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 machine saw ماكينات نشر الخشب

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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machine saw ماكينات نشر الخشب Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: machine saw ماكينات نشر الخشب   machine saw ماكينات نشر الخشب Icon-new-badge5/6/2011, 20:05

machine saw ماكينات نشر الخشب
مناشير كهربائية

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Band Saw Machine

In essence, the band saw is a very basic machine. The blade, a toothed band of steel with teeth, moves around two wheels and material to be cut is pushed into the blade. However, there are many machines and variations on the market. There are four things a woodturner should look for when buying a band saw.

First of all there is the quality of the machine. If the need is for cutting small boards into smaller pieces for pens and the like then almost any band saw will do. On the other hand, most woodturners will want to cut out larger pieces for bowls and hollow turnings and a more solid machine is needed. Look for a sturdy machine. Usually this calls for cast iron but there are some solid steel machines on the market as well.
Band Saw Machine

Band Saw Machine

Second, make sure the band saw is powerful enough for woodturning purposes. Saws which are designed for cutting dry boards up to three or four inches in depth will likely not be strong enough to cut through six inches of green wood. Look for at least a three quarter horsepower motor and a full horse is better.

Third is the overall size of the saw. Band saws are marketed by the size of the wheel diameter and a fourteen inch band saw is the usual size for the home shop as well as for many professionals. However, the size that matters for the woodturner is the maximum depth of cut. At least six inches is desired and this will be typical for a fourteen inch saw but it should be checked before purchase. Many saws will have optional riser kits available which add four to six inches to the depth of cut.

Fourth is the size of the table and how difficult it may be to add to the size if you desire to do so in the future. While many bowl blanks and the like are fairly small to handle, they are also usually heavy, green wood and a table to fit is a lot of help. Along with this is the ability to also make small, fine cuts in smaller pieces of wood.

Of course, in addition to these is the usual list of needs for power tools in the workshop such as warranties, compatibility with the wiring system and so on. Some basic shopping with consideration for the work to be done should enable the purchase of a band saw that will give years of faithful and enjoyable use for the woodturner.

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

Blade Diameter: 355mm(14")
Rated Voltage: 240/110V~
Frequency: 50/60Hz
Rated Input Power: 1800W
No Load Speed: 3800r/min
Weight: 15.5kgs
Case Qty: 1pc
Packing Size: 52.8*29*40.8cm
PCS/Container(20"): 450pcs

السعر 160 دينار
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: machine saw ماكينات نشر الخشب   machine saw ماكينات نشر الخشب Icon-new-badge5/6/2011, 23:58

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
machine saw ماكينات نشر الخشب
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