his lifetime... listen to "edge of the world" by faith no more and then listen to "god hates a coward" by tomahawk and you'll see what I'm tryin to say..
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96Eddie Vedder


just, the most beautiful voice ever! like in a deam! and his band... love pearl jam and eddi vedder!

He was truly amazing back in the day

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97Stevie Wonder

Original voice, one of a kind. Great entertainer. Inventive.

Not my favorite singer, in fact I'm not a big fan of his music. However, this is a list of the best singers in the world and Stevie is without a doubt worthy of the top five. In my opinion I would put Elvis first, John Lennon second, Stevie wonder third, Robert Plant forth and Freddie Mercury fifth. But that's just my opinion peace and love.

why is he not in the top ten stevie should be in the top 3 *gasps*
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98George Michael

“-extremely unique and great voice!
-a great songwriter
-great music

so he's not just a singer!

“I'm a singer and can honestly say this that guy technically is the greatest singer who ever lived in my opinion

“agreed, George is easily number 1. His sellout wembley dates this year proved that. His songs come from the heart and millions of fans worldwide who bought his albums must surely make him higher than this in the ranking!
More comments about George Michael
99Roy Orbison

The best voice in popular music ever! The fact that this man is ranked as low as he is, is criminal! There has never been, and never will be a voice like the big O's!

Roy Orbison had a vocal range of 5 octave (arguably). The majarity of his compositions were the 3 to 4. 5 that he's most recognized for. However, if you listen to some earlier works you'll be able to hear 4 distinct octave variables and, as I said, arguably, a 5th.

"Roy Orbison's vocal range was impressive (four octaves), his voice effortlessly powerful, and his songs were melodically and rhythmically advanced and lyrically sophisticated, often incorporating the bolero form."
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100Andrea Bocelli

“he made high-brow opera more accessible to the unsophisticated

“There is something wrong if not one person thought of the great Andrea Bocelli. He has the most beautiful and heart-felt voice on the planet. Celine Dion once said "If God had a singing voice, it would sound a lot like Andrea's". That means a lot coming from someone like herself.

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اسماء اشهر المطربين الاجانب

شو سام خبرتك منيحة بالمطربين الاجانب بس بتعرف اغانيهم احلى من الاغاني العربية في جد رومانسيه بالاغاني
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اهــــــــــم شــــــــيء افريل موجوده
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: اسماء اشهر المطربين الاجانب   اسماء اشهر المطربين الاجانب Icon-new-badge18/9/2016, 18:04

top singers 2016

 Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber
 Twenty One Pilots
Twenty One Pilots
 The Chainsmokers
The Chainsmokers
 Meghan Trainor
Meghan Trainor
 The Weeknd
The Weeknd
 Shawn Mendes
Shawn Mendes
 Bryson Tiller
Bryson Tiller
 Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande
 Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez
 Fifth Harmony
Fifth Harmony
 Flo Rida
Flo Rida
 Mike Posner
Mike Posner
 Fetty Wap
Fetty Wap

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