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 Teaching Strategies

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


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مُساهمةموضوع: Teaching Strategies   Teaching Strategies Icon-new-badge6/11/2009, 02:36

Teaching Strategies

There are three common pattern of education
1. Presentation to class
2. Self paced or individualized learning
3. Instructor learner interaction

We cant make use the three pattern in casual manner due to several reasons:

 The variation between learner require diverse method to be used

 The condition and principle of learning alert us to the need to choose that can provide for active participation in all learning activities

 When we prepare to employ new technologies emphasis is usually given to either group presentation or self paced learning and so we may lose the opportunities for face to face teacher learner interaction

 There is question of efficiency in the use of instructor and learner time equipments and facilities

Presentation to Class

 The teacher in front of student may simply talk; he may use audiovisual material such as transparencies, recording slides film or video recording

 The presentation may take place without the teacher being physically present if the presentation on slide with accompanying audio recording or in video format

 It illustrate the one way transmission of information from instructor to learner often for a set period of time generally for 40- 50 minute class period

 In some classes there may be some degree of two way communication between teacher and learner but most frequently learners are passively listening and watching


1. Its familiar and conventionally acceptable for both the learner and the instructor

2. Minimal effort and thought are required to plan a lecture presentation because of the instructor familiarities and experiences with this method

3. For some instructor there is feeling that in order to maintain there status and authority with learners they should be in the front of the class speaking

4. In this method time can be saved because more information's can be presented in a given period
of time since the instructor controls the activity

5 .Large number of students can be served at one time


The learner is confined to to passive learning , listening, watching and taking notes with little or no opportunities for interchange of ideas with the instructor

There is a need for an instructor to be interesting and challenging to maintain attention of the learner

In the lecture the assumption made that all learner aquiring the same understanding with the same level of comprehension but the fact that each learner learn at individual pace

If questions are permitted instruction stops and all the students should wait until the question answered

Its difficult to receive feedback from learner and so many students may leave the class with incorrect learning

There is evidence that the content of purely verbal presentation with no planned learner participation is remembered for short time


There are specific situation and time at which presentation to group of learner can be of value :

Introduction , overview or orientation to a new topic

To serve a motivational or inspirational objectives in order to create interest for subject

To present essential or basic information as acommon background or necessary preparation that is not easily accessible before learner engage in small group or individual activities

To present resent development in the field , especially when preparation time is limited

As a review or summary of the topics

Plan for participation in presentation

 Active interaction with the instructor eg preparing questions to be used at various points during presentation

 Seat work eg encourage note taking during the lecture so they capture the key points being presented, complete self chick exercise, or quizzes

 Other mental activity eg encourage learner to think by verbalizing answer to certain question , or ask the students to formulate their question relating to the material

Self Paced Learning( Self Directed Learning )

 The important feature s are the self responsibilities , self pacing and successful learning

 It require separate set of objective and learning activities be designed for each individual or selected by individual according to their own characteristic, preparation and needs

 The learner mastery for each step must be checked before progressing to the next

 The learner must receive feedback about the correctness of his effort

 When difficulty arise the learner ask the instructor for help and thus the learner is continually challenged and learn the result of his effort

Examples on Self Paced Learning

Learner contract :

The learner inter into agreement with the instructor to achieve acceptable objectives often by completing project in exchange for reward

Textbooks \ worksheet:

It aims to effectively study the content of the textbook or other printed resources used as integral part in the course, work sheet that direct the study of the text chapters and provide review exercise and questions is completed by the learner

Computer Based Instruction:

the learner respond periodically to question that test his understanding of the content in computer program , it provide study material for specific portions in the course that require the learning of basic terms and particular facts

Audiotape \worksheet:

The learner perform activities under the direction of instructor voice or by referring to diagram and guideline

Visual \guide sheet :

suitable for use in labs and workstations to demonstrate an operation by using visual material combined with printed guide sheet that provide necessary additional information or summarizing the operation


 There is evidence that the self learner work harder and learn more and retain what has been learned better than the conventional learner

 This pattern of learning allow both advanced and slow learner to pursue their studies each on his level of abilities

 The personal responsibilities for the learner may carry over as hapits for other educational program

 The cost of educational program reduced appreciably

 Learner tend to prefer self paced learning because of the benefits mentioned above


 There may be lack of interaction between the learner and the instructor or between the learners if self paced learning is the sole method for instruction
 A self paced learning is not suitable method for all the learner and for all type of instruction
 Lack of self discipline combined with procrastination can result in delaying in completion of required study

 It require cooperation and detailed team planning among support services of the organization

Interaction Between Learner and Instructor

 In this pattern teacher and learner or learner themselves work together in small groups to discuss problem cooperatively ,it give the teacher and the learner the opportunity to know each other face to face

 To be of maximum benefit to the learner the interaction group should be no more than 12 participants ( small group activities )

 Small group activity can be most effective when scheduled to follow instructor led presentation to class and self paced learning session because the learned skills and knowledge can be reviewed . clarified and applied


 It help to achieve objectives in the affective domain such as attitude formation , development of appreciation , cooperation, and interpersonal relation

 In the cognitive domain higher level skills as problem solving and and decision making can receive attention through interaction activities

 Improve experience in listening and oral expression when learner organize and present their ideas moreover learner who need encouragement and those who are making poor progress can be identified


 The interaction group is not good time for lecture or other lengthy presentation
 Much practice is required for the teacher to become participant member of the group

 Getting all learner in the group to participate actively need careful attention

 The instructor should control the communication process within the group

 If its necessary to communicate information the transmission of information may be slow due to the nature of interaction process

Examples on the interaction group

Discussion :

it’s the most common form of the face to face interaction in which ideas ,information and opinion can be exchanged It can be planned in three forms

Instructor directed :
questioned posed by the instructor and answered by the learner , provide little exchange of ideas within the group

Group directed :
free flowing exchange of ideas without the controlling influence o9f the instructor , the discussion can go in any number of direction depending on the learner interaction

Collaborative :
discussion serves to solve specific problem in which the instructor has the role of resource person and also as contributor .
Best used after the learner has experience with the previous two method

Case study :
learner provided with detailed information about real life situation and the learner must study and analyze the situation as presented

Role playing :
the spontaneous dramatization of two or more person of a situation related to the problem
This process allow for understanding of the position of other persons and their attitude

Simulation :
abstract representation of real life situation that require a tem to solve complex problem , aspects of reality related to the situation are created and the learner must take action to correct the deficiency or maintain proper status eg the mock up simulator of an airplane cockpit for pilot training

Games :
two or more participant or team are competing in attempt to meet aset of objectives
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Teaching Strategies   Teaching Strategies Icon-new-badge9/11/2009, 04:38

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Teaching Strategies   Teaching Strategies Icon-new-badge23/6/2011, 05:45

Teaching Strategies
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