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 Anatipestifer Disease, New Duck Syndrome, Duck Sepicaemia

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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مُساهمةموضوع: Anatipestifer Disease, New Duck Syndrome, Duck Sepicaemia   Anatipestifer Disease, New Duck Syndrome, Duck Sepicaemia Icon-new-badge9/4/2011, 01:04

Anatipestifer Disease, New Duck Syndrome, Duck Sepicaemia

Anatipestifer Disease, New Duck Syndrome, Duck Sepicaemia


An acute or chronic septicaemic disease caused by Riemerella
anatipestifer, syn Pasteurella, or Moraxella a. It affects ducks of any
age, sometimes turkeys, and may also be isolated from chickens, game
birds and wild waterfowl. Mortality is 2-75% in young ducks.
Transmission is mainly direct, bird-to-bird, via toenail scratches,
especially of the duckling foot, or through respiratory epithelium
during respiratory disease. It can also be by faecal contamination of
feed, water or the environment where survival of the infectious agent
may be prolonged. Adverse environmental conditions and pre-existing
disease are predisposing factors.

* Weakness.
* Neck tucked in.
* Head/neck tremor.
* Ataxia.
* Disinclined to walk.
* Incoordination.
* Dyspnoea.
* Ocular and/or nasal discharge.
* Hyperexcitability

Post-mortem lesions

* Perihepatitis without much smell or liver damage.
* Pericarditis.
* Airsacculitis.
* Enlarged liver and spleen.
* Occasionally fibrinous meningitis.
* Salpingitis
* Purulent synovitis.
* Chronic arthritis, sometimes with erosions of the joint cartilage.


Lesions, isolation and identification of organism - blood or chocolate
agar in candle jar or 5% CO2. Differentiate from duck viral enteritis,
duck viral hepatitis, fowl cholera, colibacillosis, coccidiosis,

Sulphonamides and potentiated sulphonamides are the products most
commonly recommended for drinking water application. Subcutaneous
injections of penicillin + dihydrostreptomycin, or streptomycin +
dihydrostreptomycin are also highly effective.

Good husbandry and hygiene, rigid depopulation and disinfection,
adequate protection, 'hardening off', correct house relative humidity,
sulphonamides in feed. Inactivated and attenuated vaccines available in
some countries. Autogenous bacterins sometimes used

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

Figure 40. Erosions of the cartilage of the hock joint in a duck with chronic Riemerella anatipestifer infection..

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Anatipestifer Disease, New Duck Syndrome, Duck Sepicaemia   Anatipestifer Disease, New Duck Syndrome, Duck Sepicaemia Icon-new-badge9/4/2011, 01:42

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Anatipestifer Disease, New Duck Syndrome, Duck Sepicaemia
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