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 Photo and Video Solomon Islands earthquake Wednesday 06/02/2013, names and pictures of the number of dead and wounded Solomon Islands earthquake, earthquake losses ratio Solomon Islands earthquake Wednesday 02/06/2013, the power of an earthquake Solo

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


Photo and Video Solomon Islands earthquake Wednesday 06/02/2013, names and pictures of the number of dead and wounded Solomon Islands earthquake, earthquake losses ratio Solomon Islands earthquake Wednesday 02/06/2013, the power of an earthquake Solo Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Photo and Video Solomon Islands earthquake Wednesday 06/02/2013, names and pictures of the number of dead and wounded Solomon Islands earthquake, earthquake losses ratio Solomon Islands earthquake Wednesday 02/06/2013, the power of an earthquake Solo   Photo and Video Solomon Islands earthquake Wednesday 06/02/2013, names and pictures of the number of dead and wounded Solomon Islands earthquake, earthquake losses ratio Solomon Islands earthquake Wednesday 02/06/2013, the power of an earthquake Solo Icon-new-badge6/2/2013, 18:54

Photo and Video Solomon Islands earthquake Wednesday 06/02/2013, names and pictures of the number of dead and wounded Solomon Islands earthquake, earthquake losses ratio Solomon Islands earthquake Wednesday 02/06/2013, the power of an earthquake Solomon Islands earthquake
Photo and Video Solomon Islands earthquake Wednesday 06/02/2013, names and pictures of the number of dead and wounded Solomon Islands earthquake, earthquake losses ratio Solomon Islands earthquake Wednesday 02/06/2013, the power of an earthquake Solomon Islands earthquake

 Killing at least four people died after a violent earthquake and tsunami tsunami struck the east coast of the Solomon Islands in the Pacific Ocean on Wednesday.

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 8 on the Richter scale jolted the Solomon Islands east coast Australia amid expectations of the tsunami disaster in some countries in the Pacific.

The news agency quoted "KUNA" Tsunami Warning Center in the Pacific Ocean on its website today said: "The readings indicate the growing possibility of a tsunami," explaining that the quake occurred at a depth of 5.8 kilometers below the earth's surface.

The center reported that the earthquake struck the island (Santa Cruz) this morning, and was the center warnings of a tsunami in some of the islands of the Solomon Islands and the declaration of a state of alert in Australia, New Zealand and eastern Indonesia.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Photo and Video Solomon Islands earthquake Wednesday 06/02/2013, names and pictures of the number of dead and wounded Solomon Islands earthquake, earthquake losses ratio Solomon Islands earthquake Wednesday 02/06/2013, the power of an earthquake Solo
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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