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 الات لتصنيع الورق

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
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الات لتصنيع الورق Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: الات لتصنيع الورق   الات لتصنيع الورق Icon-new-badge6/6/2011, 01:58

1-ماكينات الطباعه
2-ماكينات تصنيع كراتين البيض
3- ما كينات تصنيع صناديق الكرتون المضلع
4- ما كينات قص و تغليف الورق
5- ماكينات تصنيع الورق من ورق المخلفات

ABK Machinery, Bd Michel-Perret, Tullins, France
A.Celli Paper S.p.a., Italy
Aker Solution, ASA, Norway (Company Info at Oslo Bors)
Alfa Laval AB, Lund, Sweden
Allimand,S.A. France
Andritz AG, Graz, Austria
Asea Brown Boveri (ABB), Zurich, Switzerland
BAPCO (Basque Paper Consortium, A.I.E.), Spain
BHS Corrugated, Weiherhammer, Germany
Comer S.p.A., Italy
FMW AG, Kirchstetten, Austria
Giesse Paper Machinery Srl, Italy , Giesse Paper Machinery for the production of paper. Also provide maintenance, installation and dismantling services worldwide, non stop 24, hours/day 365 days/year, located in Italy.
GL & V Pulp and Paper Group, Trois-Riviere, QC, Canada
Ing. S. Maule & Co., s.p.a., Torino, Italy
Jagenberg Inc., Germany (Acquired Kusters)
JinLing Machinery Co. Ltd., China
Jiangsu Huadong Paper Making Machinery Factory Co. Ltd., China
Kadant (Formerly Thermo Black Clawson) Inc., Middletown, OH, USA (Company Info at NASDAQ)
Krofta Viztechnological Kft, Budapest, Hungry
Kyoung Yong Machinery Co., Ltd., South Korea
MEC Co., Neodesha, KS, USA
Maruishi Co., Ltd Maruishi, Japan
Mecfab Inc., Boucherville, QC, Canada (Custom designers and manufacturers of equipment for the wet end of the paper machine, specializing in headboxes, fourdriniers, presses and pressure vessels. Suppliers of parts or complete machines, new or rebuilt. Offers mill servicing, installation and start-up assistance of supplied components.)
Metso Paper Inc (Formerly Valmet)
Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, Ltd., Japan
Mitsubishi Heavy Industry America Inc., Beloit, WI, USA
Over Meccanica, Verona, Italy
Paper Converting Machine Co. (PCMC), Green Bay, WI, USA
Petrozavodsk Paper Machinery Corporated, Republic of Karelia, Russia
PM Poland, S.A., ( Successor of Beliot Poland S.A.), Poland
Recard, Tuscany, Italy
Samyang Heavy Machinery Co. Ltd., Bucheon, Korea
Sandusky International Inc., Lancashire, England
Serval Engineering Industries Ltd., Coimbatore, India
Tecnologia de Pasta y Papel S.A., Spain
Thermo Fibertek Inc., Waltham, MA, USA
Tristar Industries Ltd., Delta, BC, Canada
Voith Paper Inc., Germany


Ahlstrom Machinery Group BV, Netherlands ( Moved out of Machinery Business)
Some parts of Ahlstrom Machinery has been bought by Andritz
Some parts of Beloit has been bought by GL&V
Some parts of Beloit has been bought by Valmet
Dorr Oliver merged with GL&V
Sunds Defibrators merged with Valmet to form Valmet Fiber Technology
Warburton Holder acquired Simon Holder

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
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الات لتصنيع الورق Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: الات لتصنيع الورق   الات لتصنيع الورق Icon-new-badge6/6/2011, 01:59

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