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 ghana matches in the africa cup of nations 2013 january in south africa fixtures,dates,result,latest news

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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ghana matches in the africa cup of nations 2013 january in south africa fixtures,dates,result,latest news Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: ghana matches in the africa cup of nations 2013 january in south africa fixtures,dates,result,latest news   ghana matches in the africa cup of nations 2013 january in south africa fixtures,dates,result,latest news Icon-new-badge16/1/2013, 06:42

ghana matches in the africa cup of nations 2013 january in south africa fixtures,dates,result,latest news
ghana matches in the africa cup of nations 2013 january in south africa fixtures,dates,result,latest news
ghana matches in the africa cup of nations 2013 january in south africa fixtures,dates,result,latest news

chana or the black stars one of the candidated teams to get the africa cup of nations 2013 which held in south africa from 19 jan to 10 feb 2013

ghana will play at the the group B with

and this group will play in port elizabeth town

ghana matches fixtures by london (gmt) and accra and kumasi time is
ghana vs congo sunday 20 jun at 3 pm
vs mali on 24 jan at 3 pm
vs niger on monday 28 january 5 pm

ghana candidate selection is
boating - pantsil - mensah - forsah
wakasso - annan - atsu - badu
gyan - clottey
follow us for ghana results in the african cup

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ghana matches in the africa cup of nations 2013 january in south africa fixtures,dates,result,latest news
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