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 it fax

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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مُساهمةموضوع: it fax   it fax Icon-new-badge25/6/2011, 15:58

it fax

Internet Email Fax Software
The safest way to Fax.

Secure Email Fax Software & Internet fax services - Are you looking for an electronic fax service that is both secure and easy to use? If you want to send and receive a fax online instead of faxing with fax machines, you have come to the right place!

Email FAX Software from FaxIt.com - FAX it Securely with SSL Strong Security. Our secure ssl online fax solution is easy to use and converts a fax to email, or email to fax -- securely, thanks to SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption. This is the same strong 128-bit SSL security encryption technology that major banks use to keep their private information safe and secure over the Web. Why would you pay for someone else's web fax service when you can relax and enjoy the ssl security of our free fax software? The answer is easy - Don't. Choose Fax It and enjoy our free secure fax package!
Do you want to save money? Nearly every business requires facsimile technology at one time or another for faxing, and the secure transmittal of sensitive applications and other private documents where security and privacy is critical. Often, this can cost businesses a lot of money in long distance fees. Using a fax machine also requires you to send your documents from one location -- you will never have to be restricted like that again, with Fax It. When you choose Fax It, you can send or receive your faxes securely and safely from anywhere, as long as you have an Internet connection. If you have been dreaming about a fax email service with secure document management, our free fax software is the right answer for you!

Does the idea of a paperless office sound too good to be true? Make it a reality. By faxing with secure SSL, you can send any length of document that you want without worrying about it costing you more money. The electronic fax isn't a new concept, but the fax over Internet concept is, and it is revolutionizing the way people do business. Now Fax It takes this to a whole new level, with SSL Secure Sockets Layer Security. (click cheap ssl certificates for more about secure ssl encryption)

With our fax freeware you can receive and send faxes online -- without owning a fax machine or having to pay to use one -- a virtual fax! Our web fax services include a secure online document manager, making it easy for you to send an email fax containing confidential information without compromising your Internet security.

If you have used other online fax services, we are confident that you will be amazed by all the comprehensive features Fax It offers in the online web fax manager. These robust web based document management features help you fax email quickly, saving you time. Secure online document management, an integral part of our internet fax solution, enables you to organize, store, and web fax with both privacy and strong security. The Fax It solution ensures that your faxed documents are print-ready and look professional, too.
it fax
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: it fax   it fax Icon-new-badge25/6/2011, 16:11

thanks a lot
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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