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اذهب الى الأسفل 
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Hyperthyroidism Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Hyperthyroidism   Hyperthyroidism Icon-new-badge3/11/2009, 04:19

A sustained increase in synthesis and release of thyroid hormones by thyroid gland

Occurs in 2% of women and 0.2% in men

Highest frequency 30-50 year olds

Common form is Graves’ disease

Other causes
Nodular goiter
Exogenous iodine excess
Pituitary tumors
Thyroid cancer

Thyrotoxicosis refers to physiologic effects of hypermetabolism resulting from circulating levels of T3 and T4

Hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis occur together as Graves' disease
Etiology and Pathophysiology
Graves' disease

Autoimmune disease of unknown etiology

Diffuse thyroid enlargement and excessive thyroid hormone secretion

Etiology and Pathophysiology
Precipitating factors

Insufficient iodine supply


Stressful life events interacting with genetic factors

Etiology and Pathophysiology
Graves’ disease accounts for 75% of cases

Antibodies are developed to the TSH receptor

May progress to destruction of thyroid tissue
Etiology and Pathophysiology
Toxic nodular goiters
Thyroid hormone-secreting nodules independent of TSH
Begin as follicular adenomas
Small autonomous nodules do not secrete enough to cause clinical thyrotoxicosis, but large nodules may
Clinical Manifestations
Increased number of -adrenergic receptors
Clinical Manifestations
Impaired drainage from orbit, increasing fat and edema in retroorbital tissues

Eyeballs forced outward and protrude

Corneal surfaces become dry and irritated

Clinical Manifestations
Cardiovascular system
Systolic hypertension
Increased CO
Cardiac hypertrophy
Atrial fibrillation

Clinical Manifestations
GI system
Increased appetite, thirst
Weight loss

Clinical Manifestations
Integumentary system
Warm, smooth, moist skin
Thin, brittle nails
Hair loss
Clubbing of fingers
Clinical Manifestations
Musculoskeletal system
Muscle weakness
Proximal muscle wasting
Dependent edema

Clinical Manifestations
Nervous system
Fine tremors
Lability of mood, delirium
Hyperreflexia of tendon reflexes
Inability to concentrate
Clinical Manifestations
Reproductive system
Menstrual irregularities
Decreased libido
Gynecomastia in men
Decreased fertility
Other Clinical Manifestations
Intolerance to heat

Increased sensitivity to stimulant drugs

Elevated basal temperature

Complications Thyrotoxic crisis
Acute, rare condition where all manifestations are heightened
Life-threatening emergency/death rare when treatment initiated
Presumed causes are additional stressors
Complications Thyrotoxic crisis
Manifestations include
Abdominal pain
Complications Thyrotoxic crisis
Treatment and therapy

Reduce thyroid hormone levels and clinical manifestations

Therapy aimed at fever reduction, fluid replacement, and management of stressors
Diagnostic Studies
Laboratory findings for TSH and free thyroxine

Radioactive iodine uptake is indicated to differentiate Graves' disease from other forms of thyroiditis
Collaborative Care
Drug Therapy
Antithyroid drugs PTU and Tapazole
Inhibit synthesis of thyroid hormones
Improvement begins in 1-2 weeks
Continued 6 months to 2 years
Not curative
Collaborative Care
Useful with other antithyroid drugs in preparation for thyroidectomy or treatment of crisis

Large doses rapidly inhibit synthesis of T3 and T4 and block their release into circulation
Collaborative Care
Decreases vascularity of thyroid gland

Maximal effect seen within 1-2 weeks

Long-term iodine therapy is not effective
Collaborative Care
-adrenergic blockers
Symptomatic relief of thyrotoxicosis resulting from -adrenergic receptor stimulation

Propranolol (Inderal) administered with other antithyroid agents

Collaborative Care
Radioactive Iodine Therapy (RAI)

Damages or destroys thyroid tissue

Delayed response 2 to 3 months

Treated with antithyroid drugs and Inderal before and during first 3 months of RAI
Collaborative Care
Radioactive Iodine Therapy (RAI)
High incidence of posttreatment hypothyroidism

Need for lifelong thyroid hormone replacement
Collaborative Care
Surgical Therapy
Subtotal thyroidectomy involves removal of significant portion of thyroid
90% removed to be effective
If too much is removed, regeneration will not occur, results in hypothyroidism
Collaborative Care
Surgical Therapy
Indicated for those
unresponsive to drug therapy
with large goiters causing tracheal compression
with possible malignancy

Collaborative Care
Surgical Therapy
Endoscopic thyroidectomy appropriate with small nodules with no malignancy
Less scarring, pain, and recovery time

Collaborative Care
Nutritional Therapy
High-calorie may be ordered for hunger and prevention of tissue breakdown
Protein allowance 1 to 2 g/kg ideal body weight
Avoid caffeine, highly seasoned foods, and high-fiber foods
Nursing Management Nursing Assessment
Health History
Preexisting goiter
Recent infection or trauma
Immigration from iodine-deficient area
Family history of thyroid or autoimmune disorders
Nursing Management Nursing Assessment
Weight loss
Dyspnea on exertion
Muscle weakness
Heat intolerance
Nursing Management Nursing Assessment
Decreased libido
Personality changes

Nursing Management Nursing Assessment
Objective Data
Enlarged or nodular thyroid gland
Eyelid retraction
Diaphoretic skin

Nursing Management Nursing Assessment
Brittle nails

Nursing Management Nursing Assessment
Fine tremors
Muscle wasting
Menstrual irregularities
Nursing Management Nursing Diagnoses
Activity intolerance

Risk for injury

Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements

Nursing Management Nursing Implementation
Acute thyrotoxicosis
Administer medications

Monitoring cardiac arrhythmias

Ensuring adequate oxygenation and IV fluids
Nursing Management Nursing Implementation
Light bed coverings if diaphoretic

Encourage and assist with exercise

Restrict visitors

Establish supportive relationship
Nursing Management Nursing Implementation
Apply artificial tears to relieve eye discomfort

Elevate HOB, and salt restriction for edema

Tape eyelids shut for sleep if they cannot close
Nursing Management Nursing Implementation
Thyroid surgery
Assess for signs of iodine toxicity
Teach C&DB and leg exercises
Suction equipment, tracheostomy tray available in room
Calcium salts available for tetany
Nursing Management Nursing Implementation
Assess for signs of hemorrhage or tracheal compression

Semi-Fowler’s position and support head with pillows
Nursing Management Nursing Implementation
Monitor vital signs
Check for signs of tetany
Trousseau’s sign and Chvostek’s sign should be monitored
Administer pain medications

Nursing Management Nursing Implementation
Ambulatory and Home Care
Monitor hormone balance periodically

Reduce caloric intake to prevent weight gain

Avoid goitrogens
Nursing Management Nursing Implementation
Adequate iodine is necessary for thyroid function, but excess inhibits the thyroid
Exercise helps stimulate thyroid
Avoid high environmental temperatures, as they inhibit regeneration

Nursing Management Nursing Implementation
Radioactive iodine therapy
May cause dryness and irritation of mouth and throat

Teach symptoms of hypothyroidism
Nursing Management Evaluation
Relief of symptoms

No serious complications related to disease or treatment

Cooperate with therapeutic plan
Thyroid Enlargement
Goiter is hypertrophy of thyroid gland caused by excessive TSH stimulation
Thyroid Enlargement Etiology and Pathophysiology
Can also be caused by growth stimulating immunoglobulins

Goitrogens cause goiters only in iodine-deficient areas

Thyroid Enlargement Etiology and Pathophysiology
TSH and T4 levels are measured to determine if goiter is associated with hypothyroidism, or normal thyroid function

Thyroid antibodies measured to assess for thyroiditis
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عدي الزعبي

عدي الزعبي

Hyperthyroidism Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Hyperthyroidism   Hyperthyroidism Icon-new-badge3/11/2009, 17:08

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


Hyperthyroidism Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Hyperthyroidism   Hyperthyroidism Icon-new-badge22/2/2010, 03:11

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
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