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 Video SEO embrace John Brennan candidate for the position of director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) CIA 2013, View photos and video details embrace John Brennan candidate for the position of director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


Video SEO embrace John Brennan candidate for the position of director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) CIA 2013, View photos and video details embrace John Brennan candidate for the position of director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Video SEO embrace John Brennan candidate for the position of director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) CIA 2013, View photos and video details embrace John Brennan candidate for the position of director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA   Video SEO embrace John Brennan candidate for the position of director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) CIA 2013, View photos and video details embrace John Brennan candidate for the position of director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA Icon-new-badge13/2/2013, 05:18

Video SEO embrace John Brennan candidate for the position of director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) CIA 2013, View photos and video details embrace John Brennan candidate for the position of director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) CIA Islam Day 2013
Video SEO embrace John Brennan candidate for the position of director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) CIA 2013, View photos and video details embrace John Brennan candidate for the position of director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) CIA Islam Day 2013According to U.S. reports and other British candidate for the position of director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) "CIA", John Brennan (57 years), hides is converting to Islam when he was ambassador to the United States in Saudi Arabia during the period between 1996 and 1999.

According to a former client of the U.S. Federal Investigation "FBI" Brennan candidate for the job is important to convert to Islam when he was ambassador in Riyadh, and visited Mecca and Medina during the pilgrimage season, but he hides his conversion to Islam. The broadcast client audio clips of Brennan confirms visit Mecca and Medina, which prevents their entry to non-Muslims, which confirms his conversion to Islam.

For his part, did not deny Brennan or confirm the reports traded for converting to Islam, while the magazine reported, "New York" famous that there are ten characters in the Western world are very important and famous hide Muslim, they U.S. President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle, Hillary Clinton and John Brennan and Prince Charles, Crown Prince of Britain and Anthony Weiner, which appears in front of the public as a Jew, while his wife known as a Muslim woman, and Gruber Norgist and Bobby Jindal and Valeria Jaert and Elijah Williams, a member of the famous Williams family in Florida.
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Video SEO embrace John Brennan candidate for the position of director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) CIA 2013, View photos and video details embrace John Brennan candidate for the position of director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA
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