| موضوع: جهاز سبا ار اف للتنحيف بفعاليه 26/6/2011, 23:51 | |
| جهاز سبا ار اف للتنحيف بفعاليه
يمكنكم الآن أن تقولوا وداعآ للحميه والتمرينات الرياضيه المرهقه والعمليات الجراحيه للحصول علي قوام ممشوق . فان جهاز Spa RF يستخدم لجميع الاعمار بغض النظر عن نوع ولون الجلد وبدون أي مضاعفات فانه يستخدم موجات الراديو التردديه اللتي تجعلك تشعر بإحساس المساج الحراري في جميع أجزاء جسمك فانه يعمل علي علاج السليوليت علاج التعرجات الجلدية فتجعل الجسم مشدود. شد الجسم في كلا من-الوجه-الرقبة -يعمل أيضا علي تنحيف الجسم في كلا من (البطن-الأرداف-الفخذين أعلي الايدي ويمكنكم ان تحصلوا علي أفضل النتائج بعد اول جلسة وأفضل ما يميز Spa RF هو سهل الاستخدام وجلساته تعطيك الاحساس بالراحة ولا يصاحبه أي آلام.
results – Treatment settings are preprogrammed onto an easy-to-read, full color display, so you are guaranteed to produce perfect results every time. Spa RF is simple to learn as well as lightweight and portable. You can easily move it from room to room or between multiple locations. Virtually Painless IN-Motiontechnologywith-cooled-RFtip represents a breakthrough in customer comfort, speed of treatment and effective results. It provides gradual heating to the target therapeutic temperature and superior epidermal preservation to minimize risk of injury or pain. The comfortable treatment allows customer to return immediately to their daily schedules,with no downtime whatsoever. so clients can resume their normal activities |
Spa RF is a body treatment system that makes a dream come true: losing inches without dieting or exercise. Spa RF offers a technological breakthrough that uses advanced deep-heat energy for body contouring, reducing cellulite, and skin tightening. Spa RF helps to flatten the stomach, slim thighs and "lovehandles" and tone upper arms. Spa RF can also safely and effectively tighten the skin on your face and neck. Through a special multi-layer heat therapy process, Spa RF delivers heat to different tissue depths within the body, which helps to smooth and tighten skin, shrink cellulite and produce a slimmer, more toned physique. Spa RF maximizes patient comfort and safety with no side effects.
Safe for all ages and skin types – Spa RF treats all ethnicities and skin types and can be used all year round. Results are visible after only a few sessions.
Treatment - Sessions are comfortable, quick and virtually pain-free. There is no recov | الجهاز صناعه امريكيه |
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| موضوع: رد: جهاز سبا ار اف للتنحيف بفعاليه 26/6/2011, 23:52 | |
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