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 Who is Aaron Schwartz, CV Aaron Schwartz, Photo Aaron Schwartz, Wikipedia Aaron Schwartz

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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Who is Aaron Schwartz, CV Aaron Schwartz, Photo Aaron Schwartz, Wikipedia Aaron Schwartz Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Who is Aaron Schwartz, CV Aaron Schwartz, Photo Aaron Schwartz, Wikipedia Aaron Schwartz   Who is Aaron Schwartz, CV Aaron Schwartz, Photo Aaron Schwartz, Wikipedia Aaron Schwartz Icon-new-badge13/1/2013, 16:53

Who is Aaron Schwartz, CV Aaron Schwartz, Photo Aaron Schwartz, Wikipedia Aaron SchwartzWho is Aaron Schwartz, CV Aaron Schwartz, Photo Aaron Schwartz, Wikipedia Aaron Schwartz
Who is Aaron Schwartz, CV Aaron Schwartz, Photo Aaron Schwartz, Wikipedia Aaron Schwartz

Schwartz in 2009 Meetup Wikipedia Boston
Born Aaron H. Schwartz [1]
November 8, 1986
Chicago, Illinois
Died January 11, 2013 (26 years)
Brooklyn, New York
Cause of death suicide
Occupation software developer, writer, activist Internet

The American computer programmer, writer, Archive, political organizer, and - Aaron H. Schwartz (11 January 2013 November 8, 1986) Internet activist. Schwartz co-authored "RSS 1.0" Description RSS, and build a framework web.py Web site and open the library's structure. Although often attributed to the co-founder for download, there is a dispute over the claim of the founders of the original download. [2] [3] [4]
Schwartz also focused on awareness, sociology and civil activity. In 2010 was a member of the Harvard University Center for Bioethics. He founded the group online application form (which recently expressed support for O'Dwyer Richard) and worked later with the United States and international groups active Rootstrikers and Avaaz.
January 6, 2011, Schwartz was arrested in connection with the systematic downloading of academic journal articles from JSTOR, which became the subject of an investigation by the Federal. [5] [6] in the January 11, 2013, Schwartz was found dead in his Brooklyn, New York apartment; said he hanged himself

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Who is Aaron Schwartz, CV Aaron Schwartz, Photo Aaron Schwartz, Wikipedia Aaron Schwartz
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