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 Who is Barham Salih, CV Barham Salih, Photo Barham Salih, Wikipedia Barham Salih

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Who is Barham Salih, CV Barham Salih, Photo Barham Salih, Wikipedia Barham Salih Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Who is Barham Salih, CV Barham Salih, Photo Barham Salih, Wikipedia Barham Salih   Who is Barham Salih, CV Barham Salih, Photo Barham Salih, Wikipedia Barham Salih Icon-new-badge6/1/2013, 16:29

Who is Barham Salih, CV Barham Salih, Photo Barham Salih, Wikipedia Barham Salih is Barham Salih, CV Barham Salih, Photo Barham Salih, Wikipedia Barham Salih is Barham Salih, CV Barham Salih, Photo Barham Salih, Wikipedia Barham Saleh is Barham Salih, CV Barham Salih, Photo Barham Salih, Wikipedia Barham Salih

Barham Ahmad Saleh (English: Barham Ahmed Salih), (Behrham Ihhmahd Saڵh: Kurdish): Iraqi Kurd politician born in 1960 in the city of Sulaymaniyah. Served as President of the Kurdistan Regional Government twice. Married with a son and a daughter.


Born Dr. Barham Ahmed Saleh in 1960 in the city of Sulaimaniya in Iraq. Arrested by the Baath regime twice on charges of affiliation to the Kurdish liberation movement and spent 43 days in detention Security where he was subjected to torture. Led junior high school exams in prison and graduated with honors hold on first place in Kurdistan and the third level of Iraq, a rate of 96.5%. Left Iraq for the United Kingdom to complete his studies after his release.

[Edit] Academic Biography:

With his political activities and concern the issue of his people, he completed his undergraduate studies obtained a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the University of Cardiff in 1983 and then a doctorate in statistics and engineering applications in the computer of the University of Liverpool in 1987. Also worked after graduating Kmschara engineered in a consulting firm in United Kingdom.

[Edit] Political Biography:

Secretly joined the ranks of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) in late 1976 and then became a member of Europe and the organizations responsible for the Office of External Relations for the Union in the British capital - London. He was elected a member of the leadership of the Union in the first conference of the party in 1992, where she was assigned the task of management Office of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in the United States of America, has also become a representative of the first government in the Kurdistan Region to the United States of America. Has had a prominent role in the definition of the issue of the Kurds and the suffering of the Iraqi people in the circles and the corridors of decision-making.

[Edit] Biography government:

Served as President of the Kurdistan Regional Government for the period from January 2001 until mid-2004. After the fall of the Baath regime in Iraq, he served as Deputy Prime Minister in the interim Iraqi government in 2004, and then as Minister of Planning in the interim Iraqi government in 2005 and as Deputy Prime Minister in the first elected government in 2006 where he was an important economic profile president of the Economic Commission.

For the Iraqi government launched an initiative of the International Compact with Iraq, which was a pact of mutual commitments between Iraq and the international community aimed at helping Iraq in the advancement of the political and security sectors, economic, social and helping Iraq to get rid of the debt dusty by the policies of the former regime.

The foundations of the American University of Iraq - Sulaimaniyah and serves as Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

His activities in the cultural field and support the activities of civil society, where he headed Haith Trustees Iraqimate, a meeting democratic Iraq includes national figures, cultural and dignitaries from shades of Iraqi society and includes Forum Organization Promising Project Hiwa to support outstanding students in Iraqi universities in Baghdad and southern Iraq and Kurdistan.

Nominated by the president of the Kurdish leadership Kurdish list that achieved victory in the legislative elections in the Kurdistan region in 2009 and was assigned to form a pouch sixth of the Kurdistan Regional Government, where he served as President of the Government of the Territory since October 2009 to now. Has adopted an ambitious program and several initiatives since taking over as head of government aims to accelerate development and prosperity and advancement of services, education, health and reconstruction, and these initiatives launched a program to provide fellowships for students region to study in universities in the world sober, and support the Housing Fund, and the establishment of new universities, and the granting of industrial loans , and increase the salaries of the families of the martyrs and Anfal and the legal regulation of the work of civil society organizations and others.

Enjoy Dr. Barham Ahmed Saleh relations Iraqi Kordstanih, regional and international levels as politically moderate and open to all political currents in the country. And has a network of systemic relationships with the media and cultural milieu. He also has many activities in the political and cultural forums and economic crisis.
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Who is Barham Salih, CV Barham Salih, Photo Barham Salih, Wikipedia Barham Salih
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